
JimmehJimmeh Join Date: 2003-08-24 Member: 20173Members, Constellation
<div class="IPBDescription">Is it any good?</div> I'm either getting this or UT2k4. I've heard good things about both and liked both demos.

Ut2k4 has worse single player but has multiplayer though.

Where as Breed is singleplayer only.

Can anyone whos got Breed tell me if its worth it please?


  • WarriorWarrior Join Date: 2003-02-16 Member: 13624Members
    Played the demo a while ago. I really cant remeber all the details but ill tell you that it didnt last 1 hour on my hard drive. The retail version may be better though.
  • CForresterCForrester P0rk(h0p Join Date: 2002-10-05 Member: 1439Members, Constellation
    I haven't played the full version of Breed, but I played the demo. Also, yes, as far as I know, Breed has multiplayer. As long as it wasn't scrapped or anything.
  • esunaesuna Rock Bottom Join Date: 2003-04-03 Member: 15175Members, Constellation
    Based on the demo, it's apalling. It's just like Halo, except somehow manages to be even worse than that. Unless the retail has some significant gameplay and aesthetic improvements, i'd advise you to steer clear.

    To be honest, i can't remember any details. It's such a forgetable game. Save your money, wait for Far Cry or Stalker to come out. <!--emo&:)--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif' /><!--endemo-->
  • CForresterCForrester P0rk(h0p Join Date: 2002-10-05 Member: 1439Members, Constellation
    To be honest, I absolutely loved the Breed demo. I've been looking forward to it for aaaaages and ages. It's already been released in Germany, so you could probably get in contact with someone from there and ask them what they thought of it, if they played it.
  • RetalesRetales Panigg cultist Join Date: 2003-08-07 Member: 19180Members
    I tried playing Breed, but the controls were all messed up so I didnt play it for more than 3 minutes. Usually I would have reconfigured my controls, but that game didnt look too attractive
  • GeminosityGeminosity :3 Join Date: 2003-09-08 Member: 20667Members
    It was good and bad... I had lots of fun abusing just about every turret or vehicle I could find but the physics are a lil dodgy sometimes =/

    If they cleaned it up it'd be pretty good. Not to mention the whole 'flying the dropship through the atmosphere' thingy is something I've not seen in a game for quite some time ^^
    Assuming they're keeping that feature in as promised that is -.-
  • PithlitPithlit Join Date: 2003-05-07 Member: 16120Members, NS1 Playtester, Constellation
    well i have Breed (lucky to be german ^^) and i have to say i love this game!
    i bought it in a bundle with halo and breed is much better.
    The weapons feels more gritty and there are so many cool vehicles to steer
    Its a bit like battlefield but sience fiction and still much better.
    And YES, it has multiplayer.
    well i like this game

    I even rated both of them comparably so i copuld give advice top friends, wich one to get, so lucky you, here it is:



    textures 9.5
    Charakters 9
    Objects 7
    Landscape 8


    music 8.5
    FX 7.5
    Speech 8


    Dynamix 9
    Diversity 6.5
    Long time motivation 7.5


    Diversity 9
    Fun 7.5
    Fairness 7

    OVERALL 7.8



    Textures 9.5
    Charakters 8.5
    Objekts 8
    Landscape 9.5


    Music 7.5
    FX 8
    Speech 8.5

    Dynamix 8
    Diversity 8.5
    Long time motivation 8

    Diversity 8
    Fun 9.5
    Fairness 8.5

    OVERALL 8.3

    So overall breed is a little better, but from my subjective meaning i liked Breed much more!

    Rated from 0-10
    0= Wurgs
    10=totally awesome!
  • GwahirGwahir Join Date: 2002-04-24 Member: 513Members, Constellation
    I have never found a game I hated more.

    voice acting is the worst I've ever heard.
    The cut scenes are 10 times worse than the worst amateur film maker.
    The models are alright but the main characters make no sense. The main female character has armor everywhere except down the middle of the front of her torso, so logically no sense, it's just a trick to get kids interested.
    The controls are weak, took me a long time to reconfigure till I had something reasonable.
    The sun is just a big white blob.
    Animation isn't good at all.
    The mission on the demo was just, walk this way, plow through a hug number of nearly static bad AI'd breed, then walk another way.
    Bugs a plenty in the demo too.

    Didn't last long on my hard drive at all.
  • TequilaTequila Join Date: 2003-08-13 Member: 19660Members
    Yeah, enough about the demo already. I want to know how hot to trot the released game is.

    The way Breed has been kicked out the door like an immigrant without any review privilages given to magazines/internet sites doesn't bode well. It's almost as if they <i>know</i> their game is atrocious, but want to sell a few copies through ignorance and blind trust. I hope I'm wrong, but somehow I think Breed is a mis-fire in the smoking belt-fed machine-gun of gaming.
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