
Born2KillBorn2Kill Join Date: 2003-04-24 Member: 15793Members
<div class="IPBDescription">my 2nd fan fiction. hope you like it.</div> Thank you for taking the time to read this. This would be my 2nd fan fiction. This is my attempt to expand on some type of story plot. enjoy-Possible part 2...

-Beep-Wake up Lieutenant Jacobs-Beep-

I opened my eyes…

-Beep- Current Time is, 0411, Good Morning, Walter-Beep-

The voice of the automated clock was vastly familiar. The voice sounded vainly of my wife. I have not seen her in 6 years. The war carried a pointless meaning that lead up to every morning. I got up from my bed…

I stood up and treated myself to a cup of coffee, Perfect. The coffee was made to my exact specifications. My dress uniform was laid out, pressed, perfect. Military life was lead on to believe exactly that. Perfection. My thoughts were very vague, it felt like this would be my last cup of coffee.


“Come in”

Private 1st Class Shuster- “Good morning Sir, I hope you slept well...”

P1C Shuster was my Assistant. Or should I properly say, “Military Assistance”. The high brass thought that I could use an Assistant to delegate my daily tasks. I found him to be an unnecessary annoyance.

“…... Is their something you need, Private?”

Private 1st Class Shuster- “Um, yes sir. Colonel Jackson requests your company as with the rest of the council at 0530”

“Understood, Private. Thank You.”

P1C Shuster very nervously executed an about face, and exited the room.

Colonel Jackson was the commanding officer of this particular fleet. And has his fist deeply engraved in Special Ops Branch of TSA I could not comprehend what he could want my presence for. Still, very tired. I could not make use of these thoughts.

I very quickly donned my Military Dress Uniform. The uniform itself game me a sense of false security. The flimsy material gave me feeling of insecurity. I much rather be in my BDU’s ( Battle Dress Uniform ). Where I know I have some protection from what lies in my future. But for now, I must hide my insecurities behind my grade.


I entered the Council waiting room; I took a seat and awaited my turn to enter.

Sergeant Major Smith exited the council chambers. His face looked like he had his dignity taken away from him. Sergeant Smith gave me a brisk nod and said shakily: “Good Morning Sir.”

Secretary- “They will see you now, Sir”

“Thank You.” I said as I walked through the door leading to the chambers.

The room was very dark, Smokey, and dry. I stopped in front of a circular table. I could vainly make out 7 figures in the darkness, where dim lights and puffs of smoke drew their features.

“1st Lieutenant Jacobs Reporting as ordered” I said quietly as I saluted.

Colonel Jackson - “At ease Walter.”

Not accustomed to being referred to on a first name basis, my confusion was apparent.

Council Member- “Lieutenant, briefly explain to us what your position in this sector is.”

Without hesitation, I replied.
“Well Sir, I hold Primary commander of major field operations in infiltrating newly discovered Kahara infestations and I am in direct control of eliminating the threats on hand.

Colonel Jackson - “Very good, However Walter, we have a new assignment for you.”

With a displeasing change in his facial features, he continued.

Colonel Jackson - “ we have recently lost contact with a very important civilian outpost. We fully understand that using military resources on small civilian outposts is very illogical. However, we have certain technological developments in that location that we need to gain a hold of. Unfortunately we cannot discuss this here, further information will be provided.”

“Understood, Sir”

Council Member- “you do not understand yet Lieutenant…” A soft female voice added.

Council Member- “we cannot attract any military connections outside of this council, so we will advise you develop A small infiltration team in order to take this facility. We have no reason to believe that Kahara have infested this area, However, Gaining the technology is your prime objective. This technology may hold the key to the human’s…”

Colonel Jackson - “ Sheelah! Do not reveille any more pertinent information!” Colonel Jackson interrupted
Colonel Jackson - “Lieutenant Jacobs, you have your orders. More information will be given shortly. It would be in your best interests Walter, to not screw this up.”

“Yes Sir. Understood Sir.”

Colonel Jackson - “Very well, Dismissed”

Not knowing what to make of the information presented to me, I executed an about face, and left the room.

I retreated back to my quarters. Sat down at my desk and started to rub my temples. I started to drift away. The quiet hum of the ship faded away. All I could hear now is the waves of the ocean, rolling of the sands of the beach at my home. I tried to picture my beautiful wife, but she kept slipping away, Fading, Falling. Now all I could hear is the beeping of my computer. I looked up, and I saw that council has sent me my mission plans.

Message: EXT-Info, Mission Brief
Priority: Section 4/Alpha/confermation 62759.9a
Scan For: Rental Scan- 1st lieutenant / Walter Jacobs- Class B Male ____________________

As my computer kept its rhyme of beeping. pages upon pages of information about mission plans, tech readouts. And blueprints filled up my computer screen. But all I could focus on was the top line of text…

TSA: Operation- NS_Tendra


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