The Ury273 Project (formaly Ns_2wad)

amckernamckern Join Date: 2003-03-03 Member: 14249Members, Constellation
edited November 2003 in Mapping Forum
<div class="IPBDescription">Screens and RC1 Download inside</div> The URY273 Project

U.R.Y. – Un-Related Ysakis, was an attempt to provide off earth mining that worked well, until the 275th mining planet was founded.

The URY Project was originally a concept founded by Nissan, and the South Australian Government, in 2056, but only became feasible once the introduction of Phase Tech was implemented and accepted World, and Space wide a few years latter.

The URY273 Project was founded on a planet that had at one stage held life, but that life had long gone, and only there 2 massive triangular pyramids still stood, able to be seen from any where on the planet. The URY Project team, had sent a small mission to the pyramids, and reports that came back had said that the pyramids where at least 3 KM in height, and 23 KM to a side. The reports also said that the material they where made out of was nanite rich, and was also very hardy, and could be sold off to the Lament Machinery Works to make the Resource accreditation LM67 Class ships.

The LM67 Class ship’s, in there hay day were used for Resource accreditation, Resource accreditation was what the corporate’ of the foundling planet did when the planet was not exporting its share of income, from its operations, such as raw resource, being trees, minerals, clean water, or what ever the planets industries could make cheaper then on earth, or where not made on earth. These Resource accreditation missions would needed a full Battalion – 10 of these LM67 class ships, to go to the planet, and claim anything that was of worth, to sell back on earth, and keep the peace of the populace, that thought it was not part of the corporate it was founded under. However the last Resource accreditation mission was some 15 years ago, and the last LM67 was produced 5 years before that mission. The Lament Machinery Works was now closed up; and as such URY273 is now unfeasible.

The URY273 close out team, had not made contact, on the date due, so we phased in a small S&R Team, to find the issue behind it.

The S&R Team reported that the URY273 storage and living complex had become over run by some sort of bacterium, and where investigating it to its origin. Now we have lost contact with the S&R Team, and from reports of late, the Kahraa infection is with in the range of the URY273 Project. We send the TSA team into the URY273 complex to hopefully salvage what they can, or remove the Kahraa infection before it becomes to big, and destroys the TSA them self.

The URY273 Complex has 3 main locations of bacterium – One is in the Cesspool, a second is in the Café Loading Dock, while a third is believed to be within the complex, but we are yet to know where.

The Resource nozzles throughout the complex are TSA Compatible, along with weld points. The reports from the S&R Team have also said that obtaining access to some areas was restricted.

Good Luck TSA Team

URY273 Project Leader


<a href='' target='_blank'>Download!</a> - 13.3 MB - exe format

<a href='' target='_blank'>Download!</a> - 13.7 MB - zip format - link removed due to incomplet zip file upload

The Hive Mind


<b>Screen Shots</b>

All Screen shots can be found at <a href='' target='_blank'>Here</a>, while random screen shots can be found at ns world

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<b>Change Log</b>

Public screen shot version 10 - mapversion "220"- Public RC1

Made BSP lighting even smaller, by useing the NS null file
Finished off cesspool, just needs some small cosmetics to get it done completly
Added lots of vents from A-04 cafe hive
Removed hive sound room, and replaced with a bunk room, and a res node, this acts like a doubble res, but is not...
Added A-04 Cafe Hive, its outside, but the sky is blocked by a grate
Added rain, and water/thunder sounds to A-04 Cafe hive (Inactive untill rc2)
Made the map public, with the RC1
WARNING! The map uses 6000 KB (5.61 MB) of Texture data, and can cause issues on older video cards

Public screen shot version 9

Added 2nd access route to Cesspool
Added generator room that has 2 generators that must be welded on to gain access to Cesspool hive
The Cesspool hive has a Xeno only open able door, labeled Maintenance access
Fixed some lighting problems in the Cesspool access
Made Cesspool Access generator sound quieter
Made BSP lighting smaller, by replacing info_loaction textures with "null"
Fixed Ony stuck issues with ns hull file in ready room

Public screen shot version 8

Added start of Cafe hive
Added 1st access route to "Lake hive"
Changed lake hive to "Cesspool Hive"
Added lockers
Connected bunker 3 with Bunker 4
Added fresh res node to end of Bunker 4
Changed weld time in tsa spawn back to 30 seconds - as with all weldable loactions in the map

Public screen shot version 7

Fixed some "null" errors in ready room
Changed the textures in Lake Hive, now the water is an animated texture - feel dizzy?
Added the start of the 2nd hive
Fixed info_loaction over lapping - to stop crashes
Made info_loaction 1 unit thick to save on bsp space
Made the over pass longer, it now comes out into The Cave, so there are 2 ways to get into it
Fixed lighting, so its not so bright nor harsh in cargo room, and also changed the lighting to white, not sun yellow
Removed the particle system, and replaced it with normal env_sprites
Added sounds to Lake Hive
Fixed water out side play area issues, to try and help with minimap building

Public screen shot version 6

Moved the light switch button down, so that its 48 units off the ground in ready room
Finished the ready room
Added the first official hive location, with 15 spawn points
Added 14 more spawn points to tsa spawn
Added weld able doors at tsa spawn, one for the res, one for the cc, and one empty one, for things such as labs, obs, etc, weld time is 200 seconds, 3.32 min
Added info_locations
Added a cargo room, (basic, and small) with a ready room stair case, to reach an over pass, and door, that will lead some where
Added 2 more bunkers, they will lead to a new hive, but take different ways to get there
Added some crates to the middle of the east road, for kahraa playability

Public screen shot version 5

Changed the ready room by -
Removed rr.mp3, as trigger_mp3 is **** at moment, and the rr.mp3 will not fit the style any more
Added red lights in pipe room under the grates to show the pipes
Added computer consoles, with lighting, fade, sprites, and sounds to tsa join team

Public screen shot version 4

Changed some of the ready room by -
Adding stair case from where the lift well was, to the bar
Making the lift a funk_wall at the top of the old shaft
Moved the bar lighting to over head
Removed the bar, and replaced it with pipes
Changed the speck, and random team join sections
Changed the lifts button to toggle the lights under the tsa, xeno join teams
Added stair case, and removed the ladders

Public screen shot version 3

Added basic ready room
Worked on lighting issues by -
Changing additive to glow on sprites
Removed the cs_assult light values
Added a new sky map, cydonia, and sky light values

Public screen shot version 2

Fixed func_seethrough errors
Added Lift
Added bunker 2
Added better lighting for the cave

Public screen shot version 1

Light errors from funk_seethrough


  • HyperionHyperion Hyperion2010 Join Date: 2003-10-06 Member: 21477Members
    i like hte bunk area the best, the other ones are too dark, or have too many repeating textures
  • The_Real_QuasarThe_Real_Quasar Has the I.Q. of 12,000 P.E. Teachers Join Date: 2002-11-26 Member: 9998Members
    Too square. Add in some curves, some breaks in the wall, something to make it look more interesting.
  • HyperionHyperion Hyperion2010 Join Date: 2003-10-06 Member: 21477Members
    edited November 2003
    Having now played the map, I like what your trying to do, your layout is good, but you need more connections from MS, and to the Hive. I also find that your rooms are HUGE. Huge rooms can have some problems (boring). I really like the cafeteria, it looks great.

    Some things to fix.

    The red lights in power generator- these make this room HORRIDLY ugly
    The very high celings in certain areas
    The rails, all over the map, you can walk rightt over them, this is a BIG, problem
    Doors, will they ramp your ENT count up?
    R-speeds, i didnt check them, and i assume that you know what to do here
    Hive area, to square, raindrops appear to be going up, sorta like they do when under a strobe light in the real world

    Keep up the good work, you might have something here <!--emo&:)--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif'><!--endemo-->

    I like your old sky lighting color better, i had a nice feel, the new red is really wierd, stick with the white
  • FiredragonFiredragon Join Date: 2003-07-16 Member: 18207Members, Constellation
    <!--emo&:)--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif'><!--endemo--> I like the map so far and especially like the infestation in the Cesspool hive and the cafe hive area is unique with the grate and water falling.I also love the mechanical sounds in the one room forget the name of it though I think it's the generator room or something.Anyway very nice map Amckern keep it up <!--emo&:)--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif'><!--endemo--> looking forward to playing the final version.

    Oh something else very intresting happened to me on yer map amc in the marine base I was able to "electrify" the infantry portals hehe I placed a tf in front of the CC and a ip on both sides of tf and a armory on the other side of tf then afew turrets.I proceeded to electrify the tf,upgrade was finished I looked and the ip was electrified lol.It might be the way the rine base is built or something but I like it <!--emo&:)--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif'><!--endemo-->.I believe this can be reproduced everytime.Alittle more testing should do the trick.I'll let ya's know what's up.

    Oh when I was doing the electrification thing it kept switching to other things hmm I think this has allowed me to electrify the ip's I guess also of how close I put everything to one another.

    I think this may be cool to electrify ip's maybe to early skulk rushes etc and that lone rambo skulk lol.
  • amckernamckern Join Date: 2003-03-03 Member: 14249Members, Constellation
    edited November 2003

    The rails, all over the map, you can walk rightt over them, this is a BIG, problem


    The rails are in fact 1 unit x 1 unit x length world brushes, its so that skulks can walk up them, unlike the {railname here - with clip texture rails that are around now.

    Dave J uses the style i used (look at qnt open source)


    I like hte bunk area the best...

    RR or A-04?



    All r_speeds are within the old r_speed cap, of 800 - the max they hit is about 720 (looking out off rr double spawn door), and about 760 in commander view, next to the gen/base road


    I was able to elect my arms lab much the same way, i think it is something to do with the way the T.S.A Out Post Alpha is set up.

    Screen of elect arms lab - <a href='' target='_blank'></a>

    I think it might be the weldable doors, to protect T.S.A equitment, i will bug test this, or might just leave it - make some nice screen shots latter on.

    <b>Ent Count</b>

    The map has lots of entitys, and even worse texture data - so this map won't be offical - unless i do some major clean up
    entity count -
    Point entity 237
    Brush entity 489 (How the hell did i get that many?)

  • HyperionHyperion Hyperion2010 Join Date: 2003-10-06 Member: 21477Members
    the a-04

    i actually meant the rails on the stairs, when you run up to them (as a marine) you run over them becaue they are too low, just move them up and you should be ok
  • amckernamckern Join Date: 2003-03-03 Member: 14249Members, Constellation
    Ok then thanks

    I will work on making the rails on the side of the stairs 48 units, and thats probley why i hear the hl metal sound when going up them<< ahh

    The A-04 bunk was just a quick 5 min job, becuase i moved the hive back, i had to remove the hive sound room, that i had there in the 1st place - btw thanks

    Also what do pplz think of the small room with the vending machines, and table in the vent? is that a better way to light it?

    I found the sudjestion at one of the forum posts about 1 month ago, and thought i might use it

  • HyperionHyperion Hyperion2010 Join Date: 2003-10-06 Member: 21477Members
    i think i know why your Brush entities are so high, it becuse of all your doors, i really like your doors, but they do take up a ton of entities
  • amckernamckern Join Date: 2003-03-03 Member: 14249Members, Constellation
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