Choke Problems When Action On Screen

briDgebriDge Join Date: 2003-06-21 Member: 17583Members
<div class="IPBDescription">really annoying...........</div> just recently I've started to have a problem with NS. I am playing it on steam, by the way. Anyways, it seems whenever I get in a situation where there is lots of fighting, shooting, biting etc. I get lagged very badly. Now this isn't graphic lag, my video card and processor are more than suitable for NS, and so my FPS stays at a steady 60. This is *real* lag. I look at my ping, and it will rocket up to about 700 (I'm on unsaturated cable, so more like 70 ping is normal) if enough stuff is going on in the game. I decide to open net graph3 to get a better look, and it appears as though my choke goes from 3 or 4 when I first join a game to 90+ once the firefights begin. It makes playing NS VERY hard. Please help!!


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