Average_joe's Updated & Revised Alien Warfare

The_holy_headcrabThe_holy_headcrab Join Date: 2003-09-08 Member: 20677Members
<div class="IPBDescription">ive got more secrets to add to my guide</div> Hello everyone, The_holy_headcrab (average_joe) has returned.
Some of you may have remembered my origional alien warfare, which had a few holes in it I'm sad to say.

As usual, my guide only aids Kharaa players, except now I have more strategies to add.


When you go postal as a gorge, (this lil' dude here : <!--emo&::gorge::--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/pudgy.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='pudgy.gif'><!--endemo--> ) you will discover why you want more hives: more hives = more upgrades you can build. Sofar I have seen the BEST upgd chamber to start with is the DEFENCEIVE chamber. Defence gives you redemption, regeneration, and carapice. Plus this building heals other players and buildings near it. If multiple D chambers are placed together, their ability to heal will increase in speed.

REDEMPTION : "Rdmpt" is a nice upgrade that teleports you back to a hive (its random) so you can heal. Gorges and lerks often benefit from this the most, But if you are more experianced, go for Regeneration. The cons to useing Rdmpt? If an onos player devours a marine, the latest NS version will auto-eject the marine from the onos's tummie, while the onos is back at a hive for R&R. And Rdmpt becomes quite anoying if you have a low - to - middle ping connection. If you lag abit, you will knowtice redemption's timeing is slured, and you will usually be teleported back to a hive as a corpse. Gorges benefit the most out of this - if you aren't good at dodging bullets as a fatty, this is a nice thing to use.

REGENERATION : "Regen" is by far the most awsome upgrade Kharaa can get from what i have seen. At level 3, you will really start to feel its lovely healing powers. Regeneration is good for ALL aliens. Onos's seem to benefit from it the most, and you will get health back at a fonominal rate with Regen lvl 3. Skulks will love it for hit and run attacks on turret farms. I would recommend Regen over the other two, as carapice is usefull to a certain point.

CARAPICE: "cara" Is in 2nd place for defence upgrade. Cara will upgrade how much armor you haul around. Onos's and fades / gorges will knowtice the biggest improvements. Onos gets +100 armor with lvl 3 carapice. Fades and gorges get +50 (the gorge armor may have changed to +25 however) skulks should stay away from this one, as it only gives +20 armor. Lerks should NEVER get carapice. Onos's with cara can attack for longer ammounts of time, but comes at the cost of NEEDing redemption or a gorge defence cluster nearby. I really don't use cara alot because regen is so much more usefull.

MOVEMENT CHAMBER : M chambers are good as the 2nd hive upgrade. M chambers act as the alien version of phase gates. MC's will teleport Kharaa to other hives in a blink, which is nice if you need to get to a hive pronto. Mc's ALSO make aliens energy levels recharge faster, so if you need a quick jolt of energy go find a MC. Movement gives 3 upgrades : Adrenalin, Silence, and Celerity.

ADRENALIN: "adren" is usefull if you are hunting heavy marines, fade-rocket-bombing bases and mines, and gorges heal ability. Adren will increase your energy recharge rate. If you have heavys, onos's stomp combined with lvl 3 adren can be VERY helpfull. gorges can also heal longer and aid their attackers better. The LERK is the thing that best benafits adrenalin. Lerk's have slow energy gain, and their attacks suck alot of it. With adrenalin, lerks can pump out more spores and umbra clouds. Plus spiking at lvl 3 will not drain energy. Lerks can also fly better with the extra energy. Adren isn't very usefull if you want to hunt jet packers as an onos, but a 3 hive Fade can turn itself into an Anti-Aircraft battery with acid rockets. fades can frag jet packers faster than a lerk with acid rockets, but untill you have 3 hives lerks can pop them faster. Fades also get a nice use out of adren when they combine it with blink.

SILENCE : "sci" is ok. It's really not usefull if you want to frag buildings, but marines HATE fast aliens with it. Skulks and gorges are best with it, but if you are a real team player you will avoid this one as much as possible. Sci with onos is really useless, because if you try to stop 3-4 heavys with sci and not adren, you will get blown all over the place. This is more of a "fun" upgrade.

CELERITY : the "rocket propelled Kharra" celerity upgrade is UBER usefull if you attack jet packers, and do hit-and-run on buildings. Onos can finaly have a good chance against jp's with speed, and being able to catch up to them fast helps. Gorges arent very usefull with this. . . they get to the place faster, but they heal slower. I would personaly get adren with Gorges so you can heal attackers faster. Skulks move like little patriot missiles with this upgrade, and its great for chasing light's with. if you use celerity as a big alien (fade / onos) don't try to do a head on full assualt. Use your speed to your advantage and get close to marines then attack them. If you rush turrets with this, get your hp down to about 400 and then back off to get your hp topped off. Some people will say you should just go until your about to die, and then run out of there, but a quick thinking marine can turn all 100 points of res into a useless corpse because you didn't have the HP to counter attack. I know you will attack slower with an onos useing this hit and run method, but the ability to counter attack marines with 400HP is much better than 200 - 100 HP. I would personaly choose celerity if you plan on attacking alot as an onos. Gorges, fades, and lerks should stick with adren so they can have more energy to lob projectiles at marines.

SENSORY : sensory is NOT the first upgrade. NEVER make it the first upgrade. Your team will probobly be doomed with sens first. get it with the 2nd or third hive. Sensory chambers are usefull if you want to cloak without cloaking. Sensory chambers are hard to find because they constantly cloak themselves, and cloak anything around it. to aid attackers, plant alot of these every few steps as a gorge so your team mates constantly have cloacking. This will give cloaking, pheremone, and scent of fear.

CLOAKING : this is a usefull upgrade when the game first starts, and you can drive marines crazy. the prob with cloaking is that turrets always know where you are if you uncloak for a second while attacking them. When marines get observitorys, cloaking sadly becomes useless. a simple scanner sweep, and you have been found. use cloaking with all Kharaa classes, they all benefit. but cloaking is only so usefull till obervitores start poping up. To tell if a marine base has an obersv, you will knowtice your cloaking start to turn on and off.
With more sensory levels, cloaking occurs faster.

PHEREMONE : this has to be the most useless upgrade of all time. Its basicly an amped-down version of sent of fear. AVOID pheremone, its worthless. It makes little green/yellow gas trails behind marines. each sens level increases its range. Truely a terrible upgrade.

SENT OF FEAR : Ever wonder why marines get motion tracking and aliens dont? guess what sent is? The kharaa's version of motion tracking. this is my FAVORITE sensory upgrade, because you can spot hiding marines easily, AND know exactly where they are. Like the marines Mtrack, SOF makes a red circle where the marine is. As the marine moves, the red circle moves with him. you can see this through walls. this upgrade lets you see how many marines are in a group before they see you, or find if a base has a HMGer hideing. This is an awsome replacement for cloaking provided gorges have built sensory chambers all over the place. The advantage to sensory cloaking is that you can run around and jump and STILL be cloaked, where as norm cloaking will disable if you jump or move to fast. sensory chambers instantly cloak you as soon as you stop attacking. truely an amazing teamwork upgd between SOF and sensory chambers.


SKULK: its the cheapest alien the kharaa have to offer, and it makes a great little light marine killer. also good for whacking turret factorys. Avoid HMG's and shottys. <!--emo&::skulk::--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/skulk.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='skulk.gif'><!--endemo-->

GORGE : 10 res, and the teams engineer / medic. Gorges aren't very good attacker on their own, but they can kill marines easily with webbing. use your gorge as a support unit. <!--emo&::gorge::--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/pudgy.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='pudgy.gif'><!--endemo-->

LERK : 30 res gets you the gunship of the kharaa. Lerk's are an airborn menace that can kill Lights and JP's really fast with spores. Lerks are good attacking and supporting. If you are on a server with LERKLIFT as a plugin, "use" gorges to pick them up. they acutally get stuck into you, but you can move the gorges around REALLY fast this way. use gorges again to drop them. Gorge players do not always like to be picked up, so only lerklift by request. the gorge you are lifting can also drop themselves by useing you if lerklifted. Don't lerklift people unless they want it, plz. <!--emo&::lerk::--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/lerk.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='lerk.gif'><!--endemo-->

FADE : 50 res gets you the main warrior of the kharaa. Fades are nice because they have celerity and regen built into them. use fades for hit and run attacks on buiding and marines. use the fades acid rockets to blow marines away. use the blink to get around REALLY fast. Blink is probobly the best ability they can do. Blink gets you in close fast, and out of a fight even faster. fades are good attackers / defenders. <!--emo&::fade::--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/fade.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='fade.gif'><!--endemo-->

ONOS : "the own-us" is a freakin' four legged tank. When equiped with regen and celerity, its a bullet train. onos are great for whacking turrets like crazy, but use hit and run so you can counter-attack any marines who respond to your attack. personaly I think any noob who saves up for one with only one hive should be kicked for not putting the team first. Dont use excuses like "ile protect the gorge" because you won't. you will run off at full throtle and probobly get killed. the onos is the best thing for eliminating heavys. it only takes 3-4 horn attacks to frag jet packers to. use celerity if you can hit and run well, or if you have a heavy marine problem, get adren so you can keep them stomped and the other attackers can kill them for you. Regen is amazing with onos's. redemption is alright, but It's to buggy for me. you just have to make marines come to YOU, not you go to them.


Mines : Mines are an aliens worst enemy. I have seen marines do a trick where they plant 10 mines ontop of each other, and it looks like one mine. this is anoying beuacse triggering them will instagib any alien too close. Get fades to rocket bomb them. onos's can squish mines nicely, but be ready to top your hp off after 3 mines.

Observitory : the obervitory can and will disable your ability to cloak. if you depend on cloaking for survival, frag these things fast.

Phase gate: This is an anoying building that lets marines teleport to areas fast. When you find one, destroy it quickly. standing on top of it is risky, because sometimes marines will telefrag you.

Spawn portal : doesnt seam like a big hazzard, but stand on one and watch what happens when a marine respawns. 100 res down the drain beacuse you got telefraged. <!--emo&:p--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/tounge.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='tounge.gif'><!--endemo-->

Turret factory: TF's are the control center for turrets. to eliminate them, clear a path through a turret farm so you take little dammage when attacking tf's. SMART comms will build 3-4 TF's in one area to keep you extra busy. if they are all electified, you may want a gorge to bio bomb it. I have been fraged suprisingly fast from 2 electrified TF's and an electrified Res tower. <!--emo&::sentry::--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/turret.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='turret.gif'><!--endemo-->

Sige: If you are a lerk / skulk / gorge and get too close to a building getting sieged, your gone. period. find siges and whaste them quickly. or better yet, find the TF's and get thoes first, then get the sieges. <!--emo&::siege::--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/siege.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='siege.gif'><!--endemo-->

HMGs : HMG's are not as deadly as they sound. sure lerks and skulks will disagree, but this gun isnt as bad as it seems. it has a huge spread from a distance, which can be easily countered by fraging HMG's with projectiles. Alot of hmg's in a pack is a problem however. I personaly think JP's with HMG's should get a speed penalty for useing it.

SHOTTY : these things are worse than HMG's. especialy when combined with a jet pack. shottys will make quick work of any alien, but the marine has to get close to use it however. beware shotty packers in squads, and try to get them with stomp or spores.

JET PACK: this lets the marines fly. amazingly anoying. jet packers are easy targest for acid rockets, spores, and spikes however.

HEAVY ARMOR: attack heays with an onos that can stomp. crouching and devouring is the biggest secret to devouring ever. if you can combine devour with stomp, heavys will suddenly lose their big bad ness. stomp heavys to kingdom come and let another onos or fade have fun with their new punching bag.

GRENADE LAUNCER : This is a so-so weapon. its nice for fragging skulks and lerks, but you have to hit them dead on most of the time. Nades also go though buildings really fast. If marines value the nader in their sqad, they will keep him in the middle or back so he can have room to fire. naders have been known to blow them selves up, btw.

I hope this data helps confused players out alot, best of luck to you all. <!--emo&;)--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/wink.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='wink.gif'><!--endemo-->


  • TechenTechen Join Date: 2003-05-15 Member: 16340Members, Constellation
    I enjoyed your post. I'm a sensory first kind of guy, but there is no need for me to get into it. Lots of threads arguing for and against sensory.

    <!--emo&:D--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/biggrin.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='biggrin.gif'><!--endemo-->
  • Cold_NiTeCold_NiTe Join Date: 2003-09-15 Member: 20875Members
    I enjoy your manual, but you may want to consider using Bold/Italics/Underline and a good use of colors (colors that complement each other) to help this truly shine.
  • The_holy_headcrabThe_holy_headcrab Join Date: 2003-09-08 Member: 20677Members
    Atleast im not getting flamed lol.

    thanks for the compliments gents.
  • incinincin Join Date: 2003-10-06 Member: 21468Members
    Yeah, looks good. A few spelling mistakes that got me confused though. I'm sure that everyone has a fovourite tactic and will disagree with some of your ideas, but mainly they seem work. My main disagreement is with your summary of HMGs... they are much better at slaughtering onos, you just need to aim for the hitbox.

    Oh yeah, you might want a small section on the "useful key binds", IE lastinv, the invaluable tool for blinking and leaping.
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