Clearing Up Physical Memory?
<div class="IPBDescription">Computer Question.</div> Ok, I tried playing NS a game of NS yesterday to find my computer going at a whopping 13 FPS. I have Nvidia's Media Center on my Taskbar, when I right Click it and select "About Media Center," it says:
Total Physical Memory Available: 260,400 KB
Free Physical Memory: [Currently]79,840 KB
70 - 90's what my computer has when I first turn the computer on, and I can't get any higher than that. I'm guessing this is my RAM? Because I have 256 RAM and it changed when I changed my RAM. It is the same? And can I clear it some how? After that short attempt at NS, I have 1,000 KB of Free Physical Memory. And lately I've been getting an Alert from the Taskbar saying my Memory's way to low. Any suggestions?
Total Physical Memory Available: 260,400 KB
Free Physical Memory: [Currently]79,840 KB
70 - 90's what my computer has when I first turn the computer on, and I can't get any higher than that. I'm guessing this is my RAM? Because I have 256 RAM and it changed when I changed my RAM. It is the same? And can I clear it some how? After that short attempt at NS, I have 1,000 KB of Free Physical Memory. And lately I've been getting an Alert from the Taskbar saying my Memory's way to low. Any suggestions?
There are such things as RAM cleaners, but from what I've heard, they don't work.
Ok, I hit up msconfig and clicked the Startup tab.
I have these running at startup:
NvCpl [Don't know what it does]
nwiz [Don't know what it does]
qttask [Don't know what it does]
Logi_MwX [Don't know what it does, my Logitech Mouse Ware I guess]
E_S10IC2 [Don't know what it does]
DirectCD [Don't know what it does]
winampa [Removed]
ybrwicon [Don't know what it does, guessing it's my Yahoo! Browser]
IPMon32 [Don't know what it does]
NVMCTRAY [Don't know what it does]
steam [Want on Startup
StyleXP [Which I don't even have anymore]
Adobe Gamma Loader [Don't know what it does]
Trillian [Want on Startup]
Would removing any of these harm my system?
nwiz [nVIDIA nView Wizard]
qttask [Quicktime Task Manager]
Logi_MwX [More than likely your Logitech drivers]
E_S10IC2 [Epson printer status monitor]
DirectCD [Data CD burning tool]
ybrwicon [More than likely your Yahoo! Browser]
IPMon32 [IP Monitor, more than likely installed with the Yahoo! Browser]
NVMCTRAY [Video card related]
steam [There's your problem]
Adobe Gamma Loader [Monitor gamma adjuster for Adobe graphics products]
Steam <b>eats</b> resources. Probably not best to have it on all the time.
NvCpl [nVIDIA drivers]
nwiz [nVIDIA nView Wizard]
qttask [Quicktime Task Manager]
E_S10IC2 [Epson printer status monitor]
DirectCD [Data CD burning tool]
NVMCTRAY [Video card related]
steam [There's your problem]
Adobe Gamma Loader [Monitor gamma adjuster for Adobe graphics products]
I wouldn't need to fondle with anything if I needed to Print/Burn right? What about those Drivers?
<edit>Yes, only 256 MB of Ram and running XP</edit>
I would disable, well, just about all of those. The only thing I have running in the background aside from critical windows stuff is my logitech drivers, a popup blocker, and daemon tools.
Go to and disable services you dont need. Theyre in administrative tools. It boggles my mind that hardly anyone knows about these. Thatll free up quite a bit of resources, period.
And RAM cleaners do work. Go to and download maxmem.
when I'm outa memory, first thing I do is hit ctrl-alt-delete, go to processes, and sort them in order of memory use... and every high memory use process that you can tell is pointless, end it and try to make sure it doesn't start up again... and if there are processes you don't know about, ask us... or you could just end em and see what happens, and if your computer starts acting funny just restart it, no permanent damage there...
don't quote me on that though, just my limited understanding of it :>
I've also heard that having a graphic for a wallpaper uses up RAM as well, although I couldn't say how much. If you really, really, really want to squeeze that little bit more RAM out of your machine, switch your wallpaper off.