A New Combat System

Nathanael_UKNathanael_UK Join Date: 2003-10-18 Member: 21761Members
<div class="IPBDescription">Try if you like</div> Here is my idea for a combat system that isn't random, but allows for some fluke. The example will not be NS, but can be changed. First, each weapon is assigned a damage rating, say a Greatsword has 18 minimum damage and 40 maximum, provided it hits. The DM can work out the hit system, but I will outline what will happen if every shot hits.
I am using the random number generator from <a href='http://www.randomizer.org/form.htm' target='_blank'>http://www.randomizer.org/form.htm</a>, which works fast and is effective.

The Player has a Greatsword (18-40) and leather armor (0-8), 100 hp
The Orc has a Badly Made Shortsword (5-20) and no armor 30 hp

Round 1:

Player hits and causes 40 damage with Greatsword, Orc dies.

Round 1: Another way. 18, 39, 38, 37

Player hits and cause 18 damage with Greatsword , Orc has 12 hp left
Orc hits and causes 16 damage with Shortsword of which 7 is absorbed, Player has 91 hp left

Round 2:

Player hits and causes 39 damage with Greatsword, Orc dies

By now you must understand how I'm doing this.
In the first example in the random number generator I set it to generate 5 integers between 18 and 40, these are the numbers: 40, 18, 39, 38, 37. Maybe not completely random, but it depends. So 40 damage was inflicted and the Orc was not wearing any armour, so it dies.

In the second example I used the previous string of numbers, in this case 18. So 18 damage is caused and none is removed from armor save. For the Orc's round I did numbers between 5 and 20: 16, 11, 5, 18, 7. So 16 was chosen, but the Player has armor. So I generated random numbers between 0 and 8: 7, 5, 8, 0, 2. The first of these numbers was subtracted from the damage and the final damage was tallied (9).

In this way you can endlessly have battles with some skill in them. Requiring you to buy your weapons carefully.

Thanx for reading.


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