My Lossey Network Connection
Okay, so just today I networked my new computer(2.4ghz, windows xp) and my old computer (2.0, windows xp) together. Everything seemed to be working fine, set them to share the internet connection etc and it worked. But just as I decide to surf the internet on the old computer(the new one is re-routing the internet connection to the old one) I get a network cable unplugged warning on both computers, I figure it's just a random happeneing and wait a second for the connection to come back. It does and I continue surfing. But about 5 minutes after, it does it again. Network cable unplugged, this keeps happening about every 5 minutes. After it happens it only takes like 10 seconds for it to come back, but that is long enough to cancel downloads/ make steam mad/ etc. I think this has somthing to do with my IP address or somthing changing systematically, but im not sure. Anybody else have similar problems?
Maybe it's just the ISPs we have?
Anybody know how to fix this? It's really making me mad, because now it happens like every 10 seconds.