
carbon_icecarbon_ice Join Date: 2003-01-29 Member: 12915Members
<div class="IPBDescription">Don't Have, But Need</div> My game was running fine earlier today, then this evening it's saying I can't play on any server because I don't have the WeaponAnimation.SC, what's the deal. I can't find any place to download it either. On some servers it downloadss various *.sc scripts, but not this one....HELP


  • ThansalThansal The New Scum Join Date: 2002-08-22 Member: 1215Members, Constellation
    something borked.

    run a virus scan, and reinstall the game.

    if it is having problems with random files (you said a bunch of .sc files), something happened and the quik fix is a reinstall.

    The first thing that pops into my head for multiple corupted files is virus, so also do the virus scan (google for housecall if you don't have one)
  • carbon_icecarbon_ice Join Date: 2003-01-29 Member: 12915Members
    Funny you should mention virus scan, beacuse I have it run every Tuesday morning and it didn't pick anything up. Also, I tried reinstalling the version 3 patch and still had problems. What it keeps telling me is that the server had problems downloading these files. And no mater what server I go to it happens, anyway, it's really starting to bug me.
  • ThansalThansal The New Scum Join Date: 2002-08-22 Member: 1215Members, Constellation
    when I say reinstall, I meen reinstall, not just repatch.

    those files are nto part of the beta 3 patch (they are anmimation files, which havn't changed in a long time)

    you have to do a full reinstall.
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