I enlist the forumites!
Join Date: 2002-02-22 Member: 234Members

<div class="IPBDescription">I need your help making a faq.</div>I am embarking on a daunting project: to take all the available information on NS and make a FAQ out of it. Possibly including links to every screenshot I can find, but definitely including every single bit of info that's been released.
I need the assistance of the forumites. I need you to throw me every single thing you know about NS, it doesn't matter if someone has already posted it, I'll wade through the info and cut and paste to make it totally clear.
(This only applies to PTs and Devs if they really want to tell their secrets. If not, post what we all already know.)
I need the assistance of the forumites. I need you to throw me every single thing you know about NS, it doesn't matter if someone has already posted it, I'll wade through the info and cut and paste to make it totally clear.
(This only applies to PTs and Devs if they really want to tell their secrets. If not, post what we all already know.)
hope that was useful
the marines dont have a score, only aliens.
aliens have 5 levels explain all 5 lvls + screenshots.
9 alien upgrades talk about that.
marine upgrades (dont know how many).
sentry guns (marine) machine gun turret and i think it was a ballistic turret.
lvl 1 can go invisible with an upgrade and can climb on walls etc.
lvl 5 BEWARE!!!!!
lvl 2 only on who can build recourse thingys and he can teleport.
lvl 1 does some stuff.
lvl 4 can do some more stuff. and thats all i can remember now.
/me makes corrections.
<!--QuoteBegin--></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td><b>Quote</b> </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"><!--QuoteEBegin-->lvl 1 can go invisible with an upgrade and can climb on walls etc.
<!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><span id='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd--> Level one is the base class that all aliens spawns as. (Cloaking is NOT one of his exclusive abilities, it is an upgrade that ALL aliens can get.) He has the ability to wall climb. His attacks include bite (self explainitory) leap (self explainitory) and xenocide (blow you up causing a lot of damage).
<!--QuoteBegin--></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td><b>Quote</b> </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"><!--QuoteEBegin-->lvl 2 only on who can build recourse thingys and he can teleport.<!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><span id='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->Level two IS the builder but NOT the one with teleportation, that is the level 4. Builders make resource extractors, turrets, upgrade chambers, and new hives, the can heal other teamates. The one attack I KNOW they have is spitting.
The level three has the ability to fly when the jump key is pressed, holding down the jump key causes him to glide. Some of his attacks are spikiking and spore cloud (think gas grenade type thing)
The level 4 is the "warrior" class. His attacks are swipe\claws(?) (self explainitory) acid rocket (self explainitory) umbura (creates a cloud around him which absorbs bullets, not 100% sure on this one) and blink (the teleportation move, aim at where you want to go and click)
The level 5 is the tank of the aliens. Big, heavily armoured, very powerful. To my knowledge some of his attacks are whip (paralyzes the marine) and charge (gibs anything in its path)
have 5 levels (classes)
There is a hive sight, which allows all aliens to see eachother at all times (even through walls) and allows all aliens to see what every otehr alien sees (even through walls). this applies to all players and buildings (STC)
lvl1 aka "bob" can climb walls, has a bite attack which does 110% damage (STC), along with a pounce, and when there are 3 alien hives up, can suicide bomb some marines, and can get a parasite ability which makes the marine parasited visible to aliens at alltimes, no matter how far away in the level he is
lvl2 aka pudgy is the builder. he builds ALL of the alien structures, including new hives. known structures include, turrets, movement chambers, cloaking chambers (gives cloaking ablility?), defensive chambers (heals nearby structures and players), resrouce gatherers, and, of course hives. he is known to have a melee attack (don't know specific) and at least 2 different ranged attacks, but AFAIK they aren't all that strong
lvl 3 aka flier/batty has the flying ability, which costs energy to do. he has two known attacks, a spore cloud and another projectile attack.
lvl 4 aka blinky can "blink" (teleport) across the level (anyplace visible from the origin can be the destination). he has a swiping attack, and an umber cloud (which helps agains projectile attacks AFAIK, STC)
lvl5 aka tiny large rhino type class, has a charging attack and is basically a tank.
all aliens have a deathmatch type of scoring system, and all aliens gain resources at a steady rate from resource gatherers. they can gain more resourses by killing marines.
INstead of using ammo, the aliens use an energy system for all their weapons (and the flier's flight ability) and this energy slowly regenerates.
all aliens can upgrade the quality of their armor and their speed (STC)
YOu spawn as a lvl1, but don't need to evolve to level 2, you can evolve straight to a level 5 if you have the resource points. you can also "de-evolve" from a higher level to a lower level. when you die you retain your resource points. each alien's resources are unique to the individual, and are not shared (STC)
For the aliens to win, they must eliminate the entire marine team (base and structures not included?).
The marines have NO CLASSES there is 1 commander. the commander issues orders to everyone else, and everyone else is expected to listen. the commander can set structures to be build, drop ammo, weapons, health, and can "use" anything in the level that a marine can use. the commander mode can be entered by the first player to reach the command station. this station can be destroyed, but you can only build a commander station if you are in commander mode (you can build backups, but can't use them)
Known structers that marines can build are: resourse nozzles, command centers, turret factories, weapon chambers, ammo dispencers. (this may be wrong on my part so don't take my word as if it were written in stone)
Known weapons are: welder, pistol, Light Machine gun (LGM), heavy machine gun (HMG), shotgun, grenade launcher, turret, seige turret, and mini nuke (haven't hear dmuch on the mini nuke for months thou). you spawn with a pistol and LMG (STC)
THe allmighty welder is a very important tool. within each map the mapper has made certain doors or objects weldable so that when the welder is used on them, they will become locked, turn something on, or create a barrier to prevent the aliens from getting through (or anything else that a mapper wishes) NOT ALL DOORS ARE WELDABLE. THe welder is also what is needed to build the marine buildings, and the more marines working on a single building, the faster it gets built. the welder also does a small amount of damage.
THere are upgrades for the resource towers that allow you to gain resources at a faster rate.
resource nodes (places where resource gatherers and towers get their stuff from) do not have an infinite supply of resources.
There is a heavy armour upgrade for the marines to help counter the lvl5 in the aliens. there is also a jetpack upgrade for the marines too.
While there are no classes for the marines, the weapon you have determines your class. there is an unlimited number of weapons you can carry (iffy there, so don't take my word on this), but each weapon adds to its encumbrance, so someone holding everysingle weapon possible would take forever to go anywhere (think the HWG in TFC... imagine moving while croutching. now imagine moving while croutching while firing your spam gun. get the picture?)
THe marines have no individual score (or any score AFAIK), and the resources are, ofcourse pooled, but only the commander uses resources.
THe commander can assign waypoints and objectives to a sinlge marine or a group of marines.
Marines can only respawn aslong as a gate (forget the actual term) is present. it costs resources to respawn players (bring in backup) (STC)
The marines have to eliminate all the hives, and any remaining lvl2 aliens (at least, that's what I THINK is the requirement for winning as a marine, I coudl be very wrogn about this thou)
That's all I can think off the top of my head, and as always EVERYTHING IS <b>STC</b>
There will never be a set release date so don't ask
STC mean subject to change
try to speak in coherrent sentences, and use plenty of punctuation.
oh, and have fun!
so far i've been reminded of one thing i've forgotten: the acid rockets the lvl 4 has and the whip attack the lvl 5 has.
Comprox... Blargh. I wish I'd started earlier, but I'm going to finish it anyways, because I started it. This is meant to be a pre-release FAQ, rather than a manual or a players guide. Don't release till I finish! (should be tomorrow <!--emo&:p--><img src="http://www.natural-selection.org/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/tounge.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':p'><!--endemo-->)