Gorges, Don't Build Ocs To Take Out Elecrts

Go7Go7 Join Date: 2002-11-01 Member: 2553Members
<div class="IPBDescription">it just ain't worth it mosta the time</div> This is a very common tactic I see amongst Gorges: they build OCs in order to destroy enemy RTs that are electrified. (Sometimes they do it against unelectrified RTs too). Please don't do this. It's too risky. Here's why.

Offensive chambers attack the nearest enemy target. Once built, they shoot at the RT, and slowly, VERY SLOWLY kill it. First off, this means that the Marines have plenty of time to respond to the threat, arrive, and kill your OCs. It's easy to kill the OCs now, because the OCs are NOT firing at the Marines, they're shooting at the heavily armored RT. Thus, your OCs can be easily killed, your res is wasted. Instead of using OCs to kill elecRTs, save your res for a regen Fade, or ask a Fade to come kill it. Your OCs are not really "offensive" chambers. They are for securing positions, not taking them over.


  • KwilKwil Join Date: 2003-07-06 Member: 17963Members
    edited March 2004
    Dumb gorges put their OC's right next to the RTs.
    Smart gorges put their OC's next to the entrance the marines will be coming through.
    Smarter gorges put an extra OC or two where they can't see the RT, but can see the entrance the marines will be coming through.
    Smartest gorges then drop back to skulk and wait for marines to come to the bait.
  • th0r0nth0r0n Born again n00b Join Date: 2003-06-12 Member: 17313Members
    Also, the oc's being too close means that the marines can pick them off from a distance. If you have to oc up an RT, make sure that it's in a place where the marine has to be closer to the oc than the rt, otherwise they'll take it out with taking a single hit.
  • Asal_The_UnforgivingAsal_The_Unforgiving Join Date: 2003-03-26 Member: 14903Members
    edited March 2004
    Best placement for an OC is one where it isn't in the way, and won't be seen by marines, but still sees the RT. Several rooms have a setup like:

    ......| *......|

    ... used as spaceholders, to preserve the integrity of my room.

    That makes it so that any marine who wishes to engage the OC MUST be closer to it than it is to the RT. Unfortunately, a good marine will take up a position carefully at the * marks and snipe at them. sometimes, this will be a greater distance than to the RT, and safe. At other times, a marine will position himself at the +. Those marines use the corners against the OCs, and are also a threat. Each marine has a valid counter.

    The ones that use the corners are often suckers for a big fat gorgy butt. That's right, bait them. Pull them off that corner, force them into the open, where your OCs can mangle their foolish pink bodies.

    The marines that stand back can see a large section of the room, and dangerously so. But they are often also without and distraction between them and the teeth of a waiting skulk. If you run into more than one marine, of course the best action is to flee, but a skulk from behind will force almost any marine to break cover into the fire of the OCs.

    Those are the problems I see most. This applies to other setups as well, but rooms get complex, and thus it is best to know a few basic rules about OCs when placing them:

    OCs have a maximum range, long hall are NOT their friends.

    Corners are deadly, if you are going to use OCs to guard a corner, do so in a way that the marine has to step out of cover to attack the structure this often means against the inside wall, and a short distance from the corner, approximately seven meters In Game.

    OCs stacked on each other are wastes of Res. Use more than one position to cover a room, in such a way as to protect OCs from being singled out and picked off.

    If you must stack OCs, do so with two ranks, the first rank on the ground, the second elevated in some way. Dropping DCs first, and then stacking an OC on top of the DC is a good way to heal and protect an area. If you cannot afford this, or do not have time to save, boxes, ramps, or anything capable of changing the elevation does wonders for your OCs, allowing an impressive amount of fire to be concentrated. Best used against rambos, or against JPs that won't go away.

    I'll add anything else I think of.
  • FCCFCC Join Date: 2003-07-16 Member: 18218Members
    Also, there is a horrible cheap tactic you can use to easily to take out offensive chambers. Just jump up and down while firing and the offensive chamber will miss you 90% of the time. You have to be as least a few feet away for this to work though.
  • BallistoBallisto Join Date: 2003-05-19 Member: 16503Members
    Once you have hive two, bilebomb + 2 ocs will take out an rt quickly AND give you protection while you're doing it (it'll take more than one marine to get you if you're smart and heal and use the ocs for cover). And once the rine rt is down and your rt is up, the ocs will now protect that rt. (protect meaning delay... any marine with time and ammo can take ocs out)
  • RushakraRushakra Join Date: 2004-03-25 Member: 27523Members
    OCs to take out elec RTs? Pfft, Spit is so much cooler.

    Besides, three Regen skulks and a Regen gorge can take out an RT without even dying. Remember children, electrified objects can only attack TWO ENEMY UNITS at once! That means if three skulks attack, ONLY TWO ARE HURT, THE THIRD IS UNHARMED! With a Gorge standing nearby and also taking elec, that means two skulks won't even need to back off. Byebye, node.
  • Act_ChillAct_Chill Join Date: 2003-04-24 Member: 15816Members
    I like when gorgs place the o chamber on an elec rt ZAP ZAP ZAP!!! Anyways if marines have 3 rts in a row and you drop 1 o chamber at the far 2 and 2 at the closer one and then go skulk all 3 will die. It may take awhile but sometimes there isnt a fade to help <!--emo&:(--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html//emoticons/sad.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='sad.gif' /><!--endemo--> . I hate as commander the cc likes to tell you a structure is under attack after it is at 1/2 hp from 1 o chamber hitting it. Its sooo weak, but it happens. With the ochambers there now there is protection for your rts and if you placed them right like people said they will attack marines before rt, BUT most gorgs are stupid.
  • ForlornForlorn Join Date: 2002-11-01 Member: 2634Banned
    If you are at a two hive level and you have movement chambers, to kill an elec RT super effectively you put down and MC.

    The MC will give you adren to kill the RT really fast (faster than it can be recycled), if your team doesn't have 3 MC's yet it goes towards the limit, and if a marine comes along you can just escape using the MC.

    Also, aliens that come along will benifit from the MC and it gives you adren to healspray them.
  • FCCFCC Join Date: 2003-07-16 Member: 18218Members
    <!--QuoteBegin-Forlorn+Mar 29 2004, 09:57 AM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><b>QUOTE</b> (Forlorn @ Mar 29 2004, 09:57 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin--> If you are at a two hive level and you have movement chambers, to kill an elec RT super effectively you put down and MC.

    The MC will give you adren to kill the RT really fast (faster than it can be recycled), if your team doesn't have 3 MC's yet it goes towards the limit, and if a marine comes along you can just escape using the MC.

    Also, aliens that come along will benifit from the MC and it gives you adren to healspray them. <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
    Putting down a movement chamber, to get more energy back, in my opinion is no better than dropping an offensive chamber. The offensive chamber can at least defend itself unlike the movement, and it will help in the attack of the resource tower.

    I would instead just build movements chamber at the hive, and get adrenaline.
  • TechenTechen Join Date: 2003-05-15 Member: 16340Members, Constellation
    Lets not forget the best reason for putting an OC by a Rez node. <!--emo&:)--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html//emoticons/smile.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif' /><!--endemo--> "Your resource node is under attack." "Your resource node is under attack.".. over and over. This tactic used to drive comm's insaine in 2.0 when gorges would drop a OC next to an old comm chair.
  • Fro5tyFro5ty Join Date: 2003-09-26 Member: 21238Members, Constellation
    <!--QuoteBegin-Techen+Mar 29 2004, 02:59 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><b>QUOTE</b> (Techen @ Mar 29 2004, 02:59 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin--> Lets not forget the best reason for putting an OC by a Rez node. <!--emo&:)--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html//emoticons/smile.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif' /><!--endemo--> "Your resource node is under attack." "Your resource node is under attack.".. over and over. This tactic used to drive comm's insaine in 2.0 when gorges would drop a OC next to an old comm chair. <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
    Worse now since it says that the cc is under attack.
  • oOgAoOgA Join Date: 2004-01-29 Member: 25715Members
    tis usually happen to pub games imo..where noobs or uncooperative players dun wan to take down RTs...and the poor gorge got to resort to OC to take down RT
  • SLizerSLizer Join Date: 2003-11-07 Member: 22363Members, Constellation
    It drove me crazy in 2.00 your rt is under attack while i ordered my marines to the rt sometime they went we won and sometime they didnt we lost.

    over and out...
  • NGENGE Join Date: 2003-11-10 Member: 22443Members
    You *do* realize that the adren bonus with bilebomb will take out the RT far faster than an OT and bilebomb, correct?
  • ForlornForlorn Join Date: 2002-11-01 Member: 2634Banned
    <!--QuoteBegin-FCC+Mar 29 2004, 02:03 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><b>QUOTE</b> (FCC @ Mar 29 2004, 02:03 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin--> <!--QuoteBegin-Forlorn+Mar 29 2004, 09:57 AM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><b>QUOTE</b> (Forlorn @ Mar 29 2004, 09:57 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin--> If you are at a two hive level and you have movement chambers, to kill an elec RT super effectively you put down and MC.

    The MC will give you adren to kill the RT really fast (faster than it can be recycled), if your team doesn't have 3 MC's yet it goes towards the limit, and if a marine comes along you can just escape using the MC.

    Also, aliens that come along will benifit from the MC and it gives you adren to healspray them. <!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->
    Putting down a movement chamber, to get more energy back, in my opinion is no better than dropping an offensive chamber. The offensive chamber can at least defend itself unlike the movement, and it will help in the attack of the resource tower.

    I would instead just build movements chamber at the hive, and get adrenaline. <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
    Sorry but your oppinion is wrong do the math and you will quickly learn that dropping an MC for a nearly unlimited stream of bilebomb's is much much much faster at killing the RT.

    Btw, whoever said the OC could defend itself well wasn't thinking correctly. <!--emo&:)--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html//emoticons/smile.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif' /><!--endemo-->
  • FCCFCC Join Date: 2003-07-16 Member: 18218Members
    <!--QuoteBegin-Forlorn+Mar 30 2004, 09:40 AM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><b>QUOTE</b> (Forlorn @ Mar 30 2004, 09:40 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin--> Sorry but your oppinion is wrong do the math and you will quickly learn that dropping an MC for a nearly unlimited stream of bilebomb's is much much much faster at killing the RT.

    Btw, whoever said the OC could defend itself well wasn't thinking correctly. <!--emo&:)--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html//emoticons/smile.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif' /><!--endemo--> <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
    Regardless of the "math", after you do take out the resource tower and build a new resource tower. You leave that resource tower undefended, as opposed to having a offensive chamber that could, to some extent, protect the resource tower.
  • Asal_The_UnforgivingAsal_The_Unforgiving Join Date: 2003-03-26 Member: 14903Members
    If you get adren from the hive, then you end up with a dangerously slow and unwieldy gorge. For anyone who expects to be close enough to the combat to actually have to worry about not being able to call a rogue skulk over to deal with the RT, get celerity, so you can effectively defend yourself while you RUN LIKE A MADMAN.
  • gamingamin Join Date: 2004-03-18 Member: 27404Members
    Let talk if you got one hive only, cause if you got two hive the fade strategy is better.

    it is just an idee... what do you think about building two OC (or one OC and one DC ) near the electower to absorb the Electric shoc (cause an elecRT can damage only two target at the time ) and change back to skull to finish it quick.

    You dont get the RT up but the node is protect and ready to be build by any nice gorge come.
  • KepaKepa Join Date: 2004-03-05 Member: 27160Members
    <!--QuoteBegin-gamin+Mar 31 2004, 03:27 AM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><b>QUOTE</b> (gamin @ Mar 31 2004, 03:27 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin--> it is just an idee... what do you think about building two OC (or one OC and one DC ) near the electower to absorb the Electric shoc (cause an elecRT can damage only two target at the time ) and change back to skull to finish it quick. <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
    Doesn't work. At least not when I tried this in 2.01. The electricity will zap aliens before it zaps alien buildings, even if the buildings are much closer to the RT. Too bad, because that would have been a nice trick.
  • NGENGE Join Date: 2003-11-10 Member: 22443Members
    You could get a gorge and a skulk, and heal the skulk while it kills the RT.

    Lets say you go traditional, and get DC's first. The skulk could take regen and you can heal it. It'd take a little while, but you'll kill it faster than an OT.

    Lets say you get movements. Movements > Elec. One adren gorge healing a skulk and that RT is going down.

    Sensory.. Well, your better off not upgrading anything, and taking it out as a base gorge and base skulk. Still works.

    A little teamwork goes a long way.
  • Act_ChillAct_Chill Join Date: 2003-04-24 Member: 15816Members
    I agree with NGE. Most peopel over look the fact the a gorg skulk combo can deal with an elec rt(45 res what a waste). I personally think elec rts are over priced and not worth it unless you have a lot of res. They are a small deterant. By the time you get rts up and elec they can also have a fade or later on 2 hives so bile bomb. I usually dont elec the first rt to the right and left of base. The 2nd rt on the right or left I do elec, b/c this is a "border" rt and any marine respawning can get to the first ones.
  • Dred_furstDred_furst Join Date: 2004-03-19 Member: 27429Members
    adren + mc + bile bomb = very quick death

    I use this tactic now as i learnt it yesterday <!--emo&:D--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html//emoticons/biggrin.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='biggrin.gif' /><!--endemo-->
  • gamingamin Join Date: 2004-03-18 Member: 27404Members
    Let us assum that:
    you are alone
    only one Hive
    public serv.

    As MC will need quite a lot of team play to put it as first evolution let's assume as in most case we got DC.

    Who try two DC nearby (close enough to heal you while biting) change back to skull and bite the bloody elecRT.

    never try it so can not say but if you don't have the three DC yet you don't waste anything.

    more over if any skull come by and see the DC he will help youmore easly.

    well what about that?
  • CMasterCMaster Join Date: 2003-10-25 Member: 21922Members
    Another factor has been overlooked that is more obvious from a commander's point of view. 2-3 OCs not only kill you very expensive eleced node (eventually) they also deny you that node unless you can get 2/3 rines with medpacks there.
  • BreakfastSausagesBreakfastSausages Join Date: 2002-12-19 Member: 11148Members
    Building ocs to kill a node is silly. In the time it takes for ocs to kill the node it will be able to earn back all the money that they spent on it and you will be short of res that could be used to build more useful things.
  • InsomniaInsomnia Join Date: 2003-06-10 Member: 17179Members
    Use team work and dont drop o chambers at all. 1 skulk and 1 gorge will take out electrified resources quite quickly if they work at it.
  • DementedDemented Join Date: 2003-07-30 Member: 18573Members
    Simply radio for help.

    Just sit next to the rt and wait for a skulk to arrive.
  • SaltzBadSaltzBad Join Date: 2004-02-23 Member: 26833Members
    A gang of Skulks really works best at taking down an electrified RT early - 3 Skulks and a Gorge, the Gorge just Healsprays wherever he can while eating elec and the 3 Skulks have either Redemption or Regen while chomping the RT. Makes it nice and quick, lowering the odds of being killed by a lone marine coming along.

    Also, just getting Redemption lets lone Skulks work on RTs fairly well. At least as good as a lone skulk can do it.
  • Al_KaholicAl_Kaholic Join Date: 2004-01-31 Member: 25821Members, Constellation
    <!--QuoteBegin--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><b>QUOTE</b> </td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin-->A gang of Skulks really works best at taking down an electrified RT early - 3 Skulks and a Gorge, the Gorge just Healsprays wherever he can while eating elec and the 3 Skulks have either Redemption or Regen while chomping the RT. Makes it nice and quick, lowering the odds of being killed by a lone marine coming along.

    Also, just getting Redemption lets lone Skulks work on RTs fairly well. At least as good as a lone skulk can do it. <!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->
    You just have to make sure that the Gorge is electrocuted first so that he will continue to be electrovuted by the RT while the other Skulks take it down (one of the Skulks will still be hit, however).

    And as for Redemption, having to run back to the RT from your hive and the fact that Redemption has avery slim change of going off on a Skulk (as they have low health and armor) makes it counterproductive. Regeneration is more effective, as long as you know how to avoid the RT's attack radius.
  • ChiakiChiaki Join Date: 2003-10-19 Member: 21790Members
    Well clearly there ARE places where its nice to get OCs...in coolant distribution in ns_lost I have found it VERY effective to simply get OCs for cover....and if you place them right, its a great OCtrap afterwards
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