Food! Share Your Cooking Secrets



  • SoulSkorpionSoulSkorpion Join Date: 2002-04-12 Member: 423Members
    Deathbreath Coffee:
    1 tsp coffee
    1/2 tsp spicy-potato-flakes\chilli powder
    1 packet of wasabi, like you get with shop-bought sushi.
    Enough water to fill a coffee mug.

    Boil water in your preferred water boiling aparatus. While it's boiling, put the rest of the ingredients in a mug. When the water's boiled, pour it into the mug. Stir well until all the wasabi dissolves.

    If <i>that</i> doesn't wake you up, nothing will. And yes, I have made and tried this. More than once.
  • RyoOhkiRyoOhki Join Date: 2003-01-26 Member: 12789Members
    A very simple recipie that also tastes great and is cheap to make.

    Tuna Cassarole

    750 grams Penne pasta

    600 - 800 grams tuna

    4 sachels instant chicken soup powder

    2 cups milk

    250 grams gratted cheese


    Cook the pasta until....cooked. Whilst doing that, place the chicken soup powder in a microwavable dish and add 2 cups of milk. Microwave on high for 2 minutes, remove and stir well, repeat until thick and creamy.

    Place pasta, soup and tuna into large cassarole dish, mix well and cover with gratted cheese. Cook at 180 degrees (350 farenheit) for 30 minutes or until cheese is slightly brown.
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