
TugBoatTugBoat Join Date: 2004-04-22 Member: 28077Members
<div class="IPBDescription">Multiple Topics..</div> Hi,

I have a few concerns with the CO game.

One is the spawn rates, honestly, this is just fkd up now, as I have posted before, takes an alien 5-10 seconds to reach Marines spawn, as for a Marine it takes em 25-40 seconds to reach aliens spawn.

Making it easyier for aliens to spawn camp, I personally think both sides should have multiple spawn back. Least this helps a little.

Onos - Devour, this has got to be the most bugged out skill around, Im just sick to death of dieing and im like 10 feet + above an onos and he eats me with devour. Honestly, this is what makes me say fk it, off ta play something else that isnt such bs.

GL - its effective against webs, skulks - but Fades it does nothing? why is this - ...

Lerks - That gas is still overpowered, marines have to get people welding them all the time, which in CO, this is rarly seen as its a full on action that dont stop.

Maybe have resupply heal armour at a slow rate, as the alien regeneration does this.

Fades - Im still seeing good Blink Fades doing 50 kills and 2-5 deaths, this shows an unbalance I beleieve. Blink hit, blink fly away, im a fade with wings you cant see. Something needs doing with this, 5 good blink Fades and its Game Over, 2 of em and its Game over as well.

Gorges - Do we really need webs in CO? maybe limit them to 10 webs only, to keep it in the hive.

Im not picking on Aliens, im just pointing to the obviouse balance issues and bugs.

Say what you want, most people do, I dont give a crap, you are there I am here <!--emo&:)--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif' /><!--endemo-->


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