It's Done!

ThePhilipsThePhilips Join Date: 2002-09-09 Member: 1302Members
edited February 2019 in Fan-Fiction Forum
<div>Not NS related tho :(</div> I worked hours after hours, blood and sweat to make this the best html document-story ever made. 

I like svencoop which you will notice. Now I need to rest my head , I almost sound like a scinzfroneria when I talk like that. Maybe i have become...

So read it and support it!

Critism always welcome! If people enjoy it I will make a part 2 of crazy random chatter. All who wants get's to be in the story! Just mention it.

Please you may take funny quotes out of the story but LEAVE a message where you took it please. It will make me happy and make me want to make more.

Thanks for your time!


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