A New Manual!

KobayashiKobayashi Join Date: 2003-07-05 Member: 17956Members
<div class="IPBDescription">how about we get some people together...</div> Quite some people are complaining about the manual being out of date etc. The devs don't seem to have time to spend on that thing and I don't think they'd mind us (the community) making one, so.... shall we stop just talking about it and actually do something?

If enough people are interested, we really should start doing something. Like make a list of what needs to be included, for example:

1. Marine weapon/armour stats and guide
2. Marine building stats and guide (a techtree maybe?)
3. Alien evolutions, weapons, stats and guide
4. Alien chambers guide
5. A quickplay guide? like the bare knowledge needed to play...
6. Marine hints and tips
7. Kharaa hints and tips
8. Com guide

and others...? maybe common strategies used?

I know some of these things may be opinionated, like "how to play fade" but we can solve that be just saying what a fade CAN do, not what it SHOULD.

I would personally make it, cept I don't know enough about everything, and I'm just one person so I would make it biased =P

So... post stuff that you think would be relevant, and I'll compile it into some semblance of order etc. Even just the stats on a single weapon would be useful =)


  • UnknownUnknown Join Date: 1970-01-01 Member:
    Errr, well someone that wants to spend all that time re-writing that, by all means go for it.
  • GrimmGrimm Join Date: 2003-04-13 Member: 15448Members
    I'd like to help with something like that, I play Kharaa enough to be able to track and kill a marine in my sleep.

    <a href='http://www.nonoobs.com/damage.php' target='_blank'>http://www.nonoobs.com/damage.php</a>

    That should help with any damage calculations for strategies, as a starter.
  • Cartman2beCartman2be Join Date: 2003-09-21 Member: 21103Members
    I'll help with that <!--emo&:)--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/smile.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif'><!--endemo-->

    just e-mail me at cartman2b@hotmail.com on what you want me to do.. preferably Weapon + Stats Guide <!--emo&:)--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/smile.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif'><!--endemo-->
  • sickboysickboy Join Date: 2003-09-13 Member: 20804Members, Constellation
    I'll help too if you want.

    email: ch1p60y@yahoo.com
    aim: o Hedwig Oo

    I can do anything really except comm stuff.
  • KobayashiKobayashi Join Date: 2003-07-05 Member: 17956Members
    woot! already some good response =)

    I'd rather people post what info they have, so the general populace can see what's going in and if any mistakes etc. are made.

    But neways, a more specific list of a few things I think we need.

    1. A breif introduction on how things work in NS. one for Kharaa, one for Frontiersmen. Something like, welcome to the frontiersmen, there is a com who drops stuff, you go around killing aliens, securing rts... blah blah...

    2. A quickplay guide for each side. Include all the 'rules' such as listen to your com, and teh Kharaa equivilents. Include the basic things players need to know, such as how to build structures, how to evolve, etc.

    3. All marines weapons. This includes: clip size, reloads, damage, cost, general idea of what it does. Hopefully we can also get: reload time, rate of fire

    4. All marine buildings. This includes: health points, tech req to build, cost, technology/research made available, limits and restrictions, general idea of what it does. Hopefully: build times

    5. All marine upgrade techs: This includes: cost, where to research, specific effects (includes HA and JPs)

    6. All alien evolutions: HP, armour, cost, general idea of what it does
    weapons: damage, hive availability, general idea of what it does. Hopefully we can also get: rate of fire, energy used

    7. All alien structures: HP, cost, general idea of what it does, upgrades given (chambers), special ability (chambers) Hopefully: build time

    8. A comprehensive guide to gorging. The basics ONLY, we don't want to confuse people with advance tactics (even bile-bombing is too much). Limit to just building structures and proper ways of doing it.

    9. A comprehensive guide to commanding. An overview of teh command console, and the buttons, etc. Again, no tactics. Just the basics.

    P.S. No this isn't everything I want in the manual, I'd would like some "how to" sections, but I feel what I have down here at the moment is the bare minimum to cover the entire game. Maybe later, when this gets done.
  • EzekielEzekiel Join Date: 2002-11-01 Member: 3006Members
    can you try to make it as not like a game manual as possible, do what they did with it before, and with sdis, make it real. Real life marines off in distant places fighting the alien menace thats threatening to wipe out humanity should it go unchecked. I think thats part of the reason it was so good, and why so many people enjoyed it as much as they did.
  • RyoOhkiRyoOhki Join Date: 2003-01-26 Member: 12789Members
    I'll do the entry for Pheremones:

    "This evolutionary trait has never actually been witnessed by any TSA commander or soldier. Laboratory efforts on captured Kharra specimans have found no trace of this almost mythical trait. TSA scientists have tried to force Kharra specimans to evolve this trait, but with no success. It is almost as if the Kharra avoid this evolutionary trait at all costs. As such, we can provide no tips to Commanders or soldiers in combatting this particular trait. In fact, if you ever see this trait in the feild, try and take a photograph."
  • Drk1Drk1 Join Date: 2003-08-31 Member: 20407Members
    I'll gladly help, if I can't find the build times and other times for RC2, I'll just start my own little server and go find a stopwatch. I'll try to get all the costs/times from in-game so I know they're actually from RC2.
  • Nemesis_ZeroNemesis_Zero Old European Join Date: 2002-01-25 Member: 75Members, Retired Developer, NS1 Playtester, Constellation
    Last I heard, a new official version is in progress.
  • The_ThingThe_Thing Join Date: 2003-02-25 Member: 13993Members
  • XzilenXzilen Join Date: 2002-12-30 Member: 11642Members, Constellation
    Would be nice, if it actually went through. Hopefully this will be the real deal (like Lazer's actually starting up the Nancy project and not just saying it).
  • ForlornForlorn Join Date: 2002-11-01 Member: 2634Banned
    I could help with a manual.

    I can write well and I know this game inside-out.

    One thing though about a new manual; a LOT of the old manual could be recycled.

    If whoever is making the manual wants some one to do the gruntwork of rewriting a bunch of crap, then I could do that.
  • MajinMajin Join Date: 2003-05-29 Member: 16829Members, Constellation
    Yeah, don't waste what Jeff Paris did with the 1.4 Manual, its a work of ART!
    take that stuff and add it in.
  • Cartman2beCartman2be Join Date: 2003-09-21 Member: 21103Members
    Kobayashi, add me onto you msn messenger so i can talk to you further please

    'tis cartman2b@hotmail.com or goto #nsradio on gamesnet
  • CheesyPetezaCheesyPeteza Join Date: 2002-11-24 Member: 9784Members, NS1 Playtester, Constellation
    <!--QuoteBegin--Ezekiel+Sep 22 2003, 01:44 PM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><b>QUOTE</b> (Ezekiel @ Sep 22 2003, 01:44 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin--> can you try to make it as not like a game manual as possible, do what they did with it before, and with sdis, make it real. Real life marines off in distant places fighting the alien menace thats threatening to wipe out humanity should it go unchecked. I think thats part of the reason it was so good, and why so many people enjoyed it as much as they did. <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
    Please do not do that. I tried many times with the manual to understand what I had to do and it made absolutely no sense. I stopped trying after a while.

    Was like listening to a woman nattering on about what you have to do. Just shut up with the story damn it and tell me the facts.
  • mousiehamstermousiehamster Join Date: 2003-03-15 Member: 14534Members
    <!--QuoteBegin--Ryo-Ohki+Sep 22 2003, 07:49 AM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><b>QUOTE</b> (Ryo-Ohki @ Sep 22 2003, 07:49 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin--> I'll do the entry for Pheremones:

    "This evolutionary trait has never actually been witnessed by any TSA commander or soldier. Laboratory efforts on captured Kharra specimans have found no trace of this almost mythical trait. TSA scientists have tried to force Kharra specimans to evolve this trait, but with no success. It is almost as if the Kharra avoid this evolutionary trait at all costs. As such, we can provide no tips to Commanders or soldiers in combatting this particular trait. In fact, if you ever see this trait in the feild, try and take a photograph." <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
    You use the word "trait" far too many times.
  • noobynooby Join Date: 2003-04-21 Member: 15717Members
    Some thing along the lines of. What do you think?:-


    We hope you will read and enjoy the following new players guides.


    The first time you join a server you will see messages scrolling up the screen. These messages relate to the MOTD (Message of the Day), the server you have joined, what the ip number of the server is, whether a password is used, and other game related information.

    The Message of the Day is an important first piece of information to take notice of. It tells you the rules and regulations of the server and a message, usually saying if you don't follow these rules you will suffer some penalty. Please take notice of this message.

    These scrolling messages/information then disappears and you are now in the Ready Room. This is the place where everyone appears who wishes to either join or spectate a game. Everyone appears here before a game can commence or YOU can join a game. As its name implies it is where you gird your loins and ready yourself to do battle with that dastardly enemy.

    <span style='color:yellow'>Spectate</span> means you watch a game in progress. This puts you in a third party view where you are looking over the shoulder of the player you are currently following.

    The Ready Room has the following areas common to all maps. An area where you first appear (RR), where you can move around and observe the antics of fellow antagonists,( the people about to play) who will either be your friend (same team) or your enemy (opposite side).

    The first area is an open foyer like place where you may observe foot races, jumping races or other obscure rituals that relate to unknown practices. It can be funny to watch.

    It has at least four portals, (doorway like structures), with the following names:- <span style='color:orange'>Observe Match</span>----where you watch, <span style='color:orange'>Join Marines</span>----you join the marine side, <span style='color:orange'>Join Aliens</span>----where you join the alien side, <span style='color:orange'>Random Team</span>----the game chooses which side you join.

    To choose any of the options you run into the portal of your choice. Sometimes you may find that a choice you made (say marine), is not the area you end up in (alien), this happens because the server you are playing on, has even up teams as an option. This to try and keep the sides as even as possible, so enhancing the fun factor for all players.

    The options a server runs is chosen by the owners, administrators (admins), or the moderators (mods), it does not pay to whinge and moan about this, it can get you banned, or kicked from the server. The options are usually chosen to enhance the enjoyment of all players.


    If you choose to jump into the marine portal, you will see a flash of colour and then the base. This is the starting area or SPAWN. You will appear with a lmg (light machine gun) in you hot little hands. Your equipment at this early stage is:- a lmg, a pistol, a knife and you are wearing light armour.

    The starting area (base/spawn) has a resource collector and a comm ( commanders) chair. Every player who chose marine will appear in this area. The comm chair is not recommended for new players or those who don't know the map very well. A bad comm will lose the game for the marine side and upset the other members of your team.

    Remember that the marine side needs team work of a very high standard to win. The player/s who rush off and leave the new players or the team to fumble along does not help. BUT if you <b>are</b> new <b><span style='color:gray'>make</span> </b>a point of telling the team you are new. They are not mind readers and will most likely say rude or insulting things if you blatantly disregard the comms orders.

    <u>The Comm Chair.</u>

    One of the most difficult areas in the game to master, also one of the most rewarding if you win. It is not recommended that new players jump into the comm chair until they know the maps exceptionally well, or they have a very good knowledge of the game. It is one of the most argued over positions in the game.

    When do you jump into the comm chair? If you are confident in your knowledge of the map or think you can do a good job as the comm then try, but be prepared to be ejected as comm if you are doing badly. It is better to jump out of the comm chair voluntarily than have the team force you out. The choice to jump out yourself shows you know your limitations and want the best result for your team. The team may even ask you to try again if they are winning or losing.

    For your first game tell the team you are new. If the comm is not busy ask him/her to put a waypoint just near you so you can see what it looks like. It is annoying for both the new player and the comm to constantly hear/say go to your waypoint and you just stand there.

    Usually the comm will have you building the base, while directing more experienced players to shoot/blow things up. At this point don't get frustrated, build the base, it is as important if not more important than running around shooting/blowing things up. That experienced player needs the base as much as you and the team do.


    The comm will DROP a structure onto the floor with a distinct sound that you will become familiar with very quickly. You build by moving close to the structure that was dropped, and pressing your use key (the E key).

    The building process takes a short while, and has a sound you will learn quickly. The building has a progress bar around the base of the structure. It is coloured yellow to start and moves around in small rectangles as building progresses, it changes to green as it gets close, you must continue to build until it is finished. The building is not operational until finished, so be careful.

    While you are building, it is advisable to do so from the back of the structure, this way you can keep an eye to the front for attack. Do not be afraid to stop building and shoot the intruders. You can carry on building when you have saved the base. If someone else is building you speed it to completion by helping.

    Be aware that sometimes it is better to defend the person building a structure, than help. Especially if a pesky skulk or two is running into base and causing mischief.
  • prsearleprsearle Join Date: 2002-11-01 Member: 2365Members, Constellation
    If any one wants to go through the original manual and fix it up, I've made a list of what needs to be done. Items marked with an X have the values from the latest changelog added to them.
    <!--c1--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><b>CODE</b> </td></tr><tr><td id='CODE'><!--ec1-->alien_abilities.html
    Remove reference to hive-gestate linkage

    Remove reference to hive-gestate linkage.
    Change umbra reference to from 3rd to 2nd hive

    "Multiple defence chambers heal faster, though after three, this cumulative effect appears to plateau." - true?

    Transport to furthest hive - remove?
    Add description of energy boost

    Change gorge spit projectile to lerk spike
    Now do light damage (50% against HA)

    Do SCs still add marines to hivesight?
    Do SCs still parasite marines that touch them?
    Add description of cloaking effect

    Remove reference to hive-gestate linkage

    Check adrenaline percentages.

    Replace this page with pheromones

    Check carapace stats.

    Check celerity increase stats. (now +25, but is this a %age?)

    Insert something about walk cloaking.

    Change regen stats.

    Change adv. hivesight and icon to pheromones.

    Check SOF distances.

    Health 200, armour 90 (30% absorption)

    Swipe: 80
    Acid rocket: 50
    Replace bilebomb with metabolise
    Change abilities around
    Need new observation

    Replace blink description with metabolise
    Move bilebomb description to gorge
    Insert acid rocket description
    Insert metabolise description

    We need a new observation; fades no longer have bilebomb.

    Move acid rocket description to 2hive page, replace with metabolise.

    Remove reference to gorges getting 3xres.
    Remove references to babblers.
    Health: 100
    X Armour 50 (30% absorption) (OK)
    Move web to 3rd hive
    Replace babblers with bilebomb and move to 2nd hive

    Remove reference to gorges getting 3xres.
    Remove references to babblers.
    Move webs to 3rd hive.
    Replace babblers with bilebomb and move to 2nd hive

    Remove reference to gorges getting 3xres.
    Remove references to babblers.
    Gorge spit now activates switches.

    Remove reference to gorges getting 3xres.
    Remove references to babblers.

    Remove reference to gorges getting 3xres.
    Remove references to babblers.

    Remove reference to gorges getting 3xres.
    Remove references to babblers.

    Remove reference to lerk bite.
    Health: 60, armour 50 (30% abortion)
    Replace bite with spikes.
    Move spikes to hive 0
    Move spores to hive 1
    Add primal scream as hive 3

    Remove reference to lerk bite.
    Check umbra duration (10 secs?)
    Remove spores and insert description of primal scream.

    Remove reference to lerk bite.
    Replace bite description with spikes.

    Remove reference to lerk bite.

    Remove reference to lerk bite.

    Remove reference to lerk bite.
    Remove description of spikes.
    Insert description of spores.

    Health: 500, armour 150 (30% absorption)
    Insert something about light damage (possible inherent ability?).
    Gore does dbl damage to structures.
    Replace paralyse with stomp.
    Replace primal scream with devour.
    Switch ability order around.

    Move charge to 3rd hive
    Remove primal scream.
    Insert stomp at hive 2.

    Light damage as inherent ability?
    Gore does double damage to structures.

    Replace paralyse description with devour.
    Devoured marines are release on redemption.

    Remove reference to 3xres for gorges.
    Does res overflow or not?

    Health: 70, armour 10 (30% absorption)
    Double damage against structures for xenocide?

    Parasite switch fun back in.

    Remove reference to hive-gestation linkage.

    Built building outline is blue, not green.

    "A tutorial will be online soon, allowing marines to explore the command interface in a non-combat environment." -- ??

    Get an up to date image of the commander HUD.
    Insert link to a section on notifications?

    Get an up to date image of the commander HUD menu.

    Get an up to date image of the commander HUD minimap.
    Replace description.
    Insert key ??

    Do we want the list to be indented every second item?

    "Marines begin with 50 points of armour" - still true?
    "Ammo can be gotten" - gotten???
    Remove reference to upgrading armour not being able to supply ammo.
    Do we want the list indented every second item?

    Do mines only damage their owner or all marines?

    "commiserate" -- ??
    Has the resource trickle been removed?

    Check points calculation against current skulk bite.

    Insert link to new page on phase tech.

    Check armour stats.

    Link to marine HUD is broken.
    Insert something on sensory chambers blocking MT.

    Check weapon upgrade stats.

    "Turret factory factory" -- ??

    Cost 35
    Build 120
    Armour 2400
    Remove reference to upgrading armouries not being able to dispense ammo.

    Cost 25
    X Build 30 (now 15)
    Armour 3000

    X Cost 25 (now 15)
    Build 30
    Armour 2400
    Remove reference to upgrading armouries not being able to dispense ammo.

    Are GLs still tied to the arms lab?
    Cost 50
    Build 40
    Armour 2200

    X Cost 30 (now 20)
    X Build 35 (now 15)
    Armour 10000

    Cost 15
    Build 22
    Armour 2000
    Other structures no longer tied to IP?

    Remove phase gates as new structure.
    Add phase tech as upgrade.
    Cost 25
    Build 30
    Armour 1000

    Cost 20
    Build 30
    Armour 3500
    Remove reference to aliens using phasegates.
    Add something on 2second safe exit time.

    Remove header description.
    Cost 45
    Build 50
    Armour 2000

    X Cost 22 (now 15)
    Build 50
    Armour 5000
    Add electrify as an upgrade

    Cost 25
    Build 40
    Armour 3000
    Is arms lab still tied to TF?
    Add electricity as upgrade.

    Cost 16
    Build 30
    Armour 1000
    Cost 25
    X Build 50 (now 10)
    Armour 2000
    Now do light damage (50% against onos)

    Get a new tech tree image.

    Header list text too big
    4 second delay on grenades?
    Get a new picture.
    X Damage 200 (now 125)
    X Clip 6 (now 4)

    Header list text too big
    Armour 200
    Absorption 95%

    Header list text too big
    Damage 20
    Clip 150

    Header list text too big
    Still have to land to recharge?
    Insert something about no fall damage.

    Header list text too big
    Damage 30

    Header list text too big
    Damage 10

    New icons?

    Remove references to laser trip mines.
    Header list text too big.
    Do mines always injure marines?
    Do improperly place mines explode?
    Damage 100

    Header list text too big.

    Header list text too big.
    Damage 16/fragment
    10 fragments/shot
    X Clip 10 (now 8)

    Insert something about sieges needing an AdvTF to work.
    Damage 700, 350 incidental
    Range 1250
    Rate of fire: 5 secs
    Armour 2000
    Header list text too big.

    Insert something about turrets needing a TF to work.
    Remove reference to walking aliens not cloaking.
    Header list text too big.
    Turrets now do light damage.
    Damage 27
    Range 800
    Rate of fire: 1-2/sec
    Armour 1000

    Header list text too big.

    Add electricity upgrade page.
    Research time now 30
    Range now 120

    <!--c2--></td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'><!--ec2-->
  • TUNA_AnomayTUNA_Anomay Join Date: 2003-09-19 Member: 21005Members
    I'm not interested in *writing* anything, per se, but I have a B.A. in English and have extensive editing experience, so I'd be more than willing to "clean up" anything before it's released. Just send me a PM if interested.
  • KobayashiKobayashi Join Date: 2003-07-05 Member: 17956Members
    Nice =)

    I think reusing information from other manuals would be nice, but I feel that the old manual was too hard to navigate around. It WAS very interesting, but too hard to navigate. If some people could take the relevant stuff out and post it, that's be nice. I think there's too much that needs to be rewritten, and we're better off improving the whole thing.

    What I think would be better is for a better navigation menu, and then we could add some story text to each thing, kinda like what it is now, only the info is all cut down and simplified. We can make up for the dryness with that extra mini-story. By doing that, we please both the people just wanting to look up stuff, and people reading it for the ultimate immersive manual reading experience. =P

    Time to read over nooby's stuff =) It kinda seems long, or maybe that's multiple things in one looong post.
  • KobayashiKobayashi Join Date: 2003-07-05 Member: 17956Members
    Kinda an update/response to everthing in the thread

    [FFT]Cartman2b: anything (I also added you to MSN)

    sickboy: =)

    D/|rk: umm build times and stats i think. thanks!

    Forlorn: rewrite old manual stuff
    That would be very helpful =) look over prsearle's list and dig out some of the still useful stuff if you can =) I'll probably do some of that tonight as well.


    Ezekiel: I do like teh stories, however I do fell they were intrusive to the facts. Would you still like it if it had stories, but they were clearly seperated from the facts? I agree with CheesyPeteza that getting to the facts was too hard.

    Ryo-Ohki: lol, phermones, I'll add that in as a story for phermones =)

    prsearle: ahhh head exploding… maybe I’ll go look over it again after 11:00, when my mind is pacified enough to actually read all that

    Nemesis Zero: I think that would still take a long time… and I though NS:C was in the works now. So this version is pretty much it for a while, might as well take advantage of this and get everything up to date

    ohhh one more thing we need, a glossary…!!!
  • KobayashiKobayashi Join Date: 2003-07-05 Member: 17956Members
    Edited the beginning to be the ‘Joining the game’ part of the quick start. Also I changed quite a bit in the Frontiersman manual to be a frontiersman quick start manual. The other stuff will probably go into the "how to" section which isn't due for a while yet. How do you like it so far?


    We hope you will read and enjoy the following new guides. This manual will assume that you have played either half-life, counter-strike, or a fps in general.



    The first time you join a server you will see messages scrolling up the screen. These messages relate to the MOTD (Message of the Day), the server you have joined, what the ip number of the server is, whether a password is used, and other game related information.

    The Message of the Day is an important first piece of information to take notice of. It tells you the rules and regulations of the server and a message, usually saying if you don't follow these rules you will suffer some penalty. Please take notice of this message.

    The Ready Room has the following areas common to all maps. An area where you first appear (RR), where you can move around and observe the antics of fellow antagonists,( the people about to play) who will either be your friend (same team) or your enemy (opposite side).

    The first area is an open foyer like place where you may observe foot races, jumping races or other obscure rituals that relate to unknown practices. It can be funny to watch.

    It has at least four portals, (doorway like structures), with the following names:- Observe Match----where you watch, Join Marines----you join the marine side, Join Aliens----where you join the alien side, Random Team----the game chooses which side you join.

    To choose any of the options you run into the portal of your choice. Sometimes you may find that a choice you made (say marine), is not the area you end up in (alien), this happens because the server you are playing on has made every portal into a Random Team portal. This to try and keep the sides as even as possible, so enhancing the fun factor for all players.

    The options a server runs is chosen by the owners, administrators (admins), or the moderators (mods), it does not pay to whine and moan about this, it can get you banned, or kicked from the server. The options are usually chosen to enhance the enjoyment of all players.


    If you choose to jump into the marine portal, you will see a flash of colour and then the base. This is the starting area or ‘SPAWN’. You will appear with a lmg (light machine gun) in you hot little hands. Your equipment at this early stage is:- a lmg, a pistol, and a knife.

    Remember that the marine side needs team work of a very high standard to win. The player/s who rush off and leave the new players or the team to fumble along do not help. BUT if you are new make a point of telling the team you are new. Most people don’t have a problem with a new player, however they have a problem with new players who don’t listen.

    The most important part of being a marine is to LISTEN to your commander! Second most is to NOT WHINE.

    If you have tooltips enabled, the in game tooltips will explain the function of everything, though some of the information may be inaccurate, the more important points are still valid. In any case, as a marine, there are 3 basic functions you need to learn how to perform.

    How to use the GUI (graphic user interface): the default way to access the GUI is by right-clicking. A small menu will pop up. These are pretty self explanatory.

    To build: You build by moving close to the structure that was dropped, and pressing and holding your use key (default is ‘E’). When your weapon is removed from your sight, you know that you are building.

    Getting ammo: You can get additional ammo from the armory by pressing the use key while facing it, or asking the commander to drop some ammo packs for you.

    Now that you know how to do the basic marine functions, go and play! Experience is the best teacher.

    (now I’m thinking of publicizing a few new player friendly servers… good or bad idea?)
  • KobayashiKobayashi Join Date: 2003-07-05 Member: 17956Members
    prsearle: Finnally finished reading it this morning... From what I can tell, there's alot of wrong info in there... almost too much, so I'd rather re-write it and make it more new-player friendly at the same time.
  • Cartman2beCartman2be Join Date: 2003-09-21 Member: 21103Members
    Kobayashi, ill make an irc room on gamesnet.. its called #nsmanual ... we can discuss there <!--emo&:)--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/smile.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif'><!--endemo-->
  • ForlornForlorn Join Date: 2002-11-01 Member: 2634Banned
    So much of the old manual could be reused, the fact that you guys want to rewrite an entire thing is sad.

    Everyone who has voluntered to write a manual should just be dedicated to updating the old manual with deletions, additions, and revisions in general to the text.
  • MajinMajin Join Date: 2003-05-29 Member: 16829Members, Constellation
    updating the old one would be alot faster, yes.
    But it wouldn't be done a new with all kinds of community additions forlorn!
  • noobynooby Join Date: 2003-04-21 Member: 15717Members
    edited September 2003
    I saw a few mistakes Kobayashi.

    1-Join Marines----you join the marine side, it should have read --Join Marines----where you join the marine side, I made the mistake and left the word <b>where </b>out in my first post.

    2-- the paragraph under portals says-- This to try and keep,--- my initial mistake --This<b> is </b>to try and keep ---would be better.

    New player friendly servers are a bonus, they are always imho welcome. I like joining these as sometimes you can learn new things or relearn things by helping someone else to learn. They usually are fun to play on if you are not into full competition mode. Also the new players can do with the information.

    The rewrite is looking good you did well thanks. I think that people should use the old manual, either as a reference or to copy it over and then fix the mistakes. Let's not waste the work and time taken by others. We can discuss the results before they are used 'officially'. Waste not want not.
  • ForlornForlorn Join Date: 2002-11-01 Member: 2634Banned
    <!--QuoteBegin--Majin+Sep 23 2003, 11:16 AM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><b>QUOTE</b> (Majin @ Sep 23 2003, 11:16 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin--> updating the old one would be alot faster, yes.
    But it wouldn't be done a new with all kinds of community additions forlorn! <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
    It would also look a hell of a lot nicer... the manual right now has a good feel to it....

    And since this thread is all about text revisions, you really oughta fix your sig, Majin lol!
  • MajinMajin Join Date: 2003-05-29 Member: 16829Members, Constellation
    What the "you" should be "Your" thing.. nahh I have known about that for ages!
  • KobayashiKobayashi Join Date: 2003-07-05 Member: 17956Members
    Thanks guys for the input!

    okay then. I'll just redo/update the current manual. But I still want to change quite a few things. I would like to add a link sidebar (or pop-up) for easier navigation. And the quickstart guides, because the old manual has got way too much story for a new player to wade through.

    Also I'd like to add some pages where it just contains all the data in a nice, easy to read table.

    So let the updating begin! So we're just going to have people go through all the pages prsearle posted and changing them to fit the current update. Does that sound like a good plan?
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