My Story

DrVirusDrVirus Join Date: 2004-01-13 Member: 25282Members
<div class="IPBDescription">One more...</div> I am writing this v.quickly so if I may make any spelling mistake it will be corrected shortly.

The Bielski Brothers

Story 1

The red Ferrari F-40 stopped in front of the old warehouse. It was still from the 1940's , and by now it was destroyed. Large holes, broken windows, etc. Two men left the car. Brothers, who did everything together, and were on the same gang. They traded drugs, large amounts all over Chicago. But this time it was something big. Not the usuall 10kg, but 10,000kg of heroine. This was supposed to be their largest transaction, and probably the last one. The older brother, Alex organised the meeting, and Witek prepared the cash and brought it in a suitcase.

They entered the warehouse through a large hangar-like door. The inside of the warehouse was preaty much empty, most of the machines were gone, and all that was left were a few crates. They started going further in and then they saw them. Four trucks, and three limusines. The trucks were guarded by 14 men. Each one had a black raincoat, black shoes and held silenced MP-5 (SD). The guards looked at the brothers. From behind the trucks with two bodyguards came their boss. The same clothing, but with black sun glasses.
"Okay bro. I do the talking and you just wait here." said Alex. He came up the boss and started to talk. Then they went to one of the trucks and Alex looked into it. "Hey what is this? There is nothing here!" The boss took out a beretta 92 F and shot Alex twice in the back. "S***!" Witek took out his two berettas and started to shoot at the guards. One fell and the rest ran for cover. "Forget him! Just get the cash" One of the guards ran for the suitcase and returned in one part. The trucks and limusines were on the move. They crushed the hangar-like door and drove off.

Only Witek and Alex was left. Witek walked up to his brother and said. "Told you this wouldnt work." "Yeah but I had the idea of taking the Kevlar vests." said Alex. HE looked around and asked "They are gone?" Witek nodded...

I will continue later ...
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