Help Needed

PorkStarPorkStar Join Date: 2004-05-28 Member: 28964Members
Recently i've been playing with many good players in pugs/pubs many from well known teams. As a result of this weather its Combat or Standard NS i seem to do nothing to help my team. Because of these people on my team that are MUCH better than myself i've been wondering how i can help out my team more. Most of the time i just stand their and fire at skulks or other aliens and the other people in my team are killing everything by themselvs. This isnt too bad in Standard NS but in combat it gives them all the Xp so while im still level 2 or 3 they are already level 6 or 7. I dont know if this topic should go in this part of the forum but thanks for looking <!--emo&:)--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif' /><!--endemo-->


  • Commander_JAGCommander_JAG Join Date: 2002-11-05 Member: 6956Members
    Practice practice <!--emo&:)--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif' /><!--endemo-->

    Just do your best and eventually you will be the guy with level 6-7 when the rest of your team is 2-3.
  • eVoxeVox Join Date: 2003-08-16 Member: 19840Members, Constellation
    it takes some time to learn.

    now, i can sense what rt's are under attack and be on my way to save them as the comm calls for it. this has taken about 4 months of hard playing to develop (ive been playing for about 10). stuff like that. I use my pop-up map a lot, that helps somewhat.

    and recently with my new found fun in comming, ive learned the pain of rambos and the greatness of a player just going around capping/recapping nodes. lesson: play some comm.

    and at the beginining of the game, I go out to cap nodes immediately. all that is really needed to build base is one person....

    as for combat; just some expirience is needed. Leveling up isnt too hard if you leech exp off of people. just try and have good fun tho

    just keep playing, you'll learn. and try and listen to your comm,
  • ekentekent Join Date: 2002-11-08 Member: 7801Members
    edited June 2004
    I played NS for 1-2 months after it came out as a standard pubber. I was somewhat decent at skulk and I was a good comm but other than that I really stunk it up. Then I decided to join a clan, hung out in IRC and stunk it up some more when I rang for people.

    What made me start to get better is when I

    a) realized that i was crappy
    b) started paying attention to my (bad) habits.

    That's actually all the rational thought it took. After that I started by picking a particular area to work on at a particular time.

    I think this is the way people get really good at anything, not just NS. Combat is a big boon for this though. If, say, you're really crap at 1 hive skulk, pretend you only have 1 hive and 3 dcs and don't use any other upgrades. Or maybe 1/1 shotgun marine vs all those fades. Since you're playing against people who are moving up to level 10 you will over-train yourself. That means when you play in a piddly normal game you'll be like a hot knife through butter.
  • SLizerSLizer Join Date: 2003-11-07 Member: 22363Members, Constellation
    I have found the co only to be my practice room with all kinds of thingys....
  • Once_OnlyOnce_Only Join Date: 2004-05-15 Member: 28700Members
    I fidn that you help most by going first always. If you go first, your l33t buddies get the opportunity to cover you, so you'll make some nice nub bait <!--emo&;)--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='wink.gif' /><!--endemo-->

    Play some other gaems if you want to improve. Games like AVP2 (everything is so freaking fast), CS (for shame, but it helps you aim at range), even if you just play welder monkey you can still learn. Try and get onto an empty server with some friends and practice some maneuvers. Also I find it helps if your calm, deep breathing - dont be jumpy, have a sensitivity of about 11 (my personal setting), and mabye change your corss hair or weapon model. I even found that not having weapon fire sounds helped me aim easier. Hell I even foudn it easier when there werent firing animations.
  • SaltzBadSaltzBad Join Date: 2004-02-23 Member: 26833Members
    As kent said, pay attention to what you're doing and the rest will come. Aiming too jumpy? Calm down and/or lower sense. Keep dieing? Pay more attention to where you stand, and be more aware of whats around you and whats about to happen.

    Most people can get aiming and all that down pretty well, but they end up being uncompetitive players because they constantly do silly crap and/or are love themselves a bit <i>too</i> much.
  • radforChristradforChrist USA Join Date: 2002-11-04 Member: 6871Members, Constellation, NS2 Playtester, Subnautica Playtester
    I would say not all marines have to be killer tanks to plaow through the aliens. When I command, I love those few marines who have a low kill score, but build key structures, rambo PG's, recap nodes. Don't try to carbon copy yourself to fit the players you deem "great". Find what you want to do.

    For me, I love to command. I'm getting pretty darn good at it, too. But as a marines, I don't (not can't) strafe jump, my aim isn't perfect, but I rambo ALOT of PG's, and I'm a great res gopher. As aliens, I'm a great skulk to save for hive, and a pretty good onos. I refuse to learn to bunnyhop, become an uber fade or lerk, but I enjoy what I'm good at.

    I'm actually interested in looking for a clan, but I don't think they will want a non jump strafing, non bunnyhopping horrible fade. But I don't care, I'm having fun at the game.
  • jamespsxjamespsx Join Date: 2003-10-16 Member: 21708Members
    edited June 2004
    in combat maps go support, like welder, mines, gl etc etc.... the gl IS a support weapon so pls dont try killing onos with it lol

    edit; remember that the only way u get better is by going up against ppl who are better than u... if anything, steal some tactics lol
  • ZiGGYZiGGY Join Date: 2003-01-19 Member: 12479Members
    Rines, no orders: go to rts, search and destroy enemy buildings of any type (preferrably important ie chambers/res), kill gorgs, block aliens trying to escape ( prepare to do so before they actually attack), sneak behind enemy lines and into hives to get phase gates, build rts.

    Rines, orders: Follow your orders! If you cant do said order tell the comm!

    Rines, combat: Weld people. Get MT, if thats not enough get a nade launcher (though nades and welders dont generally mix due to all the reloading)
  • kolokolkolokol Join Date: 2002-11-18 Member: 9166Members
    Try and get a feel for what the overall situation is. The minimap is helpful for this, it will also tell you where you will be needed, where may be undefended and vulnerable. This will take years to perfect though. Do try commanding, im still learning lessons and it will help you see what alien teams do.
  • ZeframZefram Join Date: 2004-05-11 Member: 28611Members, Forum Moderators, Constellation, NS2 Playtester, Squad Five Gold, NS2 Map Tester, WC 2013 - Shadow, Subnautica Playtester, Pistachionauts, Retired Community Developer
    edited July 2004
    Another thing about NS is that just because you don't actually get marked for the kill... it doesn't mean you didn't contribute to the kill. That's why I like to see damage reports on servers. Let's say it takes 9 bullets to kill a skulk... say you shot it 8 times and another guy picks it off with 1 bullet. He gets the kill and you don't. No biggie... you're in it to win as a team.

    No crying about kill stealing either. There's no such thing so shut up. If you can't cap the last bullet... tough luck. You weren't good/fast enough to do it. Move on and keep shooting.
  • ObsidianShardObsidianShard Join Date: 2004-07-01 Member: 29667Members
    edited July 2004
    There are a few things you can do to help your marine game:

    1. <b>Stay with people.</b>
    By doing this, you can do quite a lot of things. Learning maps for starters, since they will likely know where "Cold Turn" is, even though you don't. Furthermore, this provides the haven of 'cover' for both you and those you are travelling with. You provide an extra expendible body that can give your teammates a chance to kill off what got you, or, alternately, they can be picked to play rabbit while you work on your aim. (I still tend to 'spray' innaccurately a lot, with the exception of the shotgun and GL). Lastly, this gives you hands on experience with a lot of overall marine tactics, like where and how to set up a siege, take down OC's, and when to back off and find a hole/return to base. Keep your eyes open to spot those places where sneaky aliens may crawl/charge through to your teammates.

    2. <b>Stay Cheap</b>
    If you are new, don't ask for much more than a shotgun, if that. Marines tend to frown quietly upon those who beg for expensive equipment, only to get themselves killed frequently. That's lost res for your team, so unless the Comm drops enough for everyone, hump the armory for extra LMG/Shotty rounds and follow suggestion 1. I find the shotgun is an amazing weapon where you don't have to be a pro-shot to cause a lot of damage in short order when it counts and it requires less aim-skill than other weapons because of its scatter-shot.

    3. <b>Ask for a Welder</b>
    Offer to go 'welder monkey' to keep your teammates armor up to snuff ( see suggestion #1). Marines rarely get welded if they aren't wearing heavy armor, and once that armor is gone, they're probably dead in the next bite. You can opt to leave the shooting to the good guns, and keep them, and the base/outposts in good repair. When with people, ask them to cover you while you finish the building, since they will probably keep you alive better than you can do for him. This is also good practice when working with Heavy Armor marines.. the Light Armor marines should handle construction, while the heavies cover (see suggestion #2).

    4. <b>Search the map for open RT's</b>
    If you get separated from your group, or if you come late where they are busy elsewhere and don't immediately need you (the comm isn't shouting 'phase phase', or something similar), take the time to Rambo the map a bit, explore, learn the lay of the land, and find some open RT's for the Comm. Most comms will jump at the opportunity to give you something to do for those few seconds, but tend to ignore you since you are away from the group. This is good if you 'take a wrong turn' as I am often prone to doing (I get lost going to my favorite restaraunt) and everyone in your group has put an unsafe distance for you to follow. If you get left behind, you are just easy pickings for a fade or skulk if you try to catch up by yourself. Much better to try to do something productive and get killed than running by yourself to the one place the Aliens are likely charging towards at that very moment and accomplish nothing.

    4.b. (addendum) [b]Search the map for Alien RT's[b]
    You're new, you're allowed the opportunity to hump the armory to max your stocks of ammunition. Chances are, if you aren't killed, you will end out running critically low, and be stuck to your knife until you die or can retreat to an armory. This is also good if you're looking for open RT's and find a relatively undefended alien Res sac. You will often see your companions knifing RT's to save ammo, but, lets face it.. it's big, it's got a lot of HP, it's an easy target, and you're carrying 300 rounds that will go to waste the moment a skulk sneezes in your direction. Go nuts and lay a few clips into it until it blows, then msg the comm for an RT.
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