Tv Show Undergrads
Well, one of the most funny adult cartoons i have ever watched has been shut down. After only 13 episodes Comedy Central has pulled the plug on them. Well if anyone has 20 seconds to spare, please sign
<a href='' target='_blank'></a>
and support the cause. Undergrads is by far one of the greatest adult cartoons created, it's at the level that Simpsons was once at, unforetunately people just don't know of it due to some of the...uh....inappropriate content. Well please, just spend 20 seconds and sign the petition and get others to as well.
- Bit
<a href='' target='_blank'></a>
and support the cause. Undergrads is by far one of the greatest adult cartoons created, it's at the level that Simpsons was once at, unforetunately people just don't know of it due to some of the...uh....inappropriate content. Well please, just spend 20 seconds and sign the petition and get others to as well.
- Bit
Really not too sure why.
Don't you dare forget the Oblongs. They had their moments.
anyone see any episodes of this cartoon 3-south, that aired on MTV for like less than 2 months (november-december last year) before disappearing off the face of the earth? I saw I think 2 episodes, and I was near puking with laughter, I don't understand how shows like this just vanish, it doesn't even have any fan sites <!--emo&:(--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='sad.gif' /><!--endemo--> EVERYTHING has a fan site, even, I don't know, Dora the Explorer has fan sites >:o
I think I'll start a new thread about this for more exposure... =p