Map Strats
Join Date: 2003-08-17 Member: 19853Members

<div class="IPBDescription">newb comm needs strats</div> ok so i'm interested in comming but i don't know any core strategies for maps i mean i relise i should probably come up with my own but i don't want to lose a game because i don't know where i should send people
so i was wondering if comms would be nice enough to post their strategies for maps here
(ie. relocate to reactor room lock down waste ect.)
so i was wondering if comms would be nice enough to post their strategies for maps here
(ie. relocate to reactor room lock down waste ect.)
to be a good commander you also have to know where to send your marines. if the hive is on one side of the map quickly take all res nodes on the other side then lock down choak points in the center of the map (this effectivly keeps the aliens locked down in a small part of the map)
with in 8 mins you should already have an adv armory and a protolab working. if you have a set of good marines try spend less res on defense. (ive commed games where i never built a single tf the entire game).
also i think to be a good comm you need to gain lots of exp at it. you will find certain strats/tricks you can do really well, and others you cant do to well. you need to develop your own style of comming that works for you.
1) You need map knowledge. This is most generally knowing all the names for the places in a map, even the places that don't have resource nodes in them. You'll find that there are usually 5 or 6 hotspots on every map that comes down to the double res, siege spots by hives, and junctions that control access to pivotal areas. A frinstance: ns_eclipse hotspots are keyhole, south loop, and power sub junction (aka psj or power). Keyhole is a siege spot for a hive, plus it connects to three nodes. PSJ is the main route from marine start to the central hive (and its siege spot, north core), and south loop is an access point for north core, keyhole, directly inbetween two hives, and has a node.
Knowing these hotspots help you control game flow. If you send marines to these spots, they'll probably have to fight for them; if they're fighting for them then the aliens are fighting for them; if the aliens are fighting for them, they're not fighting for other stuff; etc.
2) You need to know how to use your tools. Your job is to ration res and make it work as hard as you can. This involves knowing which upgrades help your guys the best, knowing when to get these upgrades (as opposed to other upgrades), knowing when you need to recap nodes, knowing when to med and when to forget it, and things like this. The buildings and research options you have in the game are tools you use to help you win the game. It's not <b>always</b> a good idea to spam a few meds on a guy, but it is sometimes a good idea to do so. It's not always a good idea to take the time to siege a hive instead of charging in, but sometimes it is. You get the idea.
Of course, knowing how to be a good comm doesn't make you one instantly. Commanding is a skill and it takes a lot of work to tip the game in your favor. Apart from these two tips I would say <a href='' target='_blank'>learn to use your hotkeys</a> (check out my post in that thread for more information).
hmm i always asked first when i moved into the cc. asked if it is ok if i go comm although im not very good at it. i told them that i have to practice to become better. most of the time my basic start was: relocate near a hive. secure another hive and secure all Rts on the way. Electro RT to the Hive with a PG. hmm thats the basic strat i used. it is possible to do this at every map.
tanith-->reloc at chemical transport or cargo
caged-->reloc at Los paranoias
veil-->reloc at overlook
nothing-->reloc at the RT before cargo (dont remeber the name)
hmm yeah four maps should be enough to try. But keep in mind a relocat isn?t a must. its a risk but if it works you often hav an advantage for the game. starting in the base is also not bad. it gives you more time and more res at the beginning.
Most important thing is that you keep presure at the aliens. take down their gorges, RTs and attack their hives.
The easiest way to be an effective commander without a lot of difficulty is just to rush the upgrades. If you have 8+ people on your team it'd probably be a good idea to wait until wep2/arm1 to upgrade the armory, otherwise you might have 2/1 heavies running around, and the cost of upgrades is much better when they're distributed among a large number of people. I personally think it's a good idea to get an electrified RT + 3 turrets + phase gate in a hive, just as it guarantees you a res node and gives you two points to attack from.
Here's something for you to learn: when the game first starts, look over the three hive locations and listen for skulk clicks. You can plan your initial strategy better if you know where their hive is right away. This takes a bit of practice to do it quickly. Also I must note if you are going to relocate, finding their hive first is a MUST, as certain hive locations render relocations nigh impossible.
If you want to turret farm an area, do it in a very wide open location. For example, if you get a turret farm + phase gate going in Cargo Storage on Tanith, the aliens are basically screwed - that place is so big it'll never get taken as long as it's guarded.
Also, try not to have more than one turret farm anywhere on the map, unless it's past 10 minutes and you want a 2-hive lockdown. You can't effectively defend your base and two farms at once usually, unless there's a 2 hive lockdown and then you're just securing your own win. Good luck!
so i was wondering if comms would be nice enough to post their strategies for maps here
(ie. relocate to reactor room lock down waste ect.) <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
[plug=shameless]I wrote <a href='' target='_blank'>the post</a> on ns_veil![/plug]
Yeah, yeah, I know it says caged. I got the name wrong when I wrote it, so sue me.
One word of advice though, this plan only works if your team is very gung-ho. I guess that applies to any strat, a comm is only as good as his rines, but it goes doubly for this, because after you have that first hive, you must make a decisive move on either double or a new hive IMMEDIATELY or you are screwed beyond belief. Having a fragmented team, or being unable to decide between the two for just a minute can kill an otherwise spotless performance.
IP as far from comm chair as possible.
TF covering IP.
6+ marines have 1-2 guard base.
< 6 marines electrify the TF.
Move towards any hive (even one they have)
Pick up a node on the way.
Probably need a few ammo packs by now.
When a marine dies give him an armoury to build in base.
Get the node in the hive you've gone to and electrify it.
If it's their hive try and set up a minibase by it.
Arms lab and armour 1.
Any spawners around this time should move out in the opposite direction to your initial push, destroying and securing nodes on their way.
Move out to a node in a key central area, cap and electrify.
Obs and phase tech.
Weapons 1.
Now move towards their least defended hive (building one preferably though this sometimes has more defences than the start one, though you don't get spawners there)
Set up a PG to there, TF, a few turrets, upgrade to siege.
Siege the hive to pieces.
Armour 2, upgrade armoury.
Get one marine to go to the hive you initially secured and set a phase up there. Maybe a TF and turrets aswell, gauge your requirements on the skill of the aliens.
Weapons 2
Now just push on their nodes whilst upgrading, trying to move into the hive and take it down with firepower. Set up a phase by a nearby node to keep the pressure constant.
That's about it. Might have missed something because I'm rushing. Got a lecture to go to now, I'll come back and re-read this later!
where you just build an ip, and tell the reens you gonna relocate, but on the way grab every res.
and once a reen gets to a spot you think will be good, just relocate there and sell the old base.
(if they ask where you gonna relocate to. I just tell em "I don't know, but when base starts to go down, or I think someones at a good spot. Then I relocate, untill then just get me rez.)
Now everion on my server is coping the strat
(thanks kiwi, its a very nice strat)
another note on ns_caged
you must relocate. I can never seem to win with out relocating to some other place cause it just plain sucks in reen start. ive only won once frmo reen start.
On ns caged, if you can secure two hives. your pretty much set as long as you can get some HMGs out to people. just slowly make a heavy train and retake all the rez.
I also like to spend res on an equal number of things, turrets, upgrades, weapons, mines, etc. half the time the reens tell me what they need. generaly speaking, they dont make a request unless they have we have the rez. Like some would rather have armor, some would rather have weapons. when you listen to your reens, they will normaly listen to you. I will sometimes decline a reens with, just becuase it doesnt fit witht he overal plan.
Now, about becon. I love becon espicaly when I relocate. why? cause I can do a surprise attack by beconing them back to reen start and have em rush a nearby hive.
and remember REZ is the bread and butter of the game. if you cant get a node, make sure they can't have it ether. and if one of your nodes keeps dying. just dont build it. just make sure they dont
and also. NEVER underestimate the power of LMGs in large groups, a group of like 7-10 reens with lmgs can take down a hive bythemselves just shooting at it.
if you have a group of about 3-4 heavies all parasighted. and a nother group not parasighted. THIS IS GREAT NEWS. some comms freat, but I love it.
I send the parasighted heavies in one direction. the rest in another. They pretty much focus on the parasighted ones. while the other heavies went and got me half the rez nodes.
ANOTHER GREAT TRICK. got a couple of onos outside your base and you have relocated? take a quick scan of reen start! is it clear? USE BECON!!! build a phase gate real quick. I GARENTEE you they will fall for this like 95% of the time. HAVE all your heavies phase back in, and kick thier arse. onos cant run from like 5-10 hmgs. (you need heavies to pull this off. and for just about every one to have it. else the onos will just kick the lihgs arse)
HAVING FADE PROBLEMS??? Use some mines!! nothing ruines a Fades day, when you strategicaly place a couple mine in thier usualy escape rout. after they hit you base.
Okay something went wrong in your plan. you the alians have just about everything.
Got only a hive? RELOCATE THERE IF YOU ALREADY HAVENT. if they get that hive, 95% you will lose if they get 3 hives. No what to do. You got only a rez node, an arms lab, an obs (hopefully) and a adv armory (for the love of god I hope you have an adv armory there) thats all you need. pass out HMGs welders, and a few GLS. before heavies. YOu can pick up an HMG of a dead buddy, but no a heavy armor. Why the HMGs first? cause it will kill thier onos, and killing them gets you more rez! ammo and health packs are free now. so it will be EZ. Everyone got a weapon? make sure everion has a welder? done? pass out heavies!. try to move out to take a hive. one you have a hive use the next strat as follows
(dont use the BECON strat here. it will just not work)
Got two hives? that should mean you have two res nodes, but the alians own the rest of the map? NO PROBLEM Just slowly save for heavies, passiong out HMGs and Heavies. when the team is suited up. move out and SECURE THE ReST OF THE REZ. "but what about the onos taking out the rez nodes?" NO PROBLEM, cause they WONT HAVE ANY REZ TO MAKE ANY MORE AFTER YOUR DONE. the heavies kick thier arse cause the onos dont have stomp. DO NOT MAKE THE MISTAKE OF DOING A HIVE RUSH WITH HEAVIES. remember how they have like every other rez? well that just means like infinit onos. if you lose your heavies for some unknown resion you are in for even a longer game. all those res towers you secure first before killing the hive. will realy help you in a pinch if need be. when you make your final assult
Look at everything as a positive as a comm. youll find that it will help you out. If they have a fade, that means they dont ahve 50 rez somewhere else, kill it. and there gonna be crying. an onos hanging around? even better! Hey look a wall of lame. SWEET kill it, you just killed about 50-100 rez worth of investments for em. Seige it if you want. its only like 75-100 rez to kill. and after you done, you can sell to about 50 rez back. (is it worth it? YES it make teh alian team feel bad, and that makes em play a little bit worse. Remember how it felt when you make a super wall of lame only to have it get seiged out? I know sure as hell I dont feel or play as good after words)
"I dont have a hive?"
this is bad. try and get to a hive as fast as you can. if you got a good reen start place. like veil. wher there is an elevated spot. just do the same thing as you would with one hive. If you can, try and get a ninja reen outa base and over to a hive to build a phase gate. like I said before enough LMGs in one place can kill a hive no problem. then just relocate there and try to get that advanced armory up ASAP
When is time to just have some fun?
have a squad of about 2-5 reens get into a large, or medium sized room. have them empty thier pistol. so taht it makes a clicking sound when you try to shot it, dont let it reload. then have your entire team start spamming request for ammo and med packs, while making the clicking sound. This should generate enough nose to attract some skulks or lerks thinking hey. ammoless, hurt reens. easy kills! Then laff when one rushes you, and you pull out a LMG and kill em.
Modify it a little bit with the use of some mines!
dont relocate for a very long time, on the same server, win a few games from base, then try the riskier relocation. I play on this one server inparticular were the player are mostly half way decent.
Alot of players out there suck to much to handle a relocation. Ive started building a IP before relocation cause it inevitable that some will die
<a href='' target='_blank'>Here's the link again</a>, in case you missed it from forum borkage.
PS: I'll second that you need to learn the hotkeys. It's so important for spampack and mass equip layout, like a HA train.
Furthermore, remap your hotkeys. Shift them over to the right, starting from u, so they don't interfere with voice or scoreboard or anything like that. Recycling an IP when you're trying to see how many heavies you have left is bad mojo.
I got ejected for NOT relocating on ns_hera
I said "go get nodes" and one of the people decided becuase I dont want to relocate its time to eject me >< So that's not ENTRILEY true.. But I have only seen 1 relocate work so far in 3.0