Moral Decay... Directed To Christians (kinda)
Join Date: 2002-11-01 Member: 2412Awaiting Authorization

in Discussions
<div class="IPBDescription">WHO CARES, GEEZ</div> Only a few years younger, I use to be quite the damnable pessimist concerning world views, "Oh my look at the world today! Divorce rates increasing, STDs rampant, with its accomplice adultery on a debauchery spree. On going wars, school shootings, oh my, even kids fighting over Pokemon cards. What will this sinful world come to next?"
Having now broken out of this view, I've reached phase two: apathy of global matters. Defeated by the daunting task of filling in the shoes of the Care Bears? Hell no. What we see today is <b>natural</b>. Not healthy, but natural.
In our time line, we seem to have the impression of what would best be described as a "sinusoidal moral wave"; that is, there is a repeating pattern of moral highs and lows. Tell me that today is worse than things back ten years ago? I'll tell you to look back a few more decades; Cold War hatreds to the point of brinkmanship, (and thank God, nothing beyond), and racism was probably a much more popular in that time as well. Then there was the Eugenics fad, it's pinnacle rising up to the point of World War II, and quick to die afterwards. What came before the Renissance? The Dark Ages. Etc., etc.
Is it just human nature to have to **** about the present? Juxtapose all eras and you'll find that just about each era had an aspect that sucked. It seems often that a lot of adults seem to talk about the moral decay in this present day. Is it really THAT much worse than when they were young. Yes, there are higher divorce rates now then ever, but to statistics show the number of women who suffered in silence in marriages they regretted, but couldn't get out of because divorce was looked down upon and chances are she couldn't possibly get a job? Yes, multiple sexual partners, and sex before marriage seems to be less frowned on today, but... hmm... nothing to compare that to at the moment; the Greco-Roman empire probably had legal orgies though.
I do admit that my generation does in fact scare me; I feel there is in fact a downward trend I have a secret desire to inflict my fellow teenage masses with <a href='' target='_blank'>old Cold Age era propaganda on the current trend of physical maturity outpacing emotional maturity (41 megs)</a>. I wrote already that the state of things now are just as natural as they were a thousand years ago, <b>but our current state is not healthy</b>. It's not something worthwhile in keeping me awake at night, though. Entropy is law, it's not something that can be stopped. I'm a learning Christian, but if the world's bent on self-destructing, I'M GOING TO LET IT DO SO. As Christians, we'll extend our hand for help, and someone swats that hand away, for God's sake, don't try to drag them out of the pit they're digging, you've tried to give them help, and they don't want it. End of storyfor the time being. However, if that person falls in that pit and THEN wants help, then we lend that person a helping hand, and without a damn gloating attitude.
Going off topic here, but one issue that has been honestly bothering me is the issue of homosexuality. Here in Canada right now, there's a huge debate about making same-sex marriages valid, and there's a lot of opposition by a good portion of the religious population. My opinion: SAME-SEX MARRIAGES ARE OVERRATED. Good God, as Christians, don't we have something better to do? You know, like charity, or helping others? Why the hell are we forcing our beliefs on people who don't even believe what we do? I rather resent seeing Christianity high and mighty in politics, because it gives an skewed view of what Christianity really is. True Christianity in this world is an <b>underdog</b>. It grows when there's resistance, just like grass grow longer roots when there's lack of water. It's important to strike a balance no doubt, but good grief, let the post-modernists (I use this in the sense of people believing morals are totally relative) run the world as they see fit. This world is not ours to rule, the spirtual one is perhaps, not the physical one. If we're so concerned about the fading grip of Christian influence, why don't we HELP OTHERS? It's not marriage is under attack for the first time. The Greco-Roman Empire often had an obsession with it homosexuality. In the Dark Ages, it was mainly about property. Heck, in old school China, marriages were prearranged for the sake of the families of the couples. The main concern with homosexuals advocating for same-sex marriages right now is just that they want equal rights to a opposite-sex married couple anyways. If I had the power right now, I feel slightly inclined to ban the term marriage in politics and replace it with the term "unions" for the sake of inane political correctness. Each individual can still believe what he/she thinks is true marriage, but at least the law makes no attempt to spell it out for them.
Let's stop wasting time lamenting about global matters and start paying attention to the people right next to us. Save the world, one person at a time...
To make anything worthwhile in discussing, I suppose my question is "What is your take on present morality?"
Having now broken out of this view, I've reached phase two: apathy of global matters. Defeated by the daunting task of filling in the shoes of the Care Bears? Hell no. What we see today is <b>natural</b>. Not healthy, but natural.
In our time line, we seem to have the impression of what would best be described as a "sinusoidal moral wave"; that is, there is a repeating pattern of moral highs and lows. Tell me that today is worse than things back ten years ago? I'll tell you to look back a few more decades; Cold War hatreds to the point of brinkmanship, (and thank God, nothing beyond), and racism was probably a much more popular in that time as well. Then there was the Eugenics fad, it's pinnacle rising up to the point of World War II, and quick to die afterwards. What came before the Renissance? The Dark Ages. Etc., etc.
Is it just human nature to have to **** about the present? Juxtapose all eras and you'll find that just about each era had an aspect that sucked. It seems often that a lot of adults seem to talk about the moral decay in this present day. Is it really THAT much worse than when they were young. Yes, there are higher divorce rates now then ever, but to statistics show the number of women who suffered in silence in marriages they regretted, but couldn't get out of because divorce was looked down upon and chances are she couldn't possibly get a job? Yes, multiple sexual partners, and sex before marriage seems to be less frowned on today, but... hmm... nothing to compare that to at the moment; the Greco-Roman empire probably had legal orgies though.
I do admit that my generation does in fact scare me; I feel there is in fact a downward trend I have a secret desire to inflict my fellow teenage masses with <a href='' target='_blank'>old Cold Age era propaganda on the current trend of physical maturity outpacing emotional maturity (41 megs)</a>. I wrote already that the state of things now are just as natural as they were a thousand years ago, <b>but our current state is not healthy</b>. It's not something worthwhile in keeping me awake at night, though. Entropy is law, it's not something that can be stopped. I'm a learning Christian, but if the world's bent on self-destructing, I'M GOING TO LET IT DO SO. As Christians, we'll extend our hand for help, and someone swats that hand away, for God's sake, don't try to drag them out of the pit they're digging, you've tried to give them help, and they don't want it. End of storyfor the time being. However, if that person falls in that pit and THEN wants help, then we lend that person a helping hand, and without a damn gloating attitude.
Going off topic here, but one issue that has been honestly bothering me is the issue of homosexuality. Here in Canada right now, there's a huge debate about making same-sex marriages valid, and there's a lot of opposition by a good portion of the religious population. My opinion: SAME-SEX MARRIAGES ARE OVERRATED. Good God, as Christians, don't we have something better to do? You know, like charity, or helping others? Why the hell are we forcing our beliefs on people who don't even believe what we do? I rather resent seeing Christianity high and mighty in politics, because it gives an skewed view of what Christianity really is. True Christianity in this world is an <b>underdog</b>. It grows when there's resistance, just like grass grow longer roots when there's lack of water. It's important to strike a balance no doubt, but good grief, let the post-modernists (I use this in the sense of people believing morals are totally relative) run the world as they see fit. This world is not ours to rule, the spirtual one is perhaps, not the physical one. If we're so concerned about the fading grip of Christian influence, why don't we HELP OTHERS? It's not marriage is under attack for the first time. The Greco-Roman Empire often had an obsession with it homosexuality. In the Dark Ages, it was mainly about property. Heck, in old school China, marriages were prearranged for the sake of the families of the couples. The main concern with homosexuals advocating for same-sex marriages right now is just that they want equal rights to a opposite-sex married couple anyways. If I had the power right now, I feel slightly inclined to ban the term marriage in politics and replace it with the term "unions" for the sake of inane political correctness. Each individual can still believe what he/she thinks is true marriage, but at least the law makes no attempt to spell it out for them.
Let's stop wasting time lamenting about global matters and start paying attention to the people right next to us. Save the world, one person at a time...
To make anything worthwhile in discussing, I suppose my question is "What is your take on present morality?"
Why do christians try to force thier views on others? Because they believe they are right, and the others need saving. Is it the best way? i doubt it
Why do christians try to force thier views on others? Because they believe they are right, and the others need saving. Is it the best way? i doubt it <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
I'm not trying to force my beliefs on you, but your generlazation does hurt.
Why do we try to force our views on others? Because we believe we are right, and the others need saving. Is it the best way? I dont think so. The best way is to live your life for God, and other people will notice. They will then ask, and you can tell them. that way, it was they who initiated the discussion, so they cannot say you are being intrusive.
btw, how is it generalising?
The statement "chrisitans force thier views on others has already been made, by Confuzor:
<!--QuoteBegin--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><b>QUOTE</b> </td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin-->Why the hell are we forcing our beliefs on people who don't even believe what we do? <!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->
If you dont believe you are right, why are you still a christian.
If you believe you are right, then you will also see that the other people need saving..
If anything, it is confuzor you should be talking to, not me
<!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
I'm no Christian, but that was certainly my interpretation of the whole "message of Jesus" thing, back when I read it..
( Oh, just check that person wants saving first though.. <!--emo&;)--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='wink.gif'><!--endemo--> )
Seriously, good posts, I often get the impression some "Christians" didn't bother reading the manual first, y'know?
the point is, i was only answering a question brought up in an earlier post. dont blame me if his wording was wrong
Puritans arrived. Hell you can't get more morally strict than those guys. If a woman showed more leg past her knee, she was put to death for being a witch (I think if you coughed the wrong way, you got killed).
Samual Adams? Ben Franklin? Thomas Jefferson? They were all heavy binge drinkers. Hell, Samual Adams has his own beer named after him.
Around 1900, strict moral code started coming back into play after the Civil War. Anyone not living life the way they should be was frowned upon.
1920s come into play. The Charleston dance is created, and young "scaliwags" have a good ol' time drinking when prohibition is in effect.
1950s, again anyone not living life the way they should was frowned upon.
1960s, pot, drugs, and alcohol are encouraged and hippies are all over the place. Woodstock occurs and everybody gets hammered and stoned and left with no square inch on their bodies without mud.
1980s, abstinence is encouraged and people become proper again. A little thing called MTV comes out which is the biggest controversy of the 1980s. Mostly, everybody behaves.
1990s, moral chaos again as kids are seen as the "X" generation.
We're in a fluctuation. One thing is almost certain. What our kids do will be unacceptable behavior to us.
So, if you would, it would be the equivalent, of Person A (The world) wanting to go hurt someone just because they were angry, and Person B (Christians) who tell Person A that it's not good, because it will only bring more consequences upon themselves, and that's most of all, bad for Person A, in addition to making sure someone isn't hurt.
And don't confuse societal morals with Biblical ones. Biblically, it's fine to drink alcohol, it's not good to get drunk and let it control you, because it yields bad consequences ( Even now, can you say drunk driving ?). Sometimes society looks down on people who drink.
Moral decay is just the continuous attempt to say, I can do something illegal, because it's easier, I can drive past the speed limit, because it's more convenient. The world is decaying morally, because people don't want responsibility, it's just easier to not care, or not listen. When in fact, it's not more freedom, and being more independent, it's more consequences and <b>less freedom</b>. Outside of the law, you are a slave to your actions and it's consequences !
Not where I live..
I'm led to believe that 80's Britain was sort of like the 60's, but more selfish and expensive.
I can personally vouch for the 90's being a bit of a crazed hedonistic revival in the UK. Strange Days indeed....
/chews gum furiously and stares at disco lights....
So it kinda went from "Welcome to the 90's" to "It's the 2000's grow up already"
I don't have much to say here, so I'm simply going to put in a quote. Food for thought, as it were.
"If you christians were more like your Christ the world would be a better place"
- Mahatma Gandhi
I don't have much to say here, so I'm simply going to put in a quote. Food for thought, as it were.
"If you christians were more like your Christ the world would be a better place"
- Mahatma Gandhi <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
I used to have a quote in my profile, I took it out to put Psalms 113 in, I think it went something like...
<!--QuoteBegin-- Billy Ghram+--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><b>QUOTE</b> ( Billy Ghram)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin-->
The number one cause of aetheism in the United States is Christians. Christians who aknowledge Him with their lips and then walk out and deny Him by their lifestyle. THAT is what an unbelieving world finds so unbelieveable.<!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->
"I like their Christ, but I dont like their Christians".
Heck, maybe he said both. I struggle with that heaps. I seriously dislike everyone at my church, but I keep trying to motivate myself to go because I know its good for me.
Speak for your own sinful corrupt body.
Speak for your own sinful corrupt body. <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
I hope that was a joke.
<i>Two hard-**** salesmen (Kevin Spacey, Danny DeVito) and one naove green leaf (Peter Facinelli) contemplate life, death and the big JC as they hustle to land a fat account by the end of the night.</i>
On topic:
My father is a pretty wise guy and has been through a lot. He had to watch his mom suffer for two years from breast cancer and die at about my age, when his father was in Vietnam during the war and after, for around 11 years.
He said that "time heals," and I believe it does. There are so many things in the past that I have not even dared to tell anyone, that I truly regret; sometimes I think to myself, "God probably hates me and will punish me horribly." But the realization that God shows grace to those who yearn and search for it, comforts me very much so. I hope people in the world like me, scumbags, selfish idiots, and people who hurt their family, will learn from their mistakes. Every battle lost is a lesson learned.
I believe that Kids and teenagers will grow up and learn it the right way, eventually. They will see what reality is and have to face it with grueling endurance. For myself, I hope the preparation that my father and mother have taught me will come in hand as I soon face reality. I need to change myself in many ways, hopefully I won't be late when the need arises.
I'm a Christian, not a good one at that, but one anyway. I don't force my religion down people's throats. I know that a lot of my kin do, but they can't help it, because they are so stubborn in their faith and that what they so strongly believe in infuses with their daily talk and thought.
Now, if someone was to look at what you've done and judge you on that, who would even begin to think that a lying, selfish, and hateful person is acceptable.
edit. By the way, I'm not blameless. So don't think I'm looking down on you, I'm just as bad if not worse, especially in comparison to what we should be.
Why do christians try to force thier views on others? Because they believe they are right, and the others need saving. Is it the best way? i doubt it <!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->
I'm not trying to force my beliefs on you, but your generlazation does hurt. <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
I have a lot of Christian friends and they never try to do anything like that actually.
They sometimes ask me about God and once asked me to go to Church <!--emo&:p--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='tounge.gif'><!--endemo--> But they generally tend to leave me to my own devices.
They also have my gamecube so.. <!--emo&;)--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='wink.gif'><!--endemo-->