2...........awful screenshots.

bluemanblueman Join Date: 2002-04-09 Member: 399Members
<div class="IPBDescription">By me!</div>After last week's examsn ive been sleeping and playing DoD till today, ive worked a bit more with the Nirvana map (about.....30-45 minutes) so wut im gonnna show is.....visually poorly made. Ive been opening the sky in the marine spawn area and near ones. here are the horrible pictures that show my awful WC skills.

<img src="http://www.planethalflife.com/roleplayhl/team/blueman/ns/ns_nirvana_v601_00.jpg" border="0">

<img src="http://www.planethalflife.com/roleplayhl/team/blueman/ns/ns_nirvana_v601_01.jpg" border="0">

i konw somwe textures are not aligned and that the computer in the middle looks like ####, <!--emo&:)--><img src="http://www.natural-selection.org/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/smile.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':)'><!--endemo-->


  • humbabahumbaba That Exciting Tales From the Frontline Guy Join Date: 2002-01-25 Member: 86Members, NS1 Playtester, Contributor
    Man, take it easy on yourself. Those shots look great. Looks very friendly and bright, good for a marine start. No complaints here. Nice job.
  • TzarconTzarcon Join Date: 2002-02-28 Member: 259Members
    woah, really nice, I like the pipes the cieling, that console in the middle of the floor looks a little out of place though, I think its just because its right next to the step there. If you moved it over a bit it would look much nicer, Really nice lighting too
  • Imperial_SyndicateImperial_Syndicate Join Date: 2002-06-13 Member: 762Members
    I like them, they look great! You might want to fix the texture misalignment on the side of the computer console in the middle though <!--emo&:)--><img src="http://www.natural-selection.org/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/smile.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':)'><!--endemo--> (unless it's supposed to be that way)
  • BedwettingTypeBedwettingType Join Date: 2002-07-26 Member: 1001Members
    Awful WC skills my ###.  That looks almost like a finished room!  And 45 minutes?  Keep mapping like that and you'll have a playable map in no time.
  • RhoadsToNowhereRhoadsToNowhere i r 8 Join Date: 2002-01-24 Member: 33Members
    Some minor texture issues aside, which you already know about, I'd say that looks awesome.  I'd think you could use a bit better architecture on the wall above the door in the last picture, but that's about it.  It's great to see how much you've improved over the course of a few months.
  • bluemanblueman Join Date: 2002-04-09 Member: 399Members
    mmm, thx for the comments guys, i really apreciate them.

    I though it looked terrible! but....well. Idont work that quick, lol, i just modified the ceiling and the lights a bit in the 45 minutes I worked on it. ill maybe get rid of the step-light there and change the stupid computer in the middle of the room.

    thx again.
  • coilcoil Amateur pirate. Professional monkey. All pance. Join Date: 2002-04-12 Member: 424Members, NS1 Playtester, Contributor
    I figured out why it doesn't look right.  You've got computer monitors facing *up* under an *open skylight*... the glare on those puppies would make them all but unreadable at almost any time of day.

    I also think the orange sunlight clashes a bit with the green monitors.  Maybe you could change the purpose of the room?  Looks almost like a gathering area/rec area to me.
  • bluemanblueman Join Date: 2002-04-09 Member: 399Members
    ive been working more on the room, ive erased the stupid computer and added some support to the ceiling up the door.

    <img src="http://www.planethalflife.com/roleplayhl/team/blueman/ns/ns_nirvana_v601_02.jpg" border="0">

    <img src="http://www.planethalflife.com/roleplayhl/team/blueman/ns/ns_nirvana_v601_03.jpg" border="0">

    <img src="http://www.planethalflife.com/roleplayhl/team/blueman/ns/ns_nirvana_v601_04.jpg" border="0">
    <!--emo&:asrifle:--><img src="http://www.natural-selection.org/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/asrifle.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':asrifle:'><!--endemo-->  DIE!. ups.
  • SentrySteveSentrySteve .txt Join Date: 2002-03-09 Member: 290Members, Constellation
    Without that stupid computer the room looks too bare, maybe some PS effect?
  • BattousaixBattousaix Join Date: 2002-06-25 Member: 822Members
    ya the stupid computer filled the floor space <!--emo&:p--><img src="http://www.natural-selection.org/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/tounge.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':p'><!--endemo--> anyways it looks really damn cool.
  • gutterclutchgutterclutch Join Date: 2002-06-30 Member: 850Members
    Orange light spilling onto the floor in blurred rectangles = OWN
  • FreemantleFreemantle Join Date: 2002-06-16 Member: 783Members
    How about a security checkpoint? Like a scanner that has a script to "scan" anything that passes through it for Metal and Alien life. Then set the script to disply on the monitor "Fire-arm detected" if a marine passes through and "infection detected" if an alien walks through. This looks like the marine spawn/main entrance to the building that your map is.
  • humbabahumbaba That Exciting Tales From the Frontline Guy Join Date: 2002-01-25 Member: 86Members, NS1 Playtester, Contributor
    Thats the marine start, right? Well . .it needs room for a CC and a Resource node. Put a Resource node in the middle of the room. We need to remember that the marine start is supposed to be open because marines benefit from long ranged combat and have a lot of buildings that need placing. Once a node is in, that room would make a Perfect marine start.

    EDIT: "it needs room for a CC " I dont mean that you need to make MORE room for a CC, just that its good that there is room for one.

    <!--EDIT|humbaba|Sep. 10 2002,20:34-->
  • realityisdeadrealityisdead Employed by Raven Software after making ns_nothing Join Date: 2002-01-26 Member: 94Members, NS1 Playtester, Contributor
    Personally, I like the feeling the emptiness gives off. Because of the detail on the floor from the sky lights, it's not a bad emptiness... at least in my eyes. Looks like a good place to set up a base.

    <!--EDIT|ken20banks|Sep. 10 2002,19:30-->
  • bluemanblueman Join Date: 2002-04-09 Member: 399Members
    mmm. well in fact this room is the next to the marine spawn and CC area. In this <a href="http://www.natural-selection.org/cgi-bin/ikonboard/ikonboard.cgi?act=ST;f=4;t=5405" target="_blank">thread</a> from a week ago i posted the R8 (in the layout) room pics. The screenshots of this thread belongs to the R5-3 room, and well, R5-2 and R5-4 can also be seen (far away). Its just the next room to the marine spawn, and my intention is to have rooms and coridors near and next to marine spawn with lots of light and very open. this is the case for all the R5-x rooms, C6 and R7. all the other part of the map (the upper part) starts getting darker and darker till the Hives.

    <img src="http://www.planethalflife.com/roleplayhl/team/blueman/ns/ns_nirvana_v6_bugs.jpg" border="0">
  • ScytheScythe Join Date: 2002-01-25 Member: 46NS1 Playtester, Forum Moderators, Constellation, Reinforced - Silver
    Looks very nice. I love the look of those lights shining down the wall along the edges. I don't mind the emptiness, plenty of space for a marines to set up a base.

  • UnCriticalUnCritical Join Date: 2002-01-25 Member: 73Members, Constellation
    Looking good, but to me the orange light cast onto the floor doesnt 'spread enough to look realistic. Could be just me tho seeing as tho no one else has mentioned it.
  • InsaneInsane Anomaly Join Date: 2002-05-13 Member: 605Members, Super Administrators, Forum Admins, NS1 Playtester, Forum Moderators, NS2 Developer, Constellation, NS2 Playtester, Squad Five Blue, NS2 Map Tester, Subnautica Developer, Pistachionauts, Future Perfect Developer
    Great shots!

    I <b>love</b> that orange light and you architecture is amazing.
  • bluemanblueman Join Date: 2002-04-09 Member: 399Members
    well while the forums where down i worked a bit on the rooms (R5-1 and R5-2 in the above layout). its just more of the same.

    <img src="http://www.planethalflife.com/roleplayhl/team/blueman/ns/ns_nirvana_v601_10.jpg" border="0">

    <img src="http://www.planethalflife.com/roleplayhl/team/blueman/ns/ns_nirvana_v601_11.jpg" border="0">

    <img src="http://www.planethalflife.com/roleplayhl/team/blueman/ns/ns_nirvana_v601_12.jpg" border="0">

    <img src="http://www.planethalflife.com/roleplayhl/team/blueman/ns/ns_nirvana_v601_13.jpg" border="0">

    i like pizza!
  • SentrySteveSentrySteve .txt Join Date: 2002-03-09 Member: 290Members, Constellation
    I like these new shots - not as bright as the last ones!  But is that computer staying in, or going out?
  • InsaneInsane Anomaly Join Date: 2002-05-13 Member: 605Members, Super Administrators, Forum Admins, NS1 Playtester, Forum Moderators, NS2 Developer, Constellation, NS2 Playtester, Squad Five Blue, NS2 Map Tester, Subnautica Developer, Pistachionauts, Future Perfect Developer
    Looks good.  I like that new computer console.
  • TinManTinMan Join Date: 2002-04-14 Member: 445Members
    Well, I really like what I see. Quite friendly, bright and clean. Maybe the higher floor texture should differ from the lower one, it looks a bit strange at the moment...
  • bluemanblueman Join Date: 2002-04-09 Member: 399Members
    more work done. Ive been infesting wut was gonna be a hive (R1 in this case). I DONT like the light combinations right now so they MUST BE changed JEAH!. I still gotta check the r_speeds a bit (above 650 i believe) and cut some lights (it needs to be darker...or not? ) and maybe put some more infestation.

    [edit] ive washed the pics with PSP but ive done it a bit too high, sorry.[/edit]

    <img src="http://www.planethalflife.com/roleplayhl/team/blueman/ns/ns_nirvana_v601_hive0.jpg" border="0">

    <img src="http://www.planethalflife.com/roleplayhl/team/blueman/ns/ns_nirvana_v601_hive1.jpg" border="0">

    <img src="http://www.planethalflife.com/roleplayhl/team/blueman/ns/ns_nirvana_v601_hive2.jpg" border="0">

    <img src="http://www.planethalflife.com/roleplayhl/team/blueman/ns/ns_nirvana_v601_hive3.jpg" border="0">
  • BattousaixBattousaix Join Date: 2002-06-25 Member: 822Members
    Looks good, the only thing i can say is that the hive looks crappy in that way, cut that brush over the hive and name it like : hivetar1. Now go to the hive entity and in the propierities put in target: hivetar1, and it will look 10 times better.
    At the first pic, upright, move the light_spot a bit, because as you can see at the third pic, the light itself its pointing down, but the light_spot its pointing too far away from where it should be....
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