Earth 2281
Join Date: 2002-11-24 Member: 9807Members

The year is 2281. After many years of tension, and years of large scale conflict in space, diplomatics have finally broken to pieces in the home of the human race, the earth. Back in the 21st century, the western world was in full growth. As a matter of fact, the whole world was. It was thought to be only a matter of time before the earth could bear the burden no longer, collapsing under the pressure of billions of humans. It had already begun. Westen countries had started to become so eager for change that they began allowing themselves to start major wars, something that had before been an atrocity. It started in the middle east. Afganistan, Iraq, Iran, Korea, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia. It seemed the bloodlust of the west would be the end of all. The water wars in Turkey 2070, officially caused by disagreements about a mere dam, were the most brutal as of yet.
And in 2090, the world was crippled by environmental damage. The wars that followed killed billions, but also let to the largest boost in science for years. Unable to turn to fossil fuels, scientists were focused on foreign materials that could fill the gap. That was what caused what is remembered as the biggest change in history: A canadian scientist stumbled upon a combination of materials that could shatter the limitations of relativity. And while the technology was first used for weaponry, it quickly opened up for space travel. Along with the discovery of new methods of producing energy, it brought an age of prosperity. The material allowed travel to far planets of space at comparatively little expense. Earth was peaceful as westerners were busy taking over new planets and taking control of space.
That was the main theme of the next century. The major frontier of humanity was out there. A lot of fighting and conflicts arose, but they all happened in space. Some were between humans, like the Tungsten Hill, others were against other species, like the human-kharaa wars. But even space was not infinite it seemed. It was not that there was not enough planets, humanity has yet to meet a border. But it was no longer viable for expeditions to set off from Earth. Anything within range of earth was settled, and new citizens on Earth had no choice but to stay. That meant that the problems of the 21st century were all repeating themselves. Suddenly the westerners were attacking again. This time, however, they had to realize they were no longer up against defenceless countries. In 2202, after the bombing of Saudi Arabia and Israel, the eastern countries retaliated. United under the banner of the “United Eastern Nations”, they launched a series of missile attacks against the united states. The west responded by uniting as the Global Allied Countries, starting the war that is still raging today.
<i>The time and place is Warszawa, Poland, 2281. Poland has, until now, been neutral ground. But after a major leader from the U.E.N. sought refuge in order to escape the bombing raids of the G.A.C., Poland has become the main battle ground. Being citizens of Poland, you find yourself caught in the crossfire. Warszawa is in ruins, and you find yourself taking cover in an old church on the 5th of November. Your past and your skills is your choice.</i>
In order to take part, you should create a character following these guidelines:
<b>Write your past. Where did you grow up, how did you live?</b>
How you lived is your choice. The world echonomy hasn’t been all too well, so it’s anything from a street life, a life in a suburban family, a life as a mercenary or a life as a member of an ordinary family, to a new arrival from space. Right now, nothing’s off limits. Reserve the right to deny a backstory, but I plan not to do so.
<b>Decide your character’s skills and equipment.</b>
Each character has 14 points, to be divided among the following skills (this was changed, earlier the system was based on 70 points). 2 is the average value, 0 means the character is extraordinarily crappy, 4 means your character is at the top of what normal people achieve, over 4 means your character is even better:
<u>World knowledge</u>
World knowledge determines how much your character knows about the world around him. In using this skill, the character's background plays in more often than other skills. A character with more world knowledge has more knowledge on things like the etiquette of certain parts of society, how the political situation in the world is and simply where things are. A character with world knowledge 0 would in many occasions not know the name of the street he's been walking down on his way to work for years. A character with world knowledge 4 means just about everything he's heard, seen or experienced has stuck. If he has lived in a certain city for years, he would probably be able to draw a map, covering ten or twenty miles of radius, from memory with reasonable accuracy. He knows the major players in world politics, and quite a few things about less major things in the world.
<u>Physical fitness</u>
The physical fitness will come into effect whenever your character's strength of body is what matters. If you want to beat someone up, physical fitness will decide how much damage you do (dex will decide if you hit). If you want to kick down a door, run from one end of the city to the other without stopping for breath or just pull off feats of strength, fitness is the way to go. Finally, of physical fitness decides how likely your character is to survive being shot, and how able he is to ignore the pain from fleshwounds or other damages. A character with fitness 0 would be gasping for air after running a hundred metres, would fall down from a single punch to the face and would be unable to open a tightly screwed screw cap. A character with fitness 4 would represent your average bouncer at a downtown disco, able to beat down just about anyone.
Charisma represents your characters ability to interact with other humans. It basically influences how readily people do as you want them to. This ranges from being persuasive or bluffing through situations, to showing authority and act as an inspiring leader. A charisma of 0 would mean that your character is unable to convince even the most trusting child that his hand has five fingers. A character with charisma 4 can make most people believe something that won't hurt them to believe, and people will stand behind him as a leader if he gives them a purpose.
Dexterity is the flexibility of the body and the coordination between brain and body. This represents your character's ability to be nimble and control his body. A higher dexterity makes your character both better at sneaking, sprinting and performing acrobatics, and better at reacting to situations. A dexterity of 0 means your character is having a hard time running down an alley without falling. He will also most likely have taken a few bullets before he even realizes what is happening to him. A dexterity of 4 puts your character on par with a trained athlete. Characters with such a high dexterity will most likely shoot first, sneak up on people unnoticed and move just about everywhere.
Technology is the character's ability to recognize and use modern technology. A higher technology means your character is better at using whatever the modern age presents him with. This includes computer use (both legal and less legal), driving, mechanics, recognising cybernetic enhancements and such things. It also represents your characters basic knowledge on the area. A technology rating of 0 means your character would be unable to locate the enter key on a keyboard, can't drive a car and would certainly need help taking the metro. A technology rating of 4 means your character knows the internet as his own pocket, could identify most sorts of technical equipment with name, function, brand and origin, and could most likely use the equipment with ease.
<u>Medical knowledge</u>.
Medical knowledge represents your character's knowledge in the field of medicine and human anatomy, plus their skill at treating hurt persons. This includes finding out how wounded a character is, treating them, identifying a number of diseases and toxins and simply knowing what goes on in a human body. A character with medical knowledge 0 doesn't know anything about humans except what they can see outside the skin, and even attempts to lay a simple bandage would probably result in a lethal iinfection. Medical knowledge 4 represents an experienced doctor. Not only does it mean that the character is able to use instruments of modern medicine and perform complex surgery with reasonable skill, but it also leaves them able to improvise medical equipment for less complex operations.
<u>Weapon usage</u>
Weapon knowledge is, quite simply, the character's ability to use a weapon and the knowledge about weapons. A higher skill makes the character able to identify weapons with origin, and combined with world knowledge, to know which sorts of weapons are used where in society. And of cause, a higher skill makes the character better at using, transporting and shooting guns. A weapon usage skill of 0 means the character will most likely not know to turn off the safety of a weapon, and even if the safety was off, hitting the RIGHT target will be a matter of pure luck rather than any sort of aim. A character with weapon skill 4 is an experienced soldier, probably able to qualify quite easily for certain profesional organizations, like SWAT.
Furthermore, each character has 20 points to spend on items. There is no definite list for these, but the number of points you put into it will decide the usefulness of an item. As guidelines, an average handgun would be worth around 5 points, more points meaning a better gun, while a handheld computer would likely be worth more than 10 (again, the more points you spend on it, the better it will work when you need it). In short, what you do is to decide what items you want your character to be carrying. Then you spend a number of points on each of them. The more points you spend, the better the items will work when the dice roll, but there's no specific amount of points you <u>have</u> to spend to get an item. Regarding the tech level, we're at the average non-laser sci-fi level. No specific limits yet though.
I will try to balance the skills so that no one skill is worth “more” than another skill, so while it might be a little off early on, that will change once I work out the importance of the individual skills.
Standard rules on the RPG boards apply. Bold for OOC text, asterisks for actions, quotation marks for speech, brackets for attempts. Rules are the same as <a href='' target='_blank'>here.</a> In addition to this, we use slashes (/if things are like they were the last time I was here/) to indicate predictions. This is because that way we avoid people having to post something simple, wait hours for the response, take another simple step, wait more hours and so on. The use of this would be something like this:
*Joe goes to the bar*
/if nothing special is going on in the bar/
*Joe orders a drink by the barkeep.*
That way, if something special IS in fact going on in the bar, I will say so in my next post, and I will just assume Joe never ordered a drink. This is a lot more practical than Joe's player having to post *Joe goes to the bar* and wait for me to tell him nothing special is going on before he can post the *Joe orders a drink by the barkeep.* part.
Game has started. If you want to join, send a PM to my inbox rather than posting in the thread.
And in 2090, the world was crippled by environmental damage. The wars that followed killed billions, but also let to the largest boost in science for years. Unable to turn to fossil fuels, scientists were focused on foreign materials that could fill the gap. That was what caused what is remembered as the biggest change in history: A canadian scientist stumbled upon a combination of materials that could shatter the limitations of relativity. And while the technology was first used for weaponry, it quickly opened up for space travel. Along with the discovery of new methods of producing energy, it brought an age of prosperity. The material allowed travel to far planets of space at comparatively little expense. Earth was peaceful as westerners were busy taking over new planets and taking control of space.
That was the main theme of the next century. The major frontier of humanity was out there. A lot of fighting and conflicts arose, but they all happened in space. Some were between humans, like the Tungsten Hill, others were against other species, like the human-kharaa wars. But even space was not infinite it seemed. It was not that there was not enough planets, humanity has yet to meet a border. But it was no longer viable for expeditions to set off from Earth. Anything within range of earth was settled, and new citizens on Earth had no choice but to stay. That meant that the problems of the 21st century were all repeating themselves. Suddenly the westerners were attacking again. This time, however, they had to realize they were no longer up against defenceless countries. In 2202, after the bombing of Saudi Arabia and Israel, the eastern countries retaliated. United under the banner of the “United Eastern Nations”, they launched a series of missile attacks against the united states. The west responded by uniting as the Global Allied Countries, starting the war that is still raging today.
<i>The time and place is Warszawa, Poland, 2281. Poland has, until now, been neutral ground. But after a major leader from the U.E.N. sought refuge in order to escape the bombing raids of the G.A.C., Poland has become the main battle ground. Being citizens of Poland, you find yourself caught in the crossfire. Warszawa is in ruins, and you find yourself taking cover in an old church on the 5th of November. Your past and your skills is your choice.</i>
In order to take part, you should create a character following these guidelines:
<b>Write your past. Where did you grow up, how did you live?</b>
How you lived is your choice. The world echonomy hasn’t been all too well, so it’s anything from a street life, a life in a suburban family, a life as a mercenary or a life as a member of an ordinary family, to a new arrival from space. Right now, nothing’s off limits. Reserve the right to deny a backstory, but I plan not to do so.
<b>Decide your character’s skills and equipment.</b>
Each character has 14 points, to be divided among the following skills (this was changed, earlier the system was based on 70 points). 2 is the average value, 0 means the character is extraordinarily crappy, 4 means your character is at the top of what normal people achieve, over 4 means your character is even better:
<u>World knowledge</u>
World knowledge determines how much your character knows about the world around him. In using this skill, the character's background plays in more often than other skills. A character with more world knowledge has more knowledge on things like the etiquette of certain parts of society, how the political situation in the world is and simply where things are. A character with world knowledge 0 would in many occasions not know the name of the street he's been walking down on his way to work for years. A character with world knowledge 4 means just about everything he's heard, seen or experienced has stuck. If he has lived in a certain city for years, he would probably be able to draw a map, covering ten or twenty miles of radius, from memory with reasonable accuracy. He knows the major players in world politics, and quite a few things about less major things in the world.
<u>Physical fitness</u>
The physical fitness will come into effect whenever your character's strength of body is what matters. If you want to beat someone up, physical fitness will decide how much damage you do (dex will decide if you hit). If you want to kick down a door, run from one end of the city to the other without stopping for breath or just pull off feats of strength, fitness is the way to go. Finally, of physical fitness decides how likely your character is to survive being shot, and how able he is to ignore the pain from fleshwounds or other damages. A character with fitness 0 would be gasping for air after running a hundred metres, would fall down from a single punch to the face and would be unable to open a tightly screwed screw cap. A character with fitness 4 would represent your average bouncer at a downtown disco, able to beat down just about anyone.
Charisma represents your characters ability to interact with other humans. It basically influences how readily people do as you want them to. This ranges from being persuasive or bluffing through situations, to showing authority and act as an inspiring leader. A charisma of 0 would mean that your character is unable to convince even the most trusting child that his hand has five fingers. A character with charisma 4 can make most people believe something that won't hurt them to believe, and people will stand behind him as a leader if he gives them a purpose.
Dexterity is the flexibility of the body and the coordination between brain and body. This represents your character's ability to be nimble and control his body. A higher dexterity makes your character both better at sneaking, sprinting and performing acrobatics, and better at reacting to situations. A dexterity of 0 means your character is having a hard time running down an alley without falling. He will also most likely have taken a few bullets before he even realizes what is happening to him. A dexterity of 4 puts your character on par with a trained athlete. Characters with such a high dexterity will most likely shoot first, sneak up on people unnoticed and move just about everywhere.
Technology is the character's ability to recognize and use modern technology. A higher technology means your character is better at using whatever the modern age presents him with. This includes computer use (both legal and less legal), driving, mechanics, recognising cybernetic enhancements and such things. It also represents your characters basic knowledge on the area. A technology rating of 0 means your character would be unable to locate the enter key on a keyboard, can't drive a car and would certainly need help taking the metro. A technology rating of 4 means your character knows the internet as his own pocket, could identify most sorts of technical equipment with name, function, brand and origin, and could most likely use the equipment with ease.
<u>Medical knowledge</u>.
Medical knowledge represents your character's knowledge in the field of medicine and human anatomy, plus their skill at treating hurt persons. This includes finding out how wounded a character is, treating them, identifying a number of diseases and toxins and simply knowing what goes on in a human body. A character with medical knowledge 0 doesn't know anything about humans except what they can see outside the skin, and even attempts to lay a simple bandage would probably result in a lethal iinfection. Medical knowledge 4 represents an experienced doctor. Not only does it mean that the character is able to use instruments of modern medicine and perform complex surgery with reasonable skill, but it also leaves them able to improvise medical equipment for less complex operations.
<u>Weapon usage</u>
Weapon knowledge is, quite simply, the character's ability to use a weapon and the knowledge about weapons. A higher skill makes the character able to identify weapons with origin, and combined with world knowledge, to know which sorts of weapons are used where in society. And of cause, a higher skill makes the character better at using, transporting and shooting guns. A weapon usage skill of 0 means the character will most likely not know to turn off the safety of a weapon, and even if the safety was off, hitting the RIGHT target will be a matter of pure luck rather than any sort of aim. A character with weapon skill 4 is an experienced soldier, probably able to qualify quite easily for certain profesional organizations, like SWAT.
Furthermore, each character has 20 points to spend on items. There is no definite list for these, but the number of points you put into it will decide the usefulness of an item. As guidelines, an average handgun would be worth around 5 points, more points meaning a better gun, while a handheld computer would likely be worth more than 10 (again, the more points you spend on it, the better it will work when you need it). In short, what you do is to decide what items you want your character to be carrying. Then you spend a number of points on each of them. The more points you spend, the better the items will work when the dice roll, but there's no specific amount of points you <u>have</u> to spend to get an item. Regarding the tech level, we're at the average non-laser sci-fi level. No specific limits yet though.
I will try to balance the skills so that no one skill is worth “more” than another skill, so while it might be a little off early on, that will change once I work out the importance of the individual skills.
Standard rules on the RPG boards apply. Bold for OOC text, asterisks for actions, quotation marks for speech, brackets for attempts. Rules are the same as <a href='' target='_blank'>here.</a> In addition to this, we use slashes (/if things are like they were the last time I was here/) to indicate predictions. This is because that way we avoid people having to post something simple, wait hours for the response, take another simple step, wait more hours and so on. The use of this would be something like this:
*Joe goes to the bar*
/if nothing special is going on in the bar/
*Joe orders a drink by the barkeep.*
That way, if something special IS in fact going on in the bar, I will say so in my next post, and I will just assume Joe never ordered a drink. This is a lot more practical than Joe's player having to post *Joe goes to the bar* and wait for me to tell him nothing special is going on before he can post the *Joe orders a drink by the barkeep.* part.
Game has started. If you want to join, send a PM to my inbox rather than posting in the thread.
Age- 28
Sex: Male
Looks: Brown eyes, hair coming down to his eyes and ears is also very dark brown hair, except for a red stripe on his fringe, strongly built but no weight lifter, tall aswell but not a giant.
He spent his life a mercenary in china, like his parents before him and their parents before them. He started when he was 18, usually working along side with his parents until a mission went wrong and cost them their lives, he was looked after by his father friend who trained him up for 4 years and found him jobs, he eventually moved out to when he was 28 to Poland hearing rumours that there were alot of jobs in Poland to do. Very quiet and only speaks when needed to, he also has a very short temper and can lash out badly.
World Knowledge-0
Physical fitness-20
Medical knowledge-0
Weapon usage-30
+20 to Custom made rifle.
OK, now then... now to decide on character stuffs...
Name- Raziel Barenwick
Age- 27
Sex- Male
Looks- 6'1", dirty blond hair cut short in a crew cut style with green eyes, lean build.
Background- Born on a outer space planetary colony, he grew up around computers, always facinated with them and working on them, at 18 his parents were both killed in a minor skirmish, scince then he has been planet-hopping, making as much money as possible by taking jobs as a computer hacker for both large organizations and single clients, now he has ended up landing on earth to take care of one such job, ending up in the middle of a firefight, taking shelter in the church only a short few hours after landing.
World Knowledge-15
Physical fitness-5
Medical knowledge-0
Weapon usage-5
+12 to a handheld computer.
+8 to a standard pistol with laser sight.
Color- <span style='color:teal'>Teal</span>
Yup, basicly copied the same stuff that I was using in AG: 3 "The Origins"... Hey, I'm not dead yet, so it's working pretty well, lol.
Name- Demigusie Latonen
Age- 21
Sex: Male
Looks: Blue eyes with spikey hair. Medium build with a scar on his left cheek.
Demiguise (hacker name) Was found at his house making some kind of device when it exploded and gave him amnesia. All he found out when he woke up was his hacker name, which took presidence over his real name. He has always had a talent with technology and wishes to take it that step further to help out.
World Knowledge-5
Physical fitness-15
Medical knowledge-0
Weapon usage-10
+12 Tool kit (his own(includes welder, plyers, wires and assorted other bits and pieces)
+8 First made computer part. (a not working so well PDA)
Age: 25
Appearance: Dark wavy hair, 1.73 meters tall, brown eyes
RPG Color: <span style='color:chocolate'>Chocolate</span>
Wyzak was brought up in a relatively rich Polish suburban household. His parents provided him with much, being the only child. However, his sheltered upbringing has made him rebellious as he came of age, sympathising with extreme movements like the U.E.N, seeing them as having been oppressed by the western countries. Wyzak has provided the U.E.N some services so he has contacts within their organization. However, when the battle started over Poland, Wyzak realized that they were only using Poland as a shield when he witnessed their indiscriminate use of fire power killing Poles. Disillusioned, Wyzak now wants to find a way to strike back against the armies using his homeland as a battleground. On November 5, as Wyzak makes his way to a contact a resistance movement, he finds himself suddenly in the middle of a skirmish between U.E.N and G.A.C forces. Being forced to run for cover, Wyzak runs into an old church Warsaza, praying that it will provide shelter from their crossfire.
World Knowledge:20
Physical fitness: 10
Charisma: 15
Dexterity: 5
Tech: 5
Medical Knowledge: 7
Weapon Usage: 8
Silenced pistol (7 points)
Switchblade (5 points)
Concealed body armor (8 points)
Oh and touch me and ill get seperoth on ya <!--emo&:D--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='biggrin.gif' /><!--endemo-->
(wheeps because of aeris)
Age: 34
Apearance: Short (5' 7") and muscular, with a don't-mess-with-me look. Blonde, straight hair and blue-green, intense eyes. Numerous scars on his body.
RPG colour: <span style='color:darkkhaki'>DarkKhaki</span>
Colin doesn't talk much about his past. Infact Colin doesn't talk much at all, to anyone.
What is known is that he served in a Marine Corp and has the scars to prove it. Also, he came to Poland as part of a mercenary company, fate unknown.
His skill set seems to be geared around hurting people and breaking things, but has some medical knowledge from his military training. He favours heavy weapons, not feeling at home with anything less than a SAW.
World Knowledge:5
Physical Fitness:20
Medical Knowledge:10
Weapons Usage:20
Equipment: To be decided.
I'm thinking of a weapon something like the FN Minimi LMG/SAW.
100 round belt-fed weapon with slightly above average rate of fire and accuracy, designed to be fired off a bipod. Longer, bulkier and heavier than a rifle. What sort of cost would that be?
And can I get worthwhile body armour with that?
So 17 for the LMG and 3 for the armour? would that be reasonable?
Name: Adrian Lee
Age: 19
Appearance: Light-Medium Build, 5'8, Black Crew Cut, Glasses
RPG Color: <span style='color:red'><span style='font-family:courier'>Red with Courier</span></span>
A student who didn't want to study in a country with missles being lobbed at it from across the globe, he travelled to Poland. At the wishes of his father, he bought himself a decent German handgun for self-defence. He isn't that great a shot, as he prefers to study over travelling to the range and wasting quite a few dollars to peforate paper targets. The only survival skill that he's honed is the ability to run, and run fast. Despite being a somewhat calm and learned individual, he tends to lose it a bit when the bullets start flying. Likes to keep his load light, so he can run fast. Therefore, he could of carried a lot more ammunition and perhaps a knife, but opted out. Tends to get hungry from prolonged anxiety.
World Knowledge: 15
Physical fitness: 10
Charisma: 5
Dexterity: 15
Technology: 20
Medical Knowledge: 0
Weapon Usage: 5
H&K .40 Semi-Automatic Handgun w/4 Extra Clips of 15: +8
Transistor AM/FM Radio: +5
Basic Combat Harness (Pistol Holster, Magazine Pouches, Weight Bearing Straps):+5
Non-Perishable Food: +2
@Khaim. Nice to see you too. I'll do my best to cover you and everyone else when the sewage farm hits the 3 megawatt aerogenerator. Just understand I may have a slightly warped sense of humour.
2 Fighters -Me and Bill
2 techno people- Khaim and Demi
Ranger- Zero
Coward, i mean really fast running person- Delta
Any medics ?
<span style='color:orange'><b><u>Estella Karvina</b></u>
<b>Age:</b> 23
<b>Gender:</b> Female
<b>Appearance:</b> Estella is of medium height, approximately 5'8" in the old Imperial scale. She is slim and quite attractive - while not possessing the beauty of some girls, her striking features, flashing green eyes and shoulder-length dirty-blonde hair mean that she is not one that you would see and forget easily.
<b>Background:</b> Having lived in Poland for many generations on end, the Karvina family is no stranger to wars. Her ancestors played a vital part in the Polish resistance during World War II, and Estella herself has inherited this rebellious spirit. Having travelled extensively prior to her university studies in medicine, she is able to speak fluent German and English like a native of those countries, as well as Polish. While not trained extensively in the use of weapons, she has learned a bit from her two older brothers, who are fighting in the northern regions of Poland.
<b>World Knowledge:</b> 10
<b>Physical Fitness:</b> 0
<b>Charisma:</b> 15
<b>Dexterity:</b> 15
<b>Technology:</b> 0
<b>Medical Knowledge:</b> 25
<b>Weapon Usage:</b> 5
<b>Items:</b> Medical kit (+10), crafted revolver (+8), small knife (+2)</span>
<b> we have too many people or would you mind an eighth person? My sister saw the world concept and was extremely interested - possibly a medic type? Anyway, up to you, xect.</b>
An eigth player would be nice. Planning on having somewhere between 8 and 10 players.</b>
I'll let her know about it <!--emo&:)--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif' /><!--endemo--> Thanks.</b>
<b>By the way, I've decided that we'll play this one in third person. That means roughly the same posting format as in the other threads, only instead of *Goes to the door* it will be *Sarlex goes to the door*. That's simply because I think it gives a better and less anonymous flow to the game.</b>
So when we gonna start ?
In Doom 3 is the company called G.A.C or U.A.C think i copyed them with G.A.C <!--emo&:(--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='sad.gif' /><!--endemo-->
<i>Just a few days ago, this part of city was in perfect shape. The G.A.C. discovered the exact location of U.E.N. general Juhziz': a nearby basement. This morning, the bombing runs started. The area was hit by a particularly devastating carpet bombing 20 minutes ago, and the nearest place you were able to seek shelter was a church nearby, where the solid stone would be able to protect you from the light bombs for a little while. The chuch is quite small, with only an altar and room for an audience of about 40 people at most. The church is totally deserted when the first of you enter.</i>