Cannot Complete Connection Attempt

JaguarJaguar Join Date: 2003-01-05 Member: 11859Members
<div class="IPBDescription">When using ogl or d3d</div> Okay, reposting this problem with the stupid 'Missing Bitmap Font' title.

Here's my specs:

Windows 98
Pentium II
ATI 3d Rage Pro with updated Drivers specifically for OGL support
Connecting with Roadrunner (Timewarner cable)
(yes, I know, it's all old and sucky)

Here's the problem:

I can connect via internal browser and ASE via Software mode.

Using OGL/D3D, when I'm using ASE it just stops doing anything at the console screen after giving the server's MOTD and such. Using the Internal browser, it eventually gives me, "Cannot complete connection attempt".

All of these are in 640x480, and trying to connect to the same server.

I can create a LAN game in all modes.

Any suggestions?

Or is there more info you guys need?



  • ConfusedConfused Wait. What? Join Date: 2003-01-28 Member: 12904Members, Constellation, NS2 Playtester, Squad Five Blue, Subnautica Playtester
    how many fps you getting on the connection attempts with open gl.
    i had this problem long ago with cs. i recall it being a connection time out the you didnt get a connection in teh 120 secs given. mine was a 266 desk top. think its just not enougha system resources to do it all at once.
    also what is you ping on the lan?
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