Nuclear Monkey Software's Quote Board

[WHO]Them[WHO]Them You can call me Dave Join Date: 2002-12-11 Member: 10593Members, Constellation
<div class="IPBDescription">Random and out of context quotes</div> Submitted for your entertainment is the following. A collection of out of context quotes collected from members of my game development team at DigiPen over the past year.

Keep in mind that ALL of these are completely out of context, so random fun is had by all.

<!--QuoteBegin--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><b>QUOTE</b> </td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin-->
"Kevin is in my A." - Josh

"I think Al-Khwarsmi must have been a pretty hot guy." - Dave

"Can I get a yay men." - Dave

"...But I like poop!" - Dave

"It's like eating maggots, but without the protein." - Josh

"Oh my god! Goku can do anything." - Dave

"Ahh... That means I have to talk to artists. They're like 'A poly has 4 sides'. And it makes me want to shoot em in the face... with a nerf gun. I hear you have to add 'with a nerf gun' or they arrest you." - Josh

"Look at me Garret! I'm naked!" - Josh

"You would make a good 'Satan', Jeep" - Garret

"As soon as I figure out how to fire a plasma ball, we can do some pretty cool stuff." - Dave

"Hey Garret, if you ever have kids can I buy them from you?" - Josh

"How many balls do I have? Five?" - Garret

"I want some hot Kobold ****." - Josh

"File looping is supported seamlessly so long as the files created are seamlessly looped." -Jeep

"Cacti aren't really cacti, they're tungsten bricks carved in the shape of cacti." -Jeep

"You don't get the fun bunny." -Garret

"Is that what it's called? Sickly redermency codes?" - Josh

"I can imagine Orion in a short skirt jumping around." -Jeep

"You've been in my mouth before. My mouth is the cleanest place EVER." -Josh

"I should have been a NAZI leader!" -Josh

"You can't divide free by half." -Dave

"I bet you artists have buckets." -Josh

"Ok! All my ideas are stolen from movies! There! I admit it!" -Josh

"Ahhh... Dave wouldn't let me fondle his balls." -Josh

"I keep tape on my nipples too!" -Josh

"Trust me. I know the face that a woman makes when she's about to be raped." -Josh

"If you smash its head, it vomits blood!" - Garret

"I guess porn can be food." -Josh

"Yeah, that's about what I'm doing right now. Just pooping into the ground." - Josh

"I don't huff glue, I huff markers!" -Josh

"Well, I might have a hot ****!" -Dave

"Its like an easter egg if you're flaming ****!" -Kevin

"Flannel sand, that should be a name for a bird. Because you wouldn't think it would be the name of a bird, so that would throw them off.. Caw caw!" -Josh

"The rainbow is not ****! The rainbow is more straight then me!!" -Josh
"But the rainbow wants to have your children..." -Garret

"Why am I in the sperm tank?" -Kevin

"Jeep, you have the most perfect teeth in the world, like a horse!" -Josh

"I think he just wanted to take off his pants, put them on his head and make dog noises." -Josh

"Geez. Your teeth left an indentation on my tummy, Jeep!" -Kim

"Ahhhhh!!! All this weird hair is sticking to my ****!!" - Jeep

"You're so cute, Matt. I like your beard and how you look like a goat and everything." - Kevin

"Here, if you see the hairy butt, kinda make it like this." - Jeep

"Satan has a buttmonkey, and its name is Kim" - Kim

"You have a purse. Purses have free drugs." - Josh

"I've seen people with no arms, and they suck." - Garret

"Puzzles are cute, but they're ****." - Garret

"You've wasted all the chicks, time to start the killing." - Garret

"You've got to kill another nude, there's no other way." - Garret (To Jeep)

"Any nudes we can get are good, we're down to two" - Garret

"We should have killed her when we had the chance" -Jeep

"Its whether it lives in the crack or on the crack that makes the difference" -Jeep (on the difference b/w thongs and g-strings)

"Damnit, why did I have to forget my pot?" - Jeep

"I'm unzipping as we speak" -Kim

"I can't control the T.V.!!!!" - Josh

"Why do we let Josh touch stuff?" -Kevin

"What made it great was the fact that stuff would happen" -Kevin

"I'm just anti-stupidity" -Josh

"Squirrel: Its just a small fuzzy animal you eat." -Josh

"Oh my god! My head is huge! Holy ****!" -Kim

"I need to get what you would call a metaphorical 'bucket' for righteousness" - Garret

"Rectal anarchy is confusing." -Garret

"I'm a recycle garbage man." -Josh

"Is that really **** or is it cactus?" -Garret

"Awww, nobody wants my pirate booty. I guess I'll just go over here and have a pirate booty party." -Josh

"AIM Doesn't use the Internet, it uses the Devil." -Jeep

"Dead people don't buy markers, but smelly people do." -Josh

"Nature likes things that stick out of stuff." -Josh

"Nature likes odd numbers, how many legs do you have?" -Josh

"Everything was going good until the third date, she was all sweet and nice and then she gave me her dildo" -Josh

"Some girls just want to breed, and you can be like 'Lets go make a pokedar'" -Kevin

"Garret! I would kiss you, if i didn't have any diseases you could catch by me kissing you." -Josh

"I do have the mentality of a damn artist, I'm so retarded." -Josh

"Ok, here's a tip, don't light a lighter in your pocket." -Josh

"Hey look, there's a short bus, just like the one I used to ride to school." -Josh

"I wouldn't want to drink essence of butt-rock, that would suck." - Josh

"I sense we're going to be rectally plundered in the future." -Kim

"You can do anything with a fork. You can challenge the throne of God with a fork." -Dave

"I've flirted with guys. I've gotten naked and run around." -Jeep

"Let's take the simple example. We've got 5 explosions and 5 dead puppies." -Garret

"I forgot that zombies were bad." -Jeep

"I'd be a vegetarian, but I hate vegetables." -Garret

"Come on page, be more thing." -Josh

"Multiplication, I choose you!" -Garret

"Yes, it is quite fun to change the size of your nipples. I do it at will." -Dave

"Dammit, now someone's gonna write a virus named catfish and frame me for it again." -Josh

"Role-Playing with Jason Chu. I get to be the claw-toothed bathtub this time!" -Josh

"Its actually his hand but it just happens to look like his butt." -Jeep

"I was gonna go over there and blow it but I stopped myself. I could tell he didn't want me to get spit all over his pipe." -Josh

"Whoa, I wanna get him from the rear." -Kevin

"Except for the Phazonasaurus... It's rare." -Jeep

"That's right, I'm stealing from a 3rd grader." -Josh

"No. You didn't not not touch it not touch it not." -Garret

"That's the ultimate insult when I eat your dogfood." -Garret

"I'll lay on the ground, you get on top." -Josh
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Obviously some people get quoted more than others, but it was just too easy to take almost everything Josh ever said and make it sound funny out of context.


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