Model Animation & Orientation Screwiness

OnEMac10OnEMac10 Join Date: 2003-10-24 Member: 21907Members
<div class="IPBDescription">they just aint lookin right..</div> Heres the list of problems:

-No death animations, after a player dies (either marine or alien) the model simply falls to the floor in its full and upright (standing) position.
-No crouch moving anitmations, when a marine is crouched and moves in any direction the model appears to be standing, except half buried in the ground.
-All marines stand as if theyve just left the comm chair, all rines have their guns to their sides- even while firing.

Heres a list of plugins:

-Onos Blocker
-Phase EQ
-Self Weld

Our host immediately restarted and even reinstalled once we contacted them, weve tested server without any plugins- and still the problem persists.
Feel free to take a look for yourselves: .[On|E] Lerk Jerky v2.01

Thanx for all the help.

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