
DtereDtere Join Date: 2004-01-15 Member: 25349Members
Does anyone know the command to bind ctrl (the command used to hotkey marines/structures along with NUMBERS as marine commander) to another key, like alt?

so instead of doing hotkeys by pressing CTRL + NUMBER, i want to use ALT + NUMBER?? any help?

Btw, the server i play on doesn't allow scripting, so that's probably out of the question. I have already tried to use crouch (my crouch is binded to "q", but as commander "q" means go to the "build menu") so that doesn't seem to work either.


  • BlindFireBlindFire Join Date: 2003-03-28 Member: 14986Members
    Unless they have an auto script detection code running I dont think they would really care if all your script did was to use different hotkeys for the command mode.
  • surprisesurprise Join Date: 2003-01-16 Member: 12382Members, Constellation
    to asign squads you hold your crouch key and then press a numbr between 1-5

    if q is your duck key then it wont work because q has been asigned to a commander hotkey in the optionsmenu

    so use another duck-key or change commander-hotkeys
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