When Attacking Hives...

TyrlanTyrlan Join Date: 2002-11-07 Member: 7635Members
<div class="IPBDescription">What do you do when attacking hives.</div> Usally when we get 5-8 marines together for a hive rush, we all run in and all I see is everyone firing at the hive after they make sure no aliens are in the room. Basicly what I sugest is for people to stop breaking this habbit and start going after the upgrades first then the hive. I always check for aliens, and then see what upgrades are around. First thing to deal with is def chambers, since these will slow down your hive killing and any alien that redems/teleports in will have these healing them while attacking. Also check the room for movements. IF there are 3 moves in the room, kill them all first. Usally (on pubs mainly) these are their only move chambers, since some gorge just dropped all three and then built them and didn't bother spreading them out across the map. This will cause a few things. They will loose upgrades (Usally they will have more def's around the map though) and it also keeps your FOV down low, so you can spot and sulks that are respawning and/or aliens that use movements to get back to the hive. with 5 people it's best to have 2 taking out chambers, 2 taking out hive, and 1 just covering. After the chambers are gone, you can use those 2 marines to help finish off the hive. Also throwing 1 clip into a def, makes it go down a LOT faster then just knifing it, and it's time you don't have to waste in a hive rush.

Any ideas/comments are welcome.


  • WarriorWarrior Join Date: 2003-02-16 Member: 13624Members
    Run in wildy screamin to get that skulk off my heels. Im serious to. However i dont always do that. Only when i have nothing valuable on me. When i have HA/hmg i defend. When i got HA/shotgun i shoot the hive. When i feel its hopeless, i attack the rt, the DCs, mc or any egg in the hive.
  • JetjapJetjap Join Date: 2003-12-05 Member: 23979Members
    Tell the marines to not reload their weapons at the same time. Ammo spam is very welcome, it could be cheaper to drop an armoury or a pg there but not time-effective. After you kill the hive, if they have another one and you don't want to build rt/turrets/pg to lock the hive you destroyed you can leave behind one or two marines hidden in the hive room for a while to take out any gorge that may come with 40 res. Or you can give one pack of mines to the team before they attack. If you want to build something then an eletrified tf is better than uneletetrified rt and 3 turrets, at least for hivelocks. If your team is low on ammo and you are short on res it is better to shot it with pistols, than weld it than stab it, in descend order of damage.
  • NurotNurot Join Date: 2003-12-04 Member: 23932Members, Constellation
    A marine with an HMG and a Jetpack if positioned on top of the hive correctly and crouching is very hard to overcome before the hive is dead. This tactic works well if you have a few miarines take down the spawing aliens while the ones on top take it down.
  • BuglerBugler Join Date: 2003-09-04 Member: 20561Members
    JP+shotgun on top of hive is 20 times more effective.
  • NurotNurot Join Date: 2003-12-04 Member: 23932Members, Constellation
    If you have a good comm and he drops you ammo then yes probably it is, if hes not the I guess you have to wield it or use the knife. I find that tactic actually will capture you almost just as many hives because there's no reloading involved.
  • BOBDololBOBDolol Join Date: 2003-10-04 Member: 21431Members
    1 jp/shotty could take down the hive as long as there's no ocs or lerks, and the hive is a decent place for jping(all the hives in eclipse and lost)
    It'll take about 25 shotgun shells to kill a hive, which is about 3 clips. Way better than an hmg imo, which takes... more, and has a much longer reload time
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