Evolution Of Tagurnun

QuietstormQuietstorm Join Date: 2004-02-18 Member: 26670Members, Constellation
<div class="IPBDescription">Anyone up for Kharaa?</div> <span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%'>Chapter 1</span>

Silence was the only thing that echoed throughout the station. The Mining facility had been abandoned for years after they had torn the last pack of two legged beings apart. They had lost few others to the beings loud death dealing machines, but they compensated with bigger forms of Kharaa. This didn't bother Tagurnun of course, although it was the lowest form on their chain. It had fought against the beings. It had given the Hive Mind it's full potential. Along with that, Tagurnun didn't want to evolve yet, it enjoyed its size and how it could fly through the unnatural vents of this two legged contraption they constantly refer to as a "station" or "mining facility". But there was a down side to the body Tagurnun had now, it couldn't bite through the strange carapace the two leggers tromped around with.Yet the Hive could give him the ability to focus in and crush their strange carapace, its presence alone gave Tagurnun serenity and the urge to fight. Tagurnun turned around to stare at the beauty of the Hive, the thing that gave its' kind power...unfortunately its' admiration of the Hive was abruptly cut short. The Hive mind made a squelching sound and Tagurnuns' eyes seemed to tingle. Tagurnun blinked and upon opening its' eyes it noticed 6 yellowish circles moving slowly to the left in the far distance. Those creatures had returned...Tagurnun did not like that...neither did the Hive...

(Holy cow it's hard to write in a neuter gender! but once I got into it I sorta got the hang of it, hope you enjoyed the first chapter, I'll slap down another one after the first wave suggestions or thoughts roll on in)


  • BambiniBambini Join Date: 2004-02-21 Member: 26765Members
    As I had earlier suggested to QuIEtStoRM over aim, I think that in future installments, discussing the strange warmth and unusual metallic objects protruding from every surface, and its encroach on the Kharaa's lair (it takes place on Sanjii, as QuIEtStoRM has told me, so it is on an ice planet), almost as a prelude to Evolution of Tagurnan. What do YOU, the reader think?
  • Resident_JadeResident_Jade Join Date: 2004-02-22 Member: 26799Members
    i think the story is very nicly ritten!!
    BRAVO!!! <!--emo&:D--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html//emoticons/biggrin.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='biggrin.gif' /><!--endemo-->

    (your signatures r WAY too big)
  • noobynooby Join Date: 2003-04-21 Member: 15717Members
    I like, more please.
  • QuietstormQuietstorm Join Date: 2004-02-18 Member: 26670Members, Constellation
    Oops...let this one slide off the main page ~_~ my bad...anyhoo sorry for the wait...(like anyone was waiting) School and Gaming sort of took up my time.
    so...here it is...

    <span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%'>Chapter 2</span>

    It took Tagurnun milliseconds to leap into the nearest vent. It knew the installation better then all the other xenoforms. It ran at top speed towards the nearest Xenoform around the two legged creatures. When Tagurnun arrived at the vents grating It could hear the sounds of the beings tiny machines building their strange mechanisms. Tagurnun saw the other skulk that first parasited the beings, it was against the wall, wounded and bleeding. The skulk gave one chuckle and fell to the flooring of the vent dead. Tagurnun was grateful for the skulk, without the parasiting It would have to rely on It's own hearing and smell. It looked down at the two leggers and listened in on their unintelligent babblings.
    "So we have to trek 5 million light years from our normal post just to come here and get some stupid notes...!?". Tagurnun cringed at the sound of the weird beings grating voice, It wanted to tear the strange irritating sounds out of the creatures throat.
    "Yeah...You have a problem with that soldier?" the one being with the strange red carapace over its right shoulder argued back.
    "Well...Uhhh...Yeah..." replied Rough Throat.
    "Gah...Can it numb nuts...just follow Derek and Alexei..." responded Red Shoulder
    Tagurnun watched as Rough Throat followed the ones known as "Derek" and "Alexei" walk through the entry way into the corridor.
    "That guy is such a dumb @%$...Troy...get ready to build the TF and Armory...."
    Tagurnun took only a second to watch Red Shoulder to get into the weird Cocoon, and went through the vents into the corridor the Two Leggers were going. It slowed to a walk to weaken the sound of It's claws against the metal. It got there just in time to see the first being cross underneath grating of the vent. Slowly walking behind the first was talking in a stranger accent then its' counterparts.
    "Vah...Comrades, do you ever get the feeling we're being watched..."
    "Alexei...That is really F$@%ing cliche..." Rough Throat grunted.
    Tagurnun growled at the voice and watched Rough Throat walk underneath him. He bite into the grating and let it fall to the floor, wincing at the loud bang it made. Rough Throat turned around with its strange arm raised.
    "What the...?" the creature said.
    "Relax...It was probably loose from the last Kharaa infestation..." said the one from the front who then continued on.
    "Yeah...right..." the Two Legger then turned around and continued on.
    Tagurnun knew this was it, It flung itself out of the vent and hit the ground quietly. It charged full speed at Rough Throat. It had enough of that creatures strange sound.Tagurnun leaped and bit off the creatures arm. The being screamed in pain and anger.
    "Son of a..!" the creature tried to scream more but was cut off as Tagurnun tore the Two Leggers head off and ran back through the hallway. The other two twisted around in time however to see Rough Throats head being torn off. They unleashed their strange loud death dealing machines at It. Tagurnun rushed around the corner and skid to a halt a large cylinder was pointed down at his head. <i>Chick-click</i>
  • QuietstormQuietstorm Join Date: 2004-02-18 Member: 26670Members, Constellation
    Yeah I know Chapter 2 had some grammar errors and misspelled words but hey...

    <span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%'>Chapter 3</span>

    "Prepare to die you blood sucking ****" said an incredibly large Two Legger.The being gave a low chuckle and stared down at Tagurnun with the strange glowing blue eyes .At that moment reality slowed down, the beings appendage slowly squeezed down on
    the lever of machine it held. The inside of the cylinder began to light up. In a split second Tagurnun leapt forward between the beings legs into the "base". As It got into the room humming sounds began as the large tripod mechanisms started shooting projectiles at It. Tagurnun ran up the wall evading the fire and rammed through the vent grating. It could hear the Two Leggers cursing over the lost of their companion.
    "That **** got Dan! There's no way in hell the nanos can heal that!"
    Tagurnun chuckled and spat out the hand of Rough Throat. It regurgitated the hand over the lip of the vents opening and watched it fall into the "base".
    "Damn it! Now that thing is mocking us!"
    It chuckled again as It heard the creatures curse some more and fire their weird mechanisms into the vents gaping mouth.
    "I swear once I get my hands around those little freaks throats..." yelled the larger being.
    Tagurnun had never had such a close encounter before, It would have much pleasure taking out that creature. However before It could jump back down and try its fate against the large beings incredibly thick carapace, the hive mind whispered into Tagurnun's head.
    <b><i>Tagurnun, wait my child...You must take out the other Two Leggers with their thinner carapace...Then I will send you help in the form of...well...you'll see....</i></b>
    Tagurnun growled at the thought of the others helping It, but It wanted to please the Hive.Tagurnun ran down the vent, following the yellow circle like apparitions move down a service elevator. They were heading towards where the first beings took up their base. Tagurnun also so the other skulks hiding in corners of the room...It knew there was going to be a blood bath, Tagurnun looked back to see the other circles of the beings. However they were not there, only Red Shoulder remained at the base. Where were the other two...
    "Fire in the hole!" Yelled a being.
    Tagurnun looked ahead and heard weird sounds. <i>Thump-thump-thump-thump</i> followed by strange capsules bouncing around the vents floor. Tagurnun had two thoughts, something bad was going to happen and it was going to hurt...
  • QuietstormQuietstorm Join Date: 2004-02-18 Member: 26670Members, Constellation
    No more comments? Does this suck? Is it good? Should I even continue posting more chapters? <!--emo&:(--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html//emoticons/sad.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='sad.gif' /><!--endemo-->
  • R_A_CR_A_C Join Date: 2003-05-13 Member: 16273Members
    It's pretty cool, I like it. Keep it comming
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