Server Op Icon

XenoXeno Join Date: 2002-11-01 Member: 2343Members
<div class="IPBDescription">sorry if this is in the wrong forum</div> hey guys. ok, im an admin on my server. i want to put an icon next to my name on the list. however, when i go to the server.cfg file and put it in, it doesnt work. im pretty sure that this is the right line...

// List server op WON or Steam ids here, delimited by semi-colons (eg, "STEAM_0:1:12345;STEAM_0:0:56736"), to display server op icon next to these players on this server.
mp_serverops "STEAM_0:1:XXXXXXX"

i've seen it work a few times, but VERY rarely. it works after the server crashes and i log back in, but when it changes the map, it dissapears. anyone have/had the same problem?

thanks guys.


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