[sin] Strength In Numbers

MortaSinMortaSin Join Date: 2004-02-15 Member: 26589Members
We are looking for a few mature active people. Our site was just updated so our forums are down right now. Here is some info:

Clan Tag: [SiN]
Clane Name: Strength in Numbers
Clan Site: <a href='http://www.sin.planetmorty.com' target='_blank'>www.sin.planetmorty.com</a>
IRC Channel: #SiNteam @GameSurge.net
Server: [SiN]-Clan Server #SiNteam
Leader: Morta|Sin aka Morty (Me)
Co Leader: SDDM
Members: Not counting the leaders we have 2

My email is hax@planetmorty.com if anyone wants to send me a message to join or just some questions. Our site has applications if you would like to join please fill one out and i will contact you asap.

Thank You


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