Action! adevnture! suspence!

nonamenoname Join Date: 2002-04-30 Member: 556Members
hey, ive kinda shied away from descripting the inerworkings of the ns world.  i figured that the game developers/creaters/writers may be offended if i started telling them how the universe they created worked.  id like to work nanomacines into my story (i got the basic idea from some other guys story, unfortunatly i dont rember who it was...sry) and also describe the tsa marines armor in a bit of detail.  if any of the game creators thinks i have over step my bounds please let me know, ill edit my story to ur approval.


me, bill, adam and derk stood outside the bridge when valls voice shot out over the comm-net.

++ B SQUAD! heads up squad E is comming your way and there bringing a few friends!  move up and support them now! ++

++ YESSIR ++ we all said as we started to hurdle the filecabnet barricades moveing towards squad E.  
i activated combat mode on my armor and the nanomachines flooded my body.  through my augmented vision i could see the health readouts of my squadmates and their location as well as my own.  
seconds later i felt the rush of the combat chem washing over my body, i loved that feeling.  the combat chem is actually a mixtuer of chemicals, some produced by the body itself, like adrenalin, some are carried and released by the nanomachines.   combat chem has a number of effects on the body, the first and most important is the numb feeling that washes over you, your not completely numb, but enough to allow you to take much more punishment before you pass out.  the numbing advantage isnt always used in a fight, a good example is running to safty.... with a broken leg and a shattered rib cage.  other chemicals increase stamina, quicken your reflexes and heighten your hearing, vision, and sence of smell, but my personal favorite is the adrenalin.  to this day medical science is still a little baffeled by this beautiful chemical, this chemical that increases your strenght to many times its normal level, this chemical that allows you to run faster and jump higher.  
i felt the combat chem hit me as we stopped and crouched behind a few turned over desks and filecabnets that lay just around a corner, i was anxious to fight my foe.

++ SQUAD E!  TAKE A RIGHT AT THE INTERSECTION, JUMP OVER THE BARRICADE AND HIT THE DECK!! ++ i screamed into the comm-net.  the clatter of boots and sporadic gunfire was very close now, i could even hear the high pitched chanellges of the aliens pursuing my friends.  
two marines dashed around the corner and started sprinting towards my postion, their muscels pumping with every ounce of strength they had.  the third man rounded the corner as his two buddies lept the barricade, the forth man was only steps behind the third but he wasnt quick enough.  as he rounded the corner he was lifted into the air, a split second later his twisting body was hurled into the wall pin coushioned by spikes.  as the mans corpse started to fall his attacker slammed into the wall, its legs absorbing the shock, its body twisting, redirecting its momentum and for a second it seemed to stand on a vertical wall, then with a single flap of its gigantic bat-like wings it launched itself at me with a blood-curdling scream.  

"DOWN NOW!!" i yelled at the top of my lungs, the three surviving members of squad E instinctivly hit the deck as i opened up with my heavy rifle.  the gun bucked and kicked agasnt my shoulder but i held firm, i saw the action in slo-mo, my high-velocity shells ripping through the bat like wings and carving huge chunks of flesh, bone, and sinew from the aliens body and spraying it across the hallway.  it twisted and rolled in the air before it fell lifeless to the floor with a dull, wet thud.  adam opened up with his shotgun sending murderous vollies of lead down the hallway at two more batty aliens.  bill and derk's lightmachine guns barked and chattered a deadly tune pulling and jerking the aliens around in a macabre dance of death.  squad E joined in to our deadly tune as a little bob came around the corner, upon seeing the shattered, twitching bodies of its fallen comrades it tried to turn around and leap to cover, we gunned it down mercilessly.

"adam with me! move up!" i said as i lept from the cover of the barricade.  i rounded the corner with adam close behind, i peered down the darkened hallway but saw nothing.  a twitch of movement above me caught my eye, before i could look at whatever it was adams shotgun barked severing one of the bobs arms, it fell to the floor less then a foot infront of me landing belly up.  before it could move or attack i was on it, i felt a reassuring snap as my boot came down upon the bobs chest, pinning it in place, i brought my heavy rifle up under its jaw and splattered the floor with the brains, blood and skull fragments of the little bob.

the rest of squads B and E poured around the corner and backed up me and adam as we stalked the darkened hallways.

++ valls, see anything on the overhead? ++ i asked
++ no, its clear.  Squad B, where the ships flight controls working? ++ asked valls.
++ no, they're busted ++ i replied.
++ alright, advance to the crew quarters see what you can dig up.  plant cameras on the way, i wanna see whats going on out there. ++
++ aye sir ++ i said a bit calmer as i felt the combat chem power eeb away, like a retreating ocean during low tide.
"alright, collect his ammo and lets get going." i sighed

valls staired hard into the console, watching squad B and E collect ammo and fade into the dark hallways as they moved towards the crew quarters. barry rollins and stephen vosh, the first two casuilties in this fight, how many more to come? valls though.  800,000 if we fail, all those innocents down on altex looking up and praying to the deity of their choice that we save them from oblivion. nooo pressure, none at all...thought valls as he let out a little chuckle.
++ dan, hows nate doing? ++
the old, weathered features of the units medic turned to face a camera.
++ ive stabilized his condition, hes out of this fight, but he'll live to see another day. ++ dan said with a smile.
++ glad to hear it. ++ valls said.  he admired dan, no matter how grim the situation he always managed to keep optimistic and make a little joke, something to make eveyone smile.  great for moral.

valls attention returned to squad B and E as they moved to the crew quarters.  into the darkness once again, he though.

(had to cut it short, wordpad was givin me some sh!t, hope you liked it!  more to come over the week-end! )


  • GwahirGwahir Join Date: 2002-04-24 Member: 513Members, Constellation
    if you're looking for the definitive way the TSA work, including with nano-tech, try these

    official story writer for the team.

    <a href="" target="_blank"></a>

    <a href="" target="_blank"></a>

    "Six Days in Sanjii" is designed to be extremely close to in game mechanics.
  • nonamenoname Join Date: 2002-04-30 Member: 556Members
    sorry bout not writing over the last few days, i have a viable excuse!! i went to a few parties and college just started for me, so there!  ive been working out a bunch of ideas in my head so ill try to get them down on paper within the week.  i also thought of a title, Ghost Saga (or something close to that) what do ya think?.  ull understand when im done with me storie <!--emo&:)--><img src="" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':)'><!--endemo-->  but does it kinda grab ur attention?  make u want to know more?
  • JediYoshiJediYoshi The Cupcake Boss Join Date: 2002-05-27 Member: 674Members
    “Just ‘use’ it, the same way you activate a lift, or access holometric displays.”

    They stared at it and put their hands out. Sparks began to fly as the internal circuitry created itself out of nano-particles.

    “We’re getting a work-in-progress display on our HUDs.”

    Oh god thats a classic <!--emo&:D--><img src="" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':D'><!--endemo-->
  • dragonsbladedragonsblade Join Date: 2002-08-07 Member: 1104Members
  • sharpsword6sharpsword6 Join Date: 2002-08-15 Member: 1166Members
    yeah its ok jus plz no more storys about any thing it is so boring lol who ever is bored say i with some reasons to be bored
  • JediYoshiJediYoshi The Cupcake Boss Join Date: 2002-05-27 Member: 674Members
    I'm bored of hearing whinners.
  • TychoCelchuuuTychoCelchuuu Anememone Join Date: 2002-03-23 Member: 345Members
    Sharpsword, disliking it does not mean that nobody else likes it. Don't read it if it annoys you.
  • dragonsbladedragonsblade Join Date: 2002-08-07 Member: 1104Members
    storys are cool you become literate and learn ns stuff <!--emo&:D--><img src="" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':D'><!--endemo-->
  • sharpsword6sharpsword6 Join Date: 2002-08-15 Member: 1166Members
    did i say it was a bad story no i didnt i just said it was a good story but its getting boring reading about them. Dragonsblade not all them have to do with ns i have read some and they dont have anyhting to do with ns.
  • dragonsbladedragonsblade Join Date: 2002-08-07 Member: 1104Members
    i no but this one doese
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