Are They Ever Gona Fix The Resnode Problem?

blackjackelblackjackel Join Date: 2002-11-01 Member: 2151Members, Constellation
edited November 2003 in Mapping Forum
<div class="IPBDescription">making resnodes too close to eachother..</div> Back in 1.4 it didnt matter how close or where you put resnodes, gorges can build them from anywhere...

In 2.0, if you make resnodes too close gorge (or commander) has to build one resnode at a specific spot for it to build....

will this ever be fixed in 2.1? i hope so!


Also, what about rendering too many entities at once? in 1.4 you can drop as many turrets as you want in the same room (up to a certain limit) and the server will not crash just lag like crazy...

now if you drop like 50 turrets in the same room its an insta-crash, will that ever be fixed in 2.1? i hope so as well!

If you know, let me know...


  • ZyndromeZyndrome Join Date: 2003-03-28 Member: 14974Members
    Yeah, turret or turret factory limits. That would stop turret farming. Or just optimize/remake the code for turrets.
    I'm not a programmer, but there's possibly a way to make it less laggy (make certain things client-side for example).
  • WolvWolv Join Date: 2002-01-25 Member: 56Members
    edited November 2003
    The resnode problem may have been fixed in 2.1 q:
    <i>O Stop-gap collision fixes (fixes resource towers for now)</i>
    Although that may also relate to resource towers sinking partly through the floors.

    As for turretspamming crashing the server: try to adjust your fun map in a way that multiple levels of defence are more desirable then a single turret farm. Just don't expect Flayra & co to make changes to the game to cater fun maps.
  • DEADscottDEADscott Join Date: 2003-03-29 Member: 15022Members, Constellation
    Cater to fun maps? Can you say NS Combat..........what do you think has kept this mod alive?
  • NerdIIINerdIII Join Date: 2003-04-05 Member: 15230Members
    Bad commanders sometimes build a lot of turrets in their base when the aliens become too strong. It is not only a problem on funmaps, but more a problem of the new gameplay (faster+cheaper). I would really like to see Flayra examine the problem and find a solution that is 100% fool proof, but that really depends on wether the team can find the exact cause of the crashes. (If you know a problem you have almost fixed it.)
    It is an old engine, it is a freeware project by hobby game designers and amazing if you consider this, but I really hate when programs just crash because there are some really low limits to something. It's like a chart program where you can't add more than 255 entries or it will crash because it only saves 8-bit values for the indizes. But...this should really go into the bug reports forum or to the responsible coder <!--emo&;)--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='wink.gif'><!--endemo-->
  • blackjackelblackjackel Join Date: 2002-11-01 Member: 2151Members, Constellation
    he would not be catering to fun maps, for example, the original ns_siege005 played fine back in 1.4 days, if you load it up in 2.0 it will crash almost every time because of turret buildup...
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