March Into Death

XilentshadowXilentshadow Join Date: 2004-04-01 Member: 27657Members
edited April 2004 in Fan-Fiction Forum
<div class="IPBDescription">we will die...</div> Bill Woke with a start. The small marine transport ship was almost at its destination. Jerry was still alseep. "yo ****wad, wake up you dumb***", yelled bill. "wha? oh hi ****face. its you. great, your the first thing i see all day" Replied jerry. The rest of the team of 8 marines were on aother part of the ship. Bill and Jerry were assigned to watch for anything strange on the scanners pointed toward thier destination. Thier commander, Bonzo yelled down "have you spotted anything unusual?" "nope!" yelled bill and jerry simultaneously. "good, because we are about to dock! And if there IS anything unusual, your **** go first!" Yelled down thier commander. Bill and jerry were used to this treatment.
The ship they were going to be boarding was known as the u.s.s. marshal. Once alien activity was detected, the ships crew had to seal off that level. Level bast.
The marine- holding pod docked, rear end first, into the marshal. The marines unloaded from the ship. Then, the pilot left with her ship. "come on marines, lets get ready, those aliens dont have a no rush policy" barked thier commander. The marines fondly remembered the only game they could play in thier training. bonzo climbed into the commanding chair. "lets get started" he wispered to himself.

My first fanfic. be brutal.


  • NuubNuub Join Date: 2004-01-05 Member: 25059Members
    Few typos there and quite short. But its good 1st part. Make the second one bit longer. Dont feel like being brutal now, ill leave it for someone else.
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