What Gun Would You Like To See Added To Ns?
Join Date: 2002-11-17 Member: 9078Members

We were discussing on the private beta forums ideas for new guns, specifically for marines. It might be fun to have new weapons: what guns could you see fitting into ns in the future?
<span style='color:red'>Please DO NOT POST if you don't have anything constructive to add</span>. Please keep in mind that there are already guns in ns that have certain characteristics, don't want to make any new gun too similar, so be sure in your description to include:
1. damage - is it explosive? normal? does it to 20% less to structures?
2. rate of fire - relative to lmg or other guns how fast would it fire? does it fire in bursts?
3. weight - how fast do you walk when carrying it?
4. clip capacity
5. other traits - what are the traits of this gun? does it fire with an arc? does it make a smoke screen?
6. description - how does this fit into tsa's arsenal? and what else should we know about this gun?
7. tech requirements
Don't worry about modeling; I think at this point we need ideas on the type of gun. I am not the creator of ns...however if there is a good gun it might be picked and added to ns!
<span style='color:red'>Please DO NOT POST if you don't have anything constructive to add</span>. Please keep in mind that there are already guns in ns that have certain characteristics, don't want to make any new gun too similar, so be sure in your description to include:
1. damage - is it explosive? normal? does it to 20% less to structures?
2. rate of fire - relative to lmg or other guns how fast would it fire? does it fire in bursts?
3. weight - how fast do you walk when carrying it?
4. clip capacity
5. other traits - what are the traits of this gun? does it fire with an arc? does it make a smoke screen?
6. description - how does this fit into tsa's arsenal? and what else should we know about this gun?
7. tech requirements
Don't worry about modeling; I think at this point we need ideas on the type of gun. I am not the creator of ns...however if there is a good gun it might be picked and added to ns!
It could hit and harm any alien, just designed for fending off Onos and perhaps slow moving Fades, because it would have a clip size of 1. Relatively short reload time, I'm thinking 150 non-explosive damage, perhaps 6 ammo reserve max.
Heavy weight (comparable to GL with full ammo)
Piercing damage, 50% damage vs Structures.
It wouldn't really be overpowering, because its really hard to hit an Onos with a single shot anyway, considering their weird hitboxes. It would take a lot of practice to use effectively...but a skilled anti-tank gun user would be equivalent to a skilled fade user vs higher lifeforms.
Probably requires Prototype lab + Adv Armory to build, but no research requirement, 18 res?
Edit: On second thought, 150 damage would make it roughly as good as a pistol, but easier to miss with. Better make it 200.
Edit2: Summary of gun below, to fit in Original Poster's 6-point format.
1. 200 Piercing damage (100% vs Aliens, 50% vs Structures)
2. ROF irrelevant due to clip size, but reload time about 2/3 LMG reload time.
3. Weight similar to HMG or GL weight.
4. Clip holds 1 shot, reserve holds 6 shots.
5. High speed projectile weapon. Accuracy of Pistol, projectile moves faster than Grenade projectile, fast enough to be considered hitscan against most targets, would need to adjust aim vs very fast targets such as leaping skulks or flying Lerks at long range.
6. Included in TSA armory as anti-tank weapon, used vs Kharaa as anti-Onos weapon. Will require skill to use to actually HIT an Onos with single shots like that.
7.Requires Adv Armory + Prototype Lab, costs 18 res.
Number tweaks and other comments desired.
1.) Halved damage against structures, I guess, not sure about regular damage
2.) About 3 'bullets' down per second.
3.) Around the heaviness of the GL, maybe less.
4.) I think there shouldn't be clips, just one huge 200 or 170. But if there were clips, I'd say about 50 in each.
5.) It should probably burn on the player/structure for a few seconds, like 3.
6.) It's, ah... for clearing out a huge number of aliens at one time.
If you ask me, I really like the Flamethrower from Desert Crisis...
They're just like mines only you press a button and they go off.
I know it's been suggested a dozen times before, but I think the Flamethrower would be the best weapon to add. And ripping off Starcraft here for a second, I think it should deal damage depending on the physical size of the target. It would be very lethal to Skulks, Lerks and Gorges, less damaging to Fades, and deal relatively little damage to the Onos. Against buildings would be the opposite -- chambers would take medium damage, RTs would take large damage, and Hives would take extreme damage. The weaknesses of the weapon would be its short range, slow reload, and structure requirements ( Adv. Armory and/or Arms Lab).
Anyway... a new gun... hmmm... does it have to comply with the FAQ? Ill assume yes.... Wow, lots of options and ideas flew right out the window there. Has to be gritty... no energy weapons... no rocket launchers or sniper rifles... no melee weapons... and the gun still needs to actually be usefull, and not a virtual replica of something already in the game... what a conundrum we have here.
Well the only thing I can think of that would be of some actual use, fun to use, and cool, would be some new type of pistol. Even better, dual pistols! What kind of pistols? Dont know, something futuristic, like the current pistol... but better (hows that for description.)
1: 25 damage per shot. Normal damage
2: Same as the current pistol, basicly as fast as most people can click a mouse.
3: Very light
4: 20 rounds per pistol, so 40 total. 200 rounds in stock.
5: Other traits... must have a very distinct sound that would strike ghastly terror into the hearts of skulks and gorges everywhere. Accuracy would be comparable to the current pistol.
6: It fits into the TSAs arsenal as a great backup weapon for those awkward times when your LMG runs out of ammo after firing at a single skulk... or the perfect follow up weapon for that crack shot marine who just soloed 4 skulks and a fifth is on the way! Also usefull for those who can aim well, and want some more variety beyond the boring, played out LMG. Dual pistols would cost 5 res each, and take the number 2 weapons slot.
Over-powered? Might be.... Fun as all hell? Definitly.
Ahhh, you are right, Talesin... it is in the FAQ!
<!--QuoteBegin--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><b>QUOTE</b> </td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin-->Anything not fitting NS' gritty feel (this means laser guns, plasma rifles, energy weapons, akimbo weapons, etc.)<!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->
But apparently its only been in the FAQ for a good 15 minutes....
<!--QuoteBegin--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><b>QUOTE</b> </td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin-->This post has been edited by Talesin on Oct 20 2003, 01:15 AM<!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->
Go figure... Talesin doesnt like someones idea, so he brands it as "flashy" and un-grity, and adds it to the "ideas that will never go into NS" catagory.
That'd be great fun.
Anyway, I like Pulse's line of thought in that if we needed any kind of new weapon, it would be a secondary weapon.
an smg as described is good.
other option smay be:
grenade, small reserve amount, only a couple, damage similer to grenade launcher. (though this has been discussed to death, who knows)
small pistol sized shotgun, attribs, I have no idea.
For strange weapons: net gun, emergency phase device (transports everyone within a certain range back to base) This could be used to save an expensive team if the wielder knows they're toast otherwise.
more ideas as I get them.
<!--QuoteBegin--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><b>QUOTE</b> </td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin--><i>by gwahir</i>
net gun, emergency phase device (transports everyone within a certain range back to base)<!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->
not really original, considering i might've been taken from UT2k3, but people might abuse it if they can shoot out a small marker where they'll phase off to, and start telefragging the aliens with it.
but problay the best idea is just a hand gernade.. not refillable at the armory, cost, 7-10, smaller balst and damage the the real gl
early game solution to lerks in vents
I don't why everyone is digging on the flamethrower idea, it doesn't seem that awesome in terms of NS gameplay. Maybe slightly better than a GL at clearing out massed skulks or something?
- Replaces the knife
- Does about 3x - 4x more damage than the knife
- Attacking with it works like attacking with a LMG/pistol/HMG (10 swings a clip/40 total ammo)
- It can be transformed into a little high tech knife which does 2x damage than the normal knife, but only uses half as much energy
- When attacked by a Kharaa melee unit, there should be a 30 % chance to parry the attack, 15 % when transformed into the knife (Does not drain energy)
- No upgrades should be available for it
- It should glow a bit so that alien players can possibly tell when a marine has pulled out the sword
Remember this is just a suggestion! <!--emo&:D--><img src='http://www.natural-selection.org/forums/html/emoticons/biggrin.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='biggrin.gif'><!--endemo-->
One, of course, could be a portable Medkit. It'd be a secondary weapon, function like a gun, either with a charge shot or a small amount of ammo. The nanos it shot into the marines would slowly heal them, so it's not a "save before death" weapon. Against aliens, it could maybe act as a close-range parasite inflicter.
Another support weapon, which I think might be useful, would be like some kind of slowing weapon. Perhaps a stungun, or something down those lines. This would be useful especially against fades and lerks, who might take to the hide in the vent, shoot, then fall back tactic. This gun would make it hard to camp, because once hit you wouldn't be able to pull back well. So, this would force lerks especially to be overhead flying attackers, like they should, moving around to avoid easy hits. Not vent camping, spore spamming buggers that hide around the small corner just when someone decides to try a pot shot.
STUNGUN!!! Especially useful against flying creatures, such as fades and lerks! Helps prevent camping! Secondary weapon!
Or, perhaps, have an alternative option to the pistol ammo. Rubber slugs, that do less damage but smack the targets around.
Just ideas, expand on them someone ---
APIS (Anti-Personnel Ionic Stream)
It shoots a powerful stream of energy directly forward. Peircing through and doing damage to all organic matter in it's way, but diffusing upon impacting hull material. It is the first practical beam weapon carried by elite TSA squads. While some may argue that the heavy machine gun has superior damage potential, the fact that the APIS only needs a power supply change every 50 years and it can wreak havok to any number of entities in a row during a corridor charge leaves this weapon a well defined niche.
No tracking, half damage to buildings, must be researched at prototype lab for a rather large cost. Individual weapons should cost a good bit as "beam" weapondry is more costly. Slow movement.
Damage - About 200 per second. Non-upgradable.
Ammunition - Recharges much like the jetpack however the weapon cannot be fired at all unless a full charge is attained and once fired the weapon continues firing until the energy is depleted. Weapon has depleted reserves upon pickup as the power supply is being turned on at that moment.
Stamina - 5 Seconds of continued fire / 10 seconds of charging after full energy depletion.
Weapon 2:
Hand grenade. 2 grenades, moderate damage (about 100). Replaces secondary weapon.
Without adv. armoury(which takes forever) you get no way of clearing vents, and no real distance weapon...
Grenades, no matter what they say in the faq, are needed to gain tactical advantage in areas with vents. The should be second wpn slot and fairly ineffective other than attacking vents or ocs...(like 1 clip of a GL)
Second wpn would be some sort of rifle, with slow firespeed and a fairly high damage, with good ranged accuracy. Im not talking Awm here, just a way of creating wellbalanced groups with hmg as support, SGs as melee and this rifle for long range,,,it wont do much more dmg per second than the lmg, just a longer range.
This would work best if the hmg were converted to a more -H-mg...support weapon, nothing else. Today, the hmg is the universal sollution, you kill all aliens with it, and can camp a hive easily. You also move far to fast with it...
About the flamethrower:
I know it's very hard, if not impossible, to have a nice-looking flamethrower in Half-Life but if someone can pull that off, it would be awesome (not only for the cool-factor, but also in term of gameplay).
Apart from just burning things away, it could bring something new into the gameplay: a alternative counter to sensories and cloaking upgrade for marine <i>troops</i>. In clear, it should set fire on aliens and their structures in a certain range, regardless if they are cloaked or not.
I know we have MT, obs and scan already, but all those can only be controlled/researched by the commander.
To use the 1-6 format of the original poster:
1. Damage: Low, but deals DoT (damage over time) once target is on fire for a short amount of time.
2. Rate of fire: Continuous.
3. Weight: Heavy.
4. Clip capacity: Very large. Only one clip. i would say you should be able to keep firing non-stop for about 30 seconds before you have to ask for ammo.
5. Other traits: Range: short. About the same as healspray, maybe a little more. Uses the primary weapon slot. Area damage, something like a 20-30? cone. Burns (removes) webs. Not affected by umbra. Set fire on target and thus uncloak players. Lights the area a bit (like the welder, but low orange light). Target have his view a little altered when on fire (Blinking, semi-transparent red screen?).
6. The TSA decided to bring back the old'good flamethrower into the arsenal as a counter to cloaked lifeforms, and as a support weapon.
7. Arms lab, but not advanced armory. Cost: i would say something like 12 res.
[/dream] <!--emo&::nerdy::--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/nerd.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='nerd.gif'><!--endemo-->
Sqaud assult weapon(S.A.W.): Its like a bigger HMG, with more damage and a bigger clip. Your asking your self "OMG thats too powerful!!11!" but hear me out. It works like this, you need to "deploy" the gun(about 2 seconds), then you can only see(aim) in about a 180d cone in front of you. It lets you lay waste to anything foolish to come down a hallway at you, the weakness? you can't move or see whats sneaking up behinde you so you need you fellow marines to back you up(AH team work the whole point of NS!), an other possable weakness(if needed) is that you can't use HA or JP due to the ammo pack on your back(for one LARGE clip,no reloading needed). This chould lead to marines setting up traps and adding to base defence.
Damage: A tad more then HMG, same half vs buildings as HMGs have since they fire a like round.
ROF: nonstop intill you round out of ammo, maybe a "overheating" system if this is unfair.
Weight: Very Heavy.
Clip: 400 rounds, belt fed.
Other: See above.
Reason: Well every morden army in the world has a S.A.W. in one form or an other so why not the TSA?
Tech: Upgraded armory, armslab(no need for proto lab as this is a very old concept).
Now before you all flame me to death hear me out. The old nuke from what what I have read could be spawned by the commander anywhere on the map just like a med pack which ment a load of them could be dropped in the hive room then BOOM dead hive. I propose that instead of the commander being able to drop it anywhere he/she should only be able to drop it close to the structure (prot lab perhaps?) that it was researched at then a Light Armour marine would have to pick it up then take it on foot and plant it at the target site. The nuke would have to be killable by the aliens so they could prevent it going off and it would have to be on a timer, say 2 minutes or something. I don't know if a JPer should be able to carry one tho.
Also there would have to be something to alert the aliens to the presence of a nuke in their hive so they could destroy it, some sort of hive command like "nuclear device detected in hive" or something.
1. Damage would be explosive able to kill a hive outright if it was under it but only damage it if it was near by?
2. N/A
3. I would say that it should make the LA marine walk as slow as with a GL
4. One
5. Make a nice white flash in the room when it goes off maybe a mini mushroom cloud lol
6. I think this would fit into the TSA's arsenal by providing them with a stealth alternative to clearing a hive (sneak in plant nuke sneak out again) and a quick method of clearing a room full of chambers.
7. Adv Armoury and Proto lab I think and it would have to be expensive at least 30 res min a pop for one.
The only thing I could see being useful would be a weapon to deter lerks when the marine is defending in the early game but which became useless at tier 2.
i like the flamethrower idea BUT it would couse a unbalance in the game because of the "on fire". All cloaked aliens or skulks at dark areas (or else) would get uncloaked...
Handgranates are a nice add-on like the mines but they should be hard to use (maybe like those at DoD not like CS). <!--emo&;)--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/wink.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='wink.gif'><!--endemo-->
At some games i would have loved to get a Rifle. A damn **** (sry) SNIPERRIFLE. To take down those Lerks in the Vents <!--emo&::asrifle::--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/asrifle.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='asrifle.gif'><!--endemo-->
And i think, besides the Flamestrower, a Sniper would fit into the TSA Arsenal.
It shouldnt be a 1-shoot-down weapon like the TFC Sniper or the AWP. It definitly should have a Laserspot (TFC like). Thats not for easy aiming, more for the Aliens to now: ah! theres a sniper!
It should reload very slow (you need another rine to cover you) and has about 3 Clips with somewhat 6 Rounds each.
Hm Damage. i also like the TFC technique to improve damage while "aiming" (holding down attack1). It should kill a Lerk at its highes "aiming" status, when shot whithout aiming it could kill a skulk.
one or two Zoom Levels would be nice.
Range: High (1,2 Zooms levels)
Damage: aimed/unaimed 175 / 100
Ammo: 6/12 or 6/24
Movement should be normal
Requires an Advanced Armory
When in aiming mode (zoom scope) it creates a Laserpoint
Edit: another idea i had: some sideweapon (like the welder): something like a hand-scanner. it uses energy (can be reloaded at armory) and can create a field of motion tracking around OR uncloaks cloaked aliens.
oh well its just an idea. and sry for my en
Assault canon - Gatling gun.Will have the max possible fire rate in HL,will do VERY little damage per bullet,maybe 5-8 each(to compensate for incredible fire rate)and it will not have a reload system....rather it will use the old-style-quake ammo system,where you can basically shoot off all the rounds without reloading(think of it as using belts).The accuracy will be worse than the hmg.Possibly an over-heating put in.This will be for suprression purposes.Will require HA to use as well as a research at prototype lab.Maybe 20-30 res per AC.Will be late game weapon....sort of like the marine 3rd hive.Supression purposes,as well as mowing down hordes of skulks.