Newbie Gorge Guide For Ns Maps
Join Date: 2004-03-24 Member: 27520Members

<div class="IPBDescription">Attempt 1 at an up to date gorge guide.</div> Word from KOKO.
I wrote this Gorge info because ATM (31/3/4) It is almost impossible to find a guide for the newbie player on using a gorge.
Please correct anything that is wrong.
Please at least have an understanding of Combat before playing NS.
Learn to use the MAP function - make sure you bind it to a key if it doesn't work. Default is "M"
Gorge The Builders: 1) What is a Gorge.
Think of them as little Comms, they are responsible for all Alien buildings on the map, Which in turn means they are responsible for ALL res ALL upgrades and ALL wins/loses.
Gorge The Builders: 2) Using a Gorge.
They are spawned with Spit and Heal Spray.
Spit basic attack function if you need to use this against a rine and you don't have web you're in trouble.
Heal spray is used to repair completed structures that are damaged as well as injured players. It also can be used as an attack against rines (not worth it).
Building with the Gorge:
You access the build/Upgrade functions in the same as Combat. You will notice 2 sets of upgrades.
Far left is Resource / Offenence / Hive.
Left then up Defence / Movement / Sensory (upgrades)
! = Once a Structure has been made - use your USE key to finish it off.
Resource Towers. = 15 res points
Resource Towers gather points - the more of these that are under Aliens control the quicker the points come in - think of it like "War craft" - you collect gold at a certain rate, but if you have 2 gold mines it comes in at twice the speed and so on.
Resource is known as a few different things in game - RC/RT/Node/Nosel/RES.
Use Map to find the Res's (Octagon with smoke coming out of them)
To deploy a Res stand a little back from it (so all of the Node is in your view) then go into build menu and select it - it will drop down right on top of the Node. !
Offence Chambers (OC) = 10 res points
Think of this like a Sentry gun. Try to build these in groups of 3 if you can.
Think intelligently, look at the MAP, think about tactics - if you are not sure where to place them tell the team you are new - they will be happy to give advice.
Hives = 40 Res points
Hives give way to 2 things. Upgrades and Abilities. I will cover Upgrades below.
1 Hive means +1 Abilities (Parasite/Blink/Devour/Spore/Heal) Default.
2 Hives means +2 Abilities (Leap/Heal/Stomp/Umbra/Bile bomb)
3 Hives means +3 Abilities (Xeno/Acid rocket/Charge/Primal scream/Web)
Use "Map" to locate all three hives - they can only be build in these locations.
After starting construction of a hive you can not use the "Use" key on it - it will build itself in its own time.
!!!!!!!!! Read ME !!!!!!!!!!!!!
You(your team) can only construct 1 different upgrade per hive constructed - Most teams go for MC or DC, if unsure ask your team
Defence Chamber (DC) = 10 res
Unlocks the Defence upgrades - Regen/Cara/Redemption
Also the DC will heal anything damaged in its area. Most players build these in groups of three's for maximum effect
Movement Chamber (MC) = 10 res
Unlocks the Movement upgrades - Cel/Adren/Silence.
Pushing the Use key on an MC will transport you to the Furthest away hive. Build three of these.
Sensory Chamber (SC) = 10 res
Unlocks the Sensory upgrades - SOF/Focus/Cloaking.
Building a SC will automatically cloak all Structures and Alien players in area.
If a rine touches a SC they become parasited. (I am led to believe this is no longer the case)
Gorge law:
Never build a stand alone structure if you can hear rines (but its ok to add on a 4th DC)
Never build anywhere that can block a team mate (or yourself)
Do not build a OC on top of another OC
Unless you have web do not take on a rine
Gorges should go to a res as soon as the game begins. The more res the easier the win.
I wrote this Gorge info because ATM (31/3/4) It is almost impossible to find a guide for the newbie player on using a gorge.
Please correct anything that is wrong.
Please at least have an understanding of Combat before playing NS.
Learn to use the MAP function - make sure you bind it to a key if it doesn't work. Default is "M"
Gorge The Builders: 1) What is a Gorge.
Think of them as little Comms, they are responsible for all Alien buildings on the map, Which in turn means they are responsible for ALL res ALL upgrades and ALL wins/loses.
Gorge The Builders: 2) Using a Gorge.
They are spawned with Spit and Heal Spray.
Spit basic attack function if you need to use this against a rine and you don't have web you're in trouble.
Heal spray is used to repair completed structures that are damaged as well as injured players. It also can be used as an attack against rines (not worth it).
Building with the Gorge:
You access the build/Upgrade functions in the same as Combat. You will notice 2 sets of upgrades.
Far left is Resource / Offenence / Hive.
Left then up Defence / Movement / Sensory (upgrades)
! = Once a Structure has been made - use your USE key to finish it off.
Resource Towers. = 15 res points
Resource Towers gather points - the more of these that are under Aliens control the quicker the points come in - think of it like "War craft" - you collect gold at a certain rate, but if you have 2 gold mines it comes in at twice the speed and so on.
Resource is known as a few different things in game - RC/RT/Node/Nosel/RES.
Use Map to find the Res's (Octagon with smoke coming out of them)
To deploy a Res stand a little back from it (so all of the Node is in your view) then go into build menu and select it - it will drop down right on top of the Node. !
Offence Chambers (OC) = 10 res points
Think of this like a Sentry gun. Try to build these in groups of 3 if you can.
Think intelligently, look at the MAP, think about tactics - if you are not sure where to place them tell the team you are new - they will be happy to give advice.
Hives = 40 Res points
Hives give way to 2 things. Upgrades and Abilities. I will cover Upgrades below.
1 Hive means +1 Abilities (Parasite/Blink/Devour/Spore/Heal) Default.
2 Hives means +2 Abilities (Leap/Heal/Stomp/Umbra/Bile bomb)
3 Hives means +3 Abilities (Xeno/Acid rocket/Charge/Primal scream/Web)
Use "Map" to locate all three hives - they can only be build in these locations.
After starting construction of a hive you can not use the "Use" key on it - it will build itself in its own time.
!!!!!!!!! Read ME !!!!!!!!!!!!!
You(your team) can only construct 1 different upgrade per hive constructed - Most teams go for MC or DC, if unsure ask your team
Defence Chamber (DC) = 10 res
Unlocks the Defence upgrades - Regen/Cara/Redemption
Also the DC will heal anything damaged in its area. Most players build these in groups of three's for maximum effect
Movement Chamber (MC) = 10 res
Unlocks the Movement upgrades - Cel/Adren/Silence.
Pushing the Use key on an MC will transport you to the Furthest away hive. Build three of these.
Sensory Chamber (SC) = 10 res
Unlocks the Sensory upgrades - SOF/Focus/Cloaking.
Building a SC will automatically cloak all Structures and Alien players in area.
If a rine touches a SC they become parasited. (I am led to believe this is no longer the case)
Gorge law:
Never build a stand alone structure if you can hear rines (but its ok to add on a 4th DC)
Never build anywhere that can block a team mate (or yourself)
Do not build a OC on top of another OC
Unless you have web do not take on a rine
Gorges should go to a res as soon as the game begins. The more res the easier the win.
I remember in 1.04 people would post orders to build structures, for the gorge, something like RT-RT-3DC-RT-HIVE
Try that
And I think the default key for map is C...isnt it? And the name for the fade's "heal" is "metabolize." An MC will also restore your adren more quickly if you are near it. And, I dont think SC parasite rines if they go near them anymore...I know that was in 1.0x, but Im not sure if it happens now...
And, for the upgrades thing...
The level of upgrades is determined by the number of chambers of the type that that upgrade comes from...Each level gives 33% bonus from the last, basically, depending on what you got. For instance, with carapace, having 3DC gives you 100% of the +armor you normally receive, 2DC gives you +66%, and 1DC gives you +33%. (I cant remember the actual armor figures for this.
Just apply the same rule to what other upgrades do, for instance, celerity, for 1DC 33% of the speed bonus it would give you if you had 3DC, then 66% for 2DC...etc for all upgrades...
However some Im not sure about...Like redemp, I never use it, so I dont know how the number of chambers affects how much better it gets. Same with focus...A smaller attack delay maybe?
Not trying to be mean... but at the very least check for spelling, and the third d ability is redemption which is very useful...
Heal spray is a great supplimental attack since it heals your teammates while doing damage to enemies..
Check the kharaa strat forum for some of the old gorge guides that are there... most of them can be ripped off since little has changed and updated to make new and pretty..
1. Spit
It does 50 dmg(I think), which is kindof nicve, but it travels slowly and is hard to hit with. Only use as a last escape, when you hae no teammates or OCs to heal.
Can also be used as a method of killing structures faster if you really need to.
2. Healspray
Does small damage to marines, as well as heals aliens. The healspray creates a big cloud of mg/ healing, so its very useful in combat. Always use this if you have firends with you in a fight.
Pointlesss to kill structures with. Drains energy very slowly.
3. Bilebomb
Does no damage to marines, but hideous damage to structures. Works like a catapult or mortar, it falls down when shot. This means you can shoot over obstacles with it.
Drains energy very fast.
4. Web
Works following; when you shoot on a surface, a bullethole appears. If you can draw a straight line from that bullethole, to the bullethole of you second shot, a (thin white) line is created. This is the web. Note that this web has a maximum length.
Theres a maximum ammount of webs per location (8 I think), and also a maximum of webs per map. So dont waste them, but place them well.
(Offencechambers are weapons to. They are build and only fires on things their "ballhead" can see. This can be (ab)used by building them so that their bottom half is shielded from the way the marines are coming. High ground is also very effective. Also here we have a maximumm of 8 per location. An OC placed on top of another OC will block the bottom one from shooting. Also remeber a grenade launcher or siegecannon can easily kill all 8 if you build them in a cluster(Wall Of Lame). Try to spread them out so that all possible entrances are covered.
On gorges Chambers:
Only one upgradechamber per hive is allowed. DC(Defence chambers) provide upgrades that makes you team live longer, and also an aura wihich heals 10 hp every 2 seconds. This is the easiest chamber to start with. As a gorge redemtiopn is nice, as dying is not good.
The MC(movement chamber) gives upgrades to easier close the distance between you and the opponent, as well as an energyboosting skill named adrenaline. Adren is your friend, even if celerity makes you faster, thus able to escpae, and silence makes you able to hide. Its up to you, but adren is usually the best.
MCs give an energy boost per second when inside their range, they also allow you to teleport to the nearest hive, or the hive under attack.
The SC cloaks everything in a rather large aura, they also provide aa personal cloakingupgrade if you stand still or walk slowly. Most used is the focus, which doubbles your damage on the first weapon, but halves the attackspeed. It might sound pointless, but try it. Scent of fear give "wall hack" on all marines. As a gorge SoF is the most useful if you plan on escaping, otherwise cloaking works well if youre trying to hide.
Uppgrading works like this: 1 chamber = lvl 1, 2 chambers lvl2 and 3 chambers lvl 3. lvl 3 is the maximum of an upgrade. After that extra chambers only give you the auras.
***Note that the first chamber you build locks your first hive to that chamber, which means you can only build that chamber until you get a second hive. And if you loose your first hive, while having two types of chambers, the upgrades stay until th chambers are destroyed.***
Are good
Costs alot
Are built in hard to hold places
Are needed for a win lategame
Built by gorges like you
Takes time
Needs defending
Are spread out
makes you poor
Playing as gorge:
1. The less you die, the more resources you make (gorges gets twice as much res as all other aliens)
2. The less marines you see, the less the chance of dieing. (A gorge should be able to kill a marine without a severe difference in upgrades)
3. RTs will give you friends. People always like gorge which makes RTs. You will also benefit from it. Many RT = More Res = More chambers = W1n
4. Gorges can help other aliens, with healspray to increase their lifelenght, as well as webs to trap marines, making them easy prey.
5. Gorges are HARD to play, and require alot of waiting and sneaking/running from marines and above all, very little individual reward. If you dont like this type of playing, dont go gorge other than when you have to.
My 2c
On gorges Chambers:
Only one upgradechamber per hive is allowed. DC(Defence chambers) provide upgrades that makes you team live longer, and also an aura wihich heals 10 hp every 2 seconds. This is the easiest chamber to start with. As a gorge redemtiopn is nice, as dying is not good.
The MC(movement chamber) gives upgrades to easier close the distance between you and the opponent, as well as an energyboosting skill named adrenaline. Adren is your friend, even if celerity makes you faster, thus able to escpae, and silence makes you able to hide. Its up to you, but adren is usually the best.
MCs give an energy boost per second when inside their range, they also allow you to teleport to the nearest hive, or the hive under attack.
The SC cloaks everything in a rather large aura, they also provide aa personal cloakingupgrade if you stand still or walk slowly. Most used is the focus, which doubbles your damage on the first weapon, but halves the attackspeed. It might sound pointless, but try it. Scent of fear give "wall hack" on all marines. As a gorge SoF is the most useful if you plan on escaping, otherwise cloaking works well if youre trying to hide.
Uppgrading works like this: 1 chamber = lvl 1, 2 chambers lvl2 and 3 chambers lvl 3. lvl 3 is the maximum of an upgrade. After that extra chambers only give you the auras.
***Note that the first chamber you build locks your first hive to that chamber, which means you can only build that chamber until you get a second hive. And if you loose your first hive, while having two types of chambers, the upgrades stay until th chambers are destroyed.***
Are good
Costs alot
Are built in hard to hold places
Are needed for a win lategame
Built by gorges like you
Takes time
Needs defending
Are spread out
makes you poor
Playing as gorge:
1. The less you die, the more resources you make (gorges gets twice as much res as all other aliens)
2. The less marines you see, the less the chance of dieing. (A gorge should be able to kill a marine without a severe difference in upgrades)
3. RTs will give you friends. People always like gorge which makes RTs. You will also benefit from it. Many RT = More Res = More chambers = W1n
4. Gorges can help other aliens, with healspray to increase their lifelenght, as well as webs to trap marines, making them easy prey.
5. Gorges are HARD to play, and require alot of waiting and sneaking/running from marines and above all, very little individual reward. If you dont like this type of playing, dont go gorge other than when you have to.
My 2c <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
Aura? I think you may mean "Area"? :S
DCs will heal anything within their range, by a %age of the lifeform's maximum health. It no longer heals by a set amount.
SCs provide 3 upgrades; the same as all other chambers. The SC itself cloaks players and structures within a set range. (You said this, but wording was a bit dodgy.)
MCs transport you to the hive which is *furthest* away from you; not the closest. Note that unbuilt hives are ignored, so using an MC chamber with one hive will just transport you to a radom area within that hive.
lol. Gorges are (imo,) the easiest of class to play with. They can work slowly, do not need quick reactions, play away from the action (typically,) and have a respectable amount of health. They can *usually* escape from or kill a lone lvl0 lmger they meet. One clip of lmg + pistol will kill a 1 hive gorge though.
Dont be scared off by the gorge; just dont drop any UPGRADE chambers until you have asked the rest of your team, and ONLY drop resource towers on resource nodes. (Buidings cannot be removed.)
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That's the first thing I saw, and you kind of need to correct that. Gorges are not 100% responsible for wins/loses. It could be the res **** who didnt put up the hive, but rather went fade/onos and died quickly. Etc. Etc. Etc.