A bit of false advertising on xfr's part.
Join Date: 2002-03-03 Member: 264Awaiting Authorization

Their orginal Advert claimed that the server could be for any mod...However, after talking with the guy giving out the server, it turns out not only could we only install one mod on it in the three months, but we weren't allowed to install any mods that may be created in those three months..
Not only that, but they were unable to tell me any information about the server, except that it might be in either the west or east cost.
It took me nearly three days to finally get this information, and I'm sorry I could not gather it earlier..
To put everything bluntly, what XFR advertised was not what you would have gotten. The server itself would have been largely unusable for many people, thus I decided it would be better off if we just withdraw from this competition.
However, I am proud of the number of people that came to support NS...Over 100 differant people supported NS at some time in the day. 50 of these people stayed steady for two days. 20 stayed steady for all three. I am glad to see that your love of this mod is such that you would support it in anything, any way. Perhaps, one day, we will be presented with another chance to help NS. I know that, when that day comes, I can count on you all to be standing up there with me.
Thank you for the support Shown, I am deeply sorry that it did not yeild anything, and you have my deepest apologies.
Not only that, but they were unable to tell me any information about the server, except that it might be in either the west or east cost.
It took me nearly three days to finally get this information, and I'm sorry I could not gather it earlier..
To put everything bluntly, what XFR advertised was not what you would have gotten. The server itself would have been largely unusable for many people, thus I decided it would be better off if we just withdraw from this competition.
However, I am proud of the number of people that came to support NS...Over 100 differant people supported NS at some time in the day. 50 of these people stayed steady for two days. 20 stayed steady for all three. I am glad to see that your love of this mod is such that you would support it in anything, any way. Perhaps, one day, we will be presented with another chance to help NS. I know that, when that day comes, I can count on you all to be standing up there with me.
Thank you for the support Shown, I am deeply sorry that it did not yeild anything, and you have my deepest apologies.
I was happy, like Jedisar, to see the support we had for the mod. On the other hand, I was <b>VERY</b> disappointed with the way many of the people with "NS_" next to their names were acting in #xfr. I'd made the wrong assumption that the majority of the Natural Selection community were mature, responsible people. I guess it just seems that way due to the fact that on our official forums and channel, we don't see much bad behaviour because the ops and mods are quick to respond and stop it.
Seeing some NS fans in an unrestricted environment, though, was a great shame. Suddenly, they became the exact kind of people that we pride ourselves as not having in our community, spamming the #xfr channel with lewd messages, acting with complete disrespect towards other users, and generally being complete idiots. Really, I think the whole thing gave NS a bad name to the 200 other people in #xfr, and by the end of it, mention of NS would bring a slurry of comments like "NS sucks, stfu" from the other idlers.
Now, I'm not blaming everyone who had NS_ next to their names. Some upstanding members of our community had attempted supporting the effort. But there were some people that ruined it for everyone. Shame to see that happened.
But then again, I rarly looked in that channel.
Part of the problem is it's IRC, and part of the problem is that from what I saw, everyone -else- in the channel was pretty bad... Especially since we outnumbered people by about six to one. I listened in on one of the radio stations, during some 'important announcement' and heard that basically, a lot of the DJ's are unhappy and stuff... I'm not entirely sure this was a bad thing, 'losing' the contest. It didn't seem like the best place or the best people.
I peeked my head in to see who won, and 3 gamers accepted the glory of NS.
We should just show up-en masse in the biggest IRC servers in gamesnet, and just... tell people about the mod...
Hell, it'd give us something to do, i played frisbee golf for an hour today, and then sat on my ### and played HALO.
I'd be shocked too if people I respected started acting like morons and children. Part of this goes to show how lucky we are to have mods as good as they come
It would have been interesting to see how XFR would have reacted to NS_ winning the contest. The endeavour was cancelled too early.
No gaming community will ever be "mature". How could it be, it consists primarily of teenagers. The current maturity level is superimposed artificially by strict oppression and will not uphold.
Oh well, such a sad thing that some of the NS fans are total llamas. I myself did see someone with the NS tag spamming the xfr channel with some HUGE colored text. The sort that takes up the whole screen...
Maybe next time.