First Contact

DestroyerDestroyer Join Date: 2003-12-21 Member: 24611Members
this is a short story about the events leading upto the TSA kharra war.
Prologue, first chapter should be out within a week

First Contact

The TSA have been patrolling the galaxy for generations, countless years have gone by since earth began colonising other systems, very few planets held much value for human expansion, but several systems in our universe are so rich in mining resources big companies could not afford to disregard space as unimportant.
A decade ago a young scientist discovered a way to turn these unpurified resources into commodities which earth could use for its benefit, as soon as this was announced countless companies made a bid for this technology, the man became rich, but the companies even moreso, the earth s nearly dry and now they have found a new way to mine their resources…. but are the companies the only ones who have taken advantage of these precious materials…


  • DestroyerDestroyer Join Date: 2003-12-21 Member: 24611Members
    edited March 2004
    Chapter 1: Unknown Enemy
    “Dropship X-22 do you have visual on the target.” Blared a voice from the speakers lined throughout the ship.
    “This is X-22 we have visual” The pilot Replied.
    “Permission to land sir?” The pilot questioned.
    “Permission granted.” Said the voice from the speakers.

    The dropship was a small transport class ship, it contained a canteen, two sleeping quarters, an engine room, an armoury and a bridge, the walls were scratched and dull, the once shiny and brilliance the X-22 was had long faded away. The ship contained ten crewman, all of which were engineers, they had been sent down to investigate a report of hostility on asteroid 7 in the Triad nebula, the station positioned on the asteroid had failed to be contacted after repeated attempts all week, no matter how hard the transmission room at hq tried there was no reply. The ship began jerking as the ship docked at the stations loading bay, all the engineers were given the opportunity to take pistols from the armoury in case a combat situation did arise, and they all did. Life in the resource mining business was harsh.

    The ship began to rumble; the shaking of the ship became so unbearable that many of the engineers were forced to cling onto anything around them that they could find to stop them from falling and taking a serious knock. A large hissing noise was heard followed by the doors opening revealing the interior of the loading bay. The mission was simple, locate the main bridge find the command console view any logs it contained and take appropriate action. The pilot began to download the map GUI for the research facility, all of which the engineers took a glace at and then plugged their comm devices into and then proceeded to the door. The pilot was a old and weary man, in his late 40’s. You could tell by the grim expression of his face he had some experience, all veterans in this business all had the same face, pale white, almost ghost like, they refused to talk or answer questions, the most they would do is relay an instruction, which they would mumble once, then turn away and continue with some random task they had been assigned.

    Five of the engineers left the ship, the others stayed on to do routine tasks, checking the engine room, working on the bridge stuff you would usually do while on board. The loading bay was dark and moist, it was rather hot and was full of shattered pipes with steam and water sprinkling out of it. Upon closer examination of the pipes they did not break due to pressure, but they looked as if a sharp object, like a knife, had ripped them off. The engineers wasted no time in moving out of the loading bay, they did not like this mission, they did not like the where they were, they did not like what they were armed with, but they had no choice but to proceed it hopes that their haste will allow them to get back on the ship and depart. Then they could go home for a while, and be in peace.

    Their haste was of course foolish, they ran through the ship not checking anything as they went through, they soon found themselves in a rather different environment. These few engineers had long forgot the hot, moist area of the loading bay; they now were in a cold, dry area full of fungus like walls and rusted pipes. The engineers, freezing cold and bemused by such an environment they had never seen before continued, this tie more wearily, inspecting corners and annalistic computers.

    They soon came to a large room with a huge sign hanging off the ceiling stating locations of parts of the facility, the sign was partly eroded, partly covered in the same green fungi the room before was covered in. they moved on to approach the command room. They found themselves in a dark hall with high ceilings; the ceilings had vents and the top and were dripping water, like a leak had been sprung on a pipe overhead.

    As they came to the end of the hallway a faint sound of a shuffle could be heard, a small noise but definitely nearby, disregarding it as another fault the engineers moved on, suddenly another shuffle was heard followed by two dog like noises, as the engineers turned around they found one of their men lying there with chunks of his leg ripped off, in a state of shock, nearly dead.
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