
Snapper_JoSnapper_Jo Join Date: 2003-10-21 Member: 21858Members
edited December 2003 in Clan Recruitment
<div class="IPBDescription">new clan, old players</div> Dont want to "double post" but we finally got around to gettin a better name!

[BAM] is now the name. "By Any Means" is what it stands for (though as a joke we have a diffrent meaning every week with the same acronym). We are planning on signing up for CAL and are looking for good, competitive NS players so supplement our ranks. We currently have 8 members, but only 3-5 are interested in participating in CAL.

Website, working on the hosting but things are starting to look up and I am currently looking into 3 diffrent providers.

If your interested in joining a clan and/or would like to compete in CAL please either PM me, or join #BAMclan and ask either me, Rhamdahn Dave, or Maverick. We'll play a game on Rhamdahn Dave's server (not BAM's as far as I know. Thats all up to him as he originally got it for a guild) and see how well you play.

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