Several Questions

2_of_Eight2_of_Eight Join Date: 2003-08-20 Member: 20016Members
<div class="IPBDescription">about scripts, binds, etc</div> Hello. I was wondering, is it possible to:
-Make a script which places buildings in defined locations at the click of a button? For example, it's the beginning of a game, I decide to comm. I click my ubar-k3wl button which makes an IP appear behind the CC, an Armoury on the steps to the CC, and a TF in the middle of the room. Also, it's good for turret farms <!--emo&:D--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='biggrin.gif'><!--endemo-->
-Make a script to give 2 health packs/many ammo packs at 1 mouse click
-Make a script to evolve to an Onos, then upgrade 3 upgrades which I want, consecutively


  • ChackleChackle Join Date: 2003-01-24 Member: 12672Members
    Arent you the lazy jk I'm not too sure wether this can be done...wouldnt think it could be done though cos the game woud get confused on different maps ect <!--emo&???--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='confused.gif'><!--endemo-->
  • UrdUrd Join Date: 2003-05-25 Member: 16696Members, Constellation
    edited October 2003
    The first one im 99% sure is not possible, the second one i have seen before ( i can try making it if you want ), and the third one seems possible, but it would be a pain to make, you would have to get the timing just right.
  • haPihaPi Join Date: 2003-04-16 Member: 15556Members
    YESH it is possible =)

    but tedious and would take a while making..

    ie making an alias which has standard build orders...

    eg. press a button on keyboard to initiate the bind..

    first click will place ip

    second click tf

    third armoury


    as for medpacks.. i guess u can makes another bind,

    but i would personally rather press "e" "s" click then "s" (again) then click...

    it saves 2 crucial res..

    as for positioning of buildings.. NO..

    it's dependant on the map.. and location of ur mouse etc..

    as for evolve.. W00tah i lub this...

    alias onos "impulse 117; impulse 102; impulse 107; impulse 112"

    bind pgdn onos

    generic: bind "key" onos


    that onos = onos (evolve) then regen then celerity then scent of fear..

    i rather bind upgrades to keys than put all in a touch of a button..

    ohh btw u have to press the pgdn or what ever u bounded it too 4 times for full upgrades...

    *sigh* here u go...

    alias dev1 "developer 1"
    alias dev0 "developer 0"

    alias onos "impulse 117; dev1; echo evolving - onOs; dev0"
    alias skulk "impulse 113; dev1; echo evolving - skuLk; dev0"
    alias gorg "impulse 114; dev1; echo evolving - gOrg; dev0"
    alias lerk "impulse 115; dev1; echo evolving - L3rk; dev0"
    alias fade "impulse 116; dev1; echo evolving - faDe; dev0"

    alias carapace "impulse 101; dev1; echo upgrading - caRapaCe; dev0"
    alias regeneration "impulse 102; dev1; echo upgrading - reGen3raTioN; dev0"
    alias redemption "impulse 103; dev1; echo upgrading - reDemPtiOn; dev0"
    alias celerity "impulse 107; dev1; echo upgrading - ceLeriTy; dev0"
    alias adrenaline "impulse 108; dev1; echo upgrading - aDrenaLine; dev0"
    alias silence "impulse 109; dev1; echo upgrading - siLenCe; dev0"
    alias cloaking "impulse 110; dev1; echo upgrading - cLoaKinG; dev0"
    alias pheromones "impulse 111; dev1; echo upgrading - pheRoMoNes; dev0"
    alias scentoffear "impulse 112; dev1; echo upgrading - sCenT oF feaR; dev0"

    alias gorgbuild "impulse 95; wait; impulse 90; dev1; echo building; dev0; stopsound"

    alias hapz "-popupmenu; stopsound; slot2; slot1"

    scr_conspeed 4500

    echo "w0rK k0mp|3te...."

    enjoy <!--emo&:D--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='biggrin.gif'><!--endemo-->
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