Spawn Rates ( In Co )

TugBoatTugBoat Join Date: 2004-04-22 Member: 28077Members
<div class="IPBDescription">Marines / Aliens</div> Hi,

I dont know much of the spawn rates myself, are Aliens faster at spawning after a death? All I know it takes an alien to get to marine spawn after spawning 5-10 seconds, depending on map, but most fall in that categry.

Marines take like 25+ seconds to reach aliens spawn after spawning. Can anyone see this as a problem for marines? As the Marine spawn rate is way to slow, I was like waiting 35 Seconds one spawn, average is like 15-20 seconds to spawn after a death. I find this slow spawn rate takes alot of fun out of the game for me as time is an issue, and I dont like wasting it, waiting to spawn, I just tend to exit now and say $^%$ it, ill go play something else.

The difference in times to reach each others Spawn is an issue for Marines as the slow rate of spawning, so any Alien campers usually win out, as one will die, and hes back in 5-10 seconds, as Marines a marine dies and it takes him an eon to get to get back to the alien spawn, and by that time, most aliens have respawned and can protect there hive better, as if Aliens get on top of Marines spawn its Game Over 95% of the time.

Just a few thoughts, hopefully this can be looked at and changed to better the gameplay for all.


  • Mr_CharismaMr_Charisma Join Date: 2003-01-26 Member: 12748Members, NS1 Playtester
    Marines Spawn Time is faster then Aliens in Combat.. The problem you're having is that your entire team is dying way too much.. Both teams spawn one at a time, so you have to wait in line to spawn.

    You need to get the players to work as a team more, and not die so often.
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