Rebellion Rising - Mod Concept Need Feedback

JimmehJimmeh Join Date: 2003-08-24 Member: 20173Members, Constellation
edited May 2004 in Off-Topic
Me, one of my mates (project leader) and whoever else wants to join. are going to start work on a mod soon (presuming we can find a coder) for UT2k4. Me and the other project leader are both trying to think of an idea for a mod first before we start. Once we've got both of our plans set out, we're gonna get around 20 people to choose the one they like the sound of most.

Anyways, this is my idea, can people please post feedback on it. E.g. what they like, what they don't like, if it sounds balanced, suggestions for it etc.

<!--QuoteBegin--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><b>QUOTE</b> </td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin-->Time Period : Around 2100
Sides : Japanese army and Japanese gangs (Yakuza?)
Basics : -Set in the streets of Japan.
-Deployable buildings

::JAPANESE ARMY:: (All around powerful, but are fairly slow)


1) Support

-Mid HP (60/100)
-Carrys medpack, 1 deployable heal facility, carrys additional ammo that he can drop to others
-Fastish (7/10)
-High armour (7/10)

2) Submachine gunner

-Fairly high HP (70/100)
-Middle fast (5/10)
-Medium armour (5/10)

3) Heavy machine gunner

-High HP (100/100)
-Slow (2/10)
-Medium armour (5/10)
-Carrys 1 deployable machine turret

4) Engineer

-Mid HP (60/100)
-Carrys repair pack, 1 deployable vehicle repair facility, 1 deployable armour repair facility, carrys additional ammo that

he can drop to others
-Middle fast (4/10)
-High armour (7/10)

:WEAPONS: (All weapons do 1/4 damage to all vehicles)


-Used by all classes except engineer
-Low damage (10/100 per swing)
-High rate of fire (2 swings per second)
-Short range


-Engineer class only
-Low damage (20/100 per swing)
-Medium rate of fire (1 swing per sec)
-Short range, but slightly longer than knife


-Support and enginner classes
-Low damage  (20/100 per shot)
-Slowish rate of fire (1 shot per sec)
-Medium-long range
-Low recoil
-3 secs to reload


-SM gunner and HM gunner classes
-Low damage (25/100 per shot)
-Slowish rate of fire (1 shot every 0.8 seconds)
-Medium-long range
-Low recoil
-3 secs to reload


-Support and engineer classes
-Low damage (15/100 per shot)
-Slowish rate of fire (1 shot every 0.7 seconds)
-Medium range
-3 secs to reload
-Medium recoil


-SM gunner class
-Lowish damage (25/100 per shot)
-Fastish rate of fire (1 shot every 0.2 seconds)
-Medium range
-Medium recoil
-3 secs to reload

SR Assault Rifle

-HM gunner class
-Low damage (18/100 per shot)
-Fast rate of fire (1 shot every 0.05 secs)
-Must be deployed to use
-Short-medium range
-Massive recoil
-Takes 5 secs to reload

:VEHICLES: (only drivable by engineer/support classes BUT any other class can get in other positions ExCEPT gunner position

on tank which must be engineer/support)


-Can carry up to 6 people (1 driver, 1 gunner (gun is a SR assault rifle on top of vehicle), 4 passengers in back)
-Fairly slow (20mp/h)
-250 HP


-Only 1 driver and 1 passenger (Passenger can shoot of of window)
-Carrys healthpacks, ammo (No additional turrets)
-1 automatted machine gun turret on top of it.
-Fairly slow (15mp/h)
-200 HP


-2 people (1 person controlling turret, 1 person driving)
-Big tank gun thingy on top. Does 100 damage per shot but is slow firing (takes 5 secs to reload)
-Slow (10mp/h)
-500 HP



-High rate of fire (1 shot every 0.1 second)
-Low damage (10/100 per shot)
-Take 10 seconds to be deployed
-Have 300 HP and 500 ammo. Take 2 seconds to "charge up" when deployed.
-Can be refilled by engineer if he has ammo left.



-Heals people at 10/100 per second
-Unlimited supply
-One person at a time


-Repairs tanks at 20hp a second
-Unlimited supply
-two vehicles at a time (one on each side)


-Repairs armour at 10armour a second
-Unlimited supply
-One person at a time

::YAKUZA:: (Rely on their speed, stealth and long range weapons to win)


1) Heavy weapons guy
-Medium-High HP (75/100)
-Slow (3/10)
-Low armour (3/10)

2) Infiltrator
-Medium HP (40/100)
-Fast (9/10)
-Low armour (2/10)

3) Sniper
-Low HP (25/100)
-Medium speed (6/10)
-Medium armour (4/10)

4) Support
-Medium HP (50/100)
-Medium speed (5/10)
-Medium armour (5/10)
-Starts with a deployable machine gun turret, deployable rocket launcher turret, extra ammo and medpacks he can use for

himself, teammates or can drop them

:Weapons: (All weapons do 1/4 damage to all vehicles)

-Identical to Japanese Police knife
-All classes except Infiltrator

-Infiltrator class only
-High damage (80/100 per swing)
-Medium rate of fire (1 swing per second)
-Range is slightly longer than the crowbar

-All classes
-High damage (50/100 per shot)
-Slow rate of fire (1 shot per 1.5 secs)
-Medium range
-High recoil
-5 secs to reload

-Infiltrator class only
-Medium-high damage (25/sec)
-Medium ROF (1 shot every 0.3 seconds)
-Short-medium range.
-Low recoil
-4 secs to reload

-Sniper class only
-High damage (60/100 per shot... instant kill with headshot)
-Slow rate of fire (1 shot every 3 seconds)
-Long range
-High recoil
-4 secs to reload

-Support class only
-High damage (Instant kill to any infantry within 2 foot radius, 50/100 to anyone else caught within next 3 foot. 100 damage

to vehicles/turrets/facilitys)
-Slow rate of fire (1 shot every 5 seconds)
-Medium recoil
-Reload time comes under ROF.
-Low ammo (say about 3 rockets per life)

:VEHICLES: (All vehicles drivable by all classes)

-Fast (40mp/h)
-1 driver

-Medium speed (25mp/h)
-1 driver, 3 passengers (1 by driver, one in back of van)


-High rate of fire (1 shot every 0.15 second)
-Low damage (15/100 per shot)
-Take 8 seconds to be deployed
-Have 200 HP and 300 ammo. Take 2 seconds to "charge up" when deployed.
-Can be refilled by support if he has ammo left.

-Slow rate of fire (1 shot every 3 secs)
-High damage (Instant kill to any infantry within 1 foot radius, 40/100 to anyone else caught within next 2 foot. 80 damage

to vehicles/turrets/facilitys)
-Take 10 seconds to be deployed
-Have 160 HP and 20 ammo. Take 5 seconds to "charge up" when deployed.
-Can be refilled by engineer if he has ammo left.

________________________ END OF SIDES


Maps are set in Japanese streets. Roughly 5 streets with 20 houses per street. Only 1/4 of these will have mapped insides,

each house can be captured and when captured players can spawn there IF THEY WISH. All houses which have been mapped feature

windows which players can shoot out of. Some houses may have back entrances.

_______________________ END OF GENERAL MAPS


-Each side trys to kill each other as a team... simple eh?
-Time AND/OR frag limit

-Timelimit on this (server variable... recommended is 10 mins). Team with most houses after time expires wins.
-Smaller maps then normal (lets say only 20 houses). Each house is fully mapped (2+ floors), each one can be captured (flag

in top most floor), when captured the team that owns it can spawn there, weapon caches appear on upper most level.

-House limit (server variable). When a team has this amount of maps, they win.
-Smaller maps then normal (lets say only 20 houses). Each house is fully mapped (2+ floors), each one can be captured (flag

in top most floor), when captured the team that owns it can spawn there, weapon caches appear on upper most level.

-Each side has one spawn point which can be destroyed (excluding houses). Aim of the game is to destroy the enemy team's

spawn point whilst protecting your own. Once their main spawn point is destroyed, you must capture the houses they currently

own so they can't spawn.

:Name coming soon ^^:
-Point limit (server variable). Teams get points slowly for capturing houses. 10 points when you capture an unclaimed house,

20 points when you capture an enemy house. 1 point every 5 secs (5 secs is a "tick"). When a team has got the points set,

they win.

______________________ END OF GAME MODES<!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->

I know it's not original ¬_¬

EDIT - My idea is a FPS with third person/first person driving.


  • DOOManiacDOOManiac Worst. Critic. Ever. Join Date: 2002-04-17 Member: 462Members, NS1 Playtester
    Hmm. Well to me it just seems like a regular old game w/ just different weapons & models. I suggest you strive to find a unique niche and go for it. NS's is the RTS/FPS combo & the commander system, CS's is the whole hostage rescue/bomb disposal (which at the time were pretty new things), and etc.

    If you don't have anything to set your mod apart from the others, nobody will play it.
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