What Is The Purpose Of The Gl?
Join Date: 2003-06-07 Member: 17084Members
<div class="IPBDescription">Is it meant for mainly structures?</div> I ask this question because I've been reading the GL threads and wondering... were they put in to deal mainly with structures?
If the answer is yes, then perhaps the solution to all these problems with GL spam would to be GL <b>only</b> does damage to structures? Or does 1/4 damage to life forms - or something like it. This would force strategical selection of GLs instead of mass usage, and spamming. It would have to be worth while chosing a GL to destroy buildings over the other weapons, however.
If not, the splash damage from nades should have a full impact on both sides of the receiving end, marine and alien alike.
Questions or comments?
If the answer is yes, then perhaps the solution to all these problems with GL spam would to be GL <b>only</b> does damage to structures? Or does 1/4 damage to life forms - or something like it. This would force strategical selection of GLs instead of mass usage, and spamming. It would have to be worth while chosing a GL to destroy buildings over the other weapons, however.
If not, the splash damage from nades should have a full impact on both sides of the receiving end, marine and alien alike.
Questions or comments?
To blow everything to hell.
It wasn't just put in "to blow stuff up" ...
for example : The shotgun is the primary melee gun, the pistol the secondary weapon, and the knife the last resort. HMG is like the 'big gun' ... I'm asking if GL is supposed to be anti-structure?
1) Clearing structures, quite obvious
2) Area denial, and we all have to say that it does too good of a job in this role. TOO good.
Self-damage from grenades are actually quite impressive- sitting on one gives you 1/2 of the full 125 pts of damage - ie, almost as much as a skulk bite.
But, having just tested it, that one third is applied to the base damage of the explosion, not the damage after range from the grenade to victim is taken into consideration. As the damage drops off at the same constant rate, it means that at the point a skulk takes 62.5 pts of damage (ie, where the damage has dropped off by 62.5 pts), the firing marine takes zero points of damage. Seeing it another way, not only is the explosion half-strength, it's also half-radius.
This means that the the damage taken from your own grenades is actually far less than 1/2 in reality - most of the time, it will be on the order of 1/3 to 0, guesstimating on the normal, close combat firing ranges.
I'll submit a bugreport to find out if this is working as intended, or just an oversight.
Let's look at classic: GL is the most expensive piece of equipment you can drop, has only 4 grenades in clip, and is damn useless late game without heavy support. If you change it to do FF to teamamtes, it will simply become completely and utterly useless in classic.. And imo, balance in classic is far more important then slight balance issues with combat.
And if it's unbalanced in combat, because it comes too early (I've never seen lerks, fades and oni have significant problems with GL users spamming their feet with grenades. So how about you just increase amount of levels needed to aquire the GL, so that majority of players have already evolved into higher lifeforms and GL becomes the support weapon it's supposed to be.
P.S. Skulks are SUPPOSED to be cannon fodder in the end game, both classic and combat. If you stay as super-skulk, that is your choice, but don't complain that high-end weaponry toasts you in a matter of fractions of a second - it was your choice to make it that way. That is like opting to stay lmg/lvl0 armor marine in the end game, it's cannon fodder as well.
I disagree.