Sometimes Everyday Events Can Have..
<div class="IPBDescription">a surprising effect on me. am i alone?</div> wednesday afternoon i went to the grocery store to get an energy bar.
right behind me in checkout was an old man with one of those scruffy paperboy hats. the old-school kind. he looked like.. an older version of the farmer from the movie Babe.
well, he puts a canvas bag on the conveyor, and unloads a single onion, a single carrot, a single green pepper, a single stalk of broccoli.
already my mind is jumping all over the place. <i>is he poor? no... is he making some special recipe? is it something rustic, like a farm vegetable soup? he's putting his groceries in his own bag.. is he environment-conscious? or just old-school?</i>
so my mind is just scrambling for the next few minutes, for just about no reason. it was pretty funky.
just now, my friend told me about another incident... seemingly normal event, just a little off. like mine.
he drives past the park, where four girls are playing jump rope. they're all wearing red dresses.
the weird part? it's midnight, and the park is just about pitch-black.
i'll admit his story is weirder than mine... but i can imagine being affected by a scene like that, and all the thoughts that would be racing through my brain after witnessing it.
anything like this happen to anyone else?
right behind me in checkout was an old man with one of those scruffy paperboy hats. the old-school kind. he looked like.. an older version of the farmer from the movie Babe.
well, he puts a canvas bag on the conveyor, and unloads a single onion, a single carrot, a single green pepper, a single stalk of broccoli.
already my mind is jumping all over the place. <i>is he poor? no... is he making some special recipe? is it something rustic, like a farm vegetable soup? he's putting his groceries in his own bag.. is he environment-conscious? or just old-school?</i>
so my mind is just scrambling for the next few minutes, for just about no reason. it was pretty funky.
just now, my friend told me about another incident... seemingly normal event, just a little off. like mine.
he drives past the park, where four girls are playing jump rope. they're all wearing red dresses.
the weird part? it's midnight, and the park is just about pitch-black.
i'll admit his story is weirder than mine... but i can imagine being affected by a scene like that, and all the thoughts that would be racing through my brain after witnessing it.
anything like this happen to anyone else?
Yea, I was freaking out and felt sick at the same time...
People have no fun in life. They toil all day and worry about finances and about how their girlfriend is going to break up with them or something. They go through life never paying attention to the little details, the things that make life fun and interesting in the end.
You need to take time to just enjoy the world around you. The best way to learn anything in life is to <b>pay attention</b>.
The highlights would have to be
- me looking up to see a bag fall out of the sky and then a kid walking past it picking it up and continuing to walk.
- watching a fireman put a short yellow post labelled 'FH' near a tall bright red fire hydrant, which was in the middle of a decent patch of grass, with no trees or bushes for it to hide in...
I remember once, a week or so back, my father had taken me to one of his weekly volleyball games with his 'old-school' friends (they had been playing for like 12 years together) and since this was my first time in a quite a while going with him, I pretty much got hosed. Frustrated I went outside to practice, and vent some pent up anger. I played for some time, but everytime I got tired, I thought about how I wanted to prove to myself and my dad, that I could do this, however trivial it might be to me. Then I redoubled my efforts, because I was determined to go back in there and NOT make a fool of myself.
Well it seemed that I had been practicing a long time, so long in fact that it had gotten pitch dark outside (where I was practicing), and the only luminescense I had was from the street lights and the parking lot lights. But as I practiced my spikes and saves... something was... something was - well; <i>wrong</i>. Soon enough I found out what it was. A man approached me from the shadows, a middle aged african american man of medium build, a few more grey hairs than someone his age should have, and somewhat patchy clothing. My first though was; "get inside, get to where other people are. something is wrong."
He looked at me, with a sort of pitiable stare, like a dog begging for a table scrap. I recoiled at this. Then he said to me, "Do you have any money you could spare so I could eat?" Well a few alarms went off in my mind, but I covered any obvious signs of surprise. "Why sure sir, perhaps we could go to my father inside, and he could lend you some. I am Sam's son, my father is inside." He looked at me, "Okay Samson." (He had mistaked my name, and might have even thought I was alone.) So I went inside and then he saw the court full of people. As one, nearly all the players turned around and stared at him, more out of shock than any other reasoning. Some of them looked at me, wondering if I had anything to do with this. Something about the whole situation however, made me sick to my stomach. What if this man was an honest and good human being, any one of us could have been him, but instantly, because of a behavior that is forced on him in order for him to survive, he is suspected of a million more base natures. A theif, a pedophile, a murderer, a drug addict. Suddenly he could have been any of these and was dangerous. But because of all this, logically, we must do the intelligent thing and become protective, because if he was any of those things, we would rue the day we would be so naive as to NOT label him all these and more.
Well, he left, sensing I suppose, the change in the very air and the tenseness of all those around him. Turns out this is the FIRST time since any of them had begun playing volleyball that a homeless man has come to them in such a manner. But things suddenly became a lot stranger. My father and I began our long drive home, and end up getting stuck in some of the worst weather I have had to experience. Warm air combined with a powerful thunderstorm and the cold air it provided formed a tornado in the area. Since the windspeeds hit around 90, we couldn't be sure where it was but we made the smart choice and stopped and parked inside a carwash garage. Suddenly the homeless man's visit took on a much more symbolic nature. We sat there, my father and I, in that garage, staring out in front and behind us at the torrential winds that shook the pumps around us, for around an hour. During a gap in the storm we made a break for it and managed to get home. But things wouldn't be that simple.
To sate his own fears, my father takes extra precautionary and unnecesary measures to protect his house. And thus wedges a chair under the doorknob of his front door, from the inside, preventing entry. Since the garage of the house wasn't working and we couldn't lift it (it was just that kind of garage door machine), we couldn't get into the house for some 30 minutes, till we managed to work the chair out from under the door. Had there been power to the house, things would have been much simpler. Needless to say, I spent the night there, waiting for the morning, when I could make my way home.
So yeah, whenever certain events happen together, they set me thinking. Sure these things don't seem that ordinary when I say them like this but, that area happened to have several homeless people, thunderstorms like that are all to common when the Gulf of Mexico has anything to say about things. But put them together, and it equals a very unusual day.
my life is damn boring
she bends forward ans asks if that's what i wanted...
today: hillsboro towing shows up to tow my G/F's mercedes, once the tow truck has the car onto of it, AAA pro-tow shows up, they back up to eachother, and transfer the car from one tow truck to the other...
no asking us, just pull out of the park, and change the car... drivers didn't even signal eachother or nothing... just got out, one unhooked, the other hooked up, and slid the car from one to the other... (flatbed tow trucks)
oh and I keep thinking I have done everything before, like the other day I put my new alarm clock next to my bed and it reminded me of the same image.. although I have never had an alarm clock.
My parents told me this morning that they had seen about a dozen flies in the kitchen the night before. When i went to get something to eat just before going to bed that night(they were already in bed), i didnt see <i>any</i> flies. none.
And then i wake up in the morning, my parents then tell me they saw a crap load of flies this morning.
i still hadn't seen any more than 1 fly in the house for a few weeks.
she bends forward ans asks if that's what i wanted...
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yay for psychic girls!
<!--emo&:p--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='tounge.gif' /><!--endemo-->
/me ponders...
I can't think of anytihng like this that has happened recently, but it is a great thread <!--emo&:)--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif' /><!--endemo-->
April fools?
We went there in my friend's <i>awsome</i> 1979 light green Delta88. He has that engine tuned to perfection- can hardly notice it has 300,000+ miles on it.
so i'm sitting in the back seat of this old car, and I notice that I can see the front left and right corners of the car, as well as the hood ornament. Weird- i'm used to being in cars where you sorta have to estimate the hood.
So I'm sitting there, with the car hood well defined, and the road is totally desolate- nobody around. So, naturally, the high-beams are on, making a huge swath of light. He's going up and down these huge hills, nobody around, car fully visable and rocking slightly (old springs and such) and then he turns on the radio. And what do they listen to? They find a light jazz station.
There I am- in this car, watching the hood ornament bounce up and down, my friend in the driver's seat, smoking and occasionally knocking the ashes out the window and creating trails of bright embers as they fly by, the road is deserted yet illuminated by the high-beams, and the radio is amped with light jazz.
It felt exactly like a movie. I swear to God- just like a movie.
April fools? <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
it was <i>this</i> morning
last time i checked it was the 12th of june
Yes, it was very Tarantino <!--emo&:)--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif' /><!--endemo-->
<i>This</i> is my biggest beef with the world.
I wish everyone would just relax and not do their work for once. I've tried to make it my philosophy all year. Everyone's always so goddamn stressful around me, and it just got to me eventually. I've been taking life as easy as I can take it without failing school and getting fired from my job.
It's been a fairly pleasent year. <!--emo&:)--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif' /><!--endemo-->
That sounds like something I might do just to scare people. <!--emo&:D--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='biggrin.gif' /><!--endemo-->
About 2 weeks ago during an STO (Standard Training Op, for all you non-military draft dodging hippie monkies out there <!--emo&:p--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='tounge.gif' /><!--endemo-->), which was Live Fire (as in, we used real ammunition, not blanks or green ammo [rubber bullets]) I might add, we were proceeding to our set objective when all of a sudden we hear a gun shot, shortly after which one of our men falls to the ground. At this point our training kicks in. We immidiately create a perimeter and secure our wounded, only to find that the downed soldier has been <b>shot in the head, but was still alive</b>. I immidiately call for a med-evac which arrives within minutes. Still very much worried about the soldier I decide to accompany him to the hospital.
Now, I told you that story to tell you this story.
A little over 3 years ago during a Live Fire training excersize I was shot in the head, amoung other injuries. When I woke up in the hospital about a day later I saw my sergeant standing over me with what looked like a forced smile on his face. I look up at him, forcing a smile myself, and tell him I've been shot in the head, and that he has no idea how it feels. He simply looks down at me, broadens his painfully forced smile, and tells me he <b><i>does</i></b> know how it feels. He then proceeds to bend over and turn his head slightly to show me where he was shot.
Now here I found myself, standing over the bed of the soldier who's been shot in the head with a forced smile on my face. When he comes to he looks up at me, obviously forcing a smile, and tells me he's been shot in the head, and that I have no idea how it feels. I simply look down at him, broaden my painfully forced smile, and tell him I <b><i>do</i></b> know how it feels.
Now, imagine if your soldier were to get a promotion...
I don't friken wana get shot in the head on a friken trainging mission...
correction, remind me to not join up.
I don't friken wana get shot in the head on a friken trainging mission...
even if it does give a great story <!--emo&:)--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif' /><!--endemo-->
April fools? <!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->
it was <i>this</i> morning
last time i checked it was the 12th of june <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
April fools?