Strange Thought.

noobynooby Join Date: 2003-04-21 Member: 15717Members
<div class="IPBDescription">I went weird.</div> If this is a mistake let it die I couldn't help myself.

Why did they do that? I wrote the tale for their pleasure. Why did they take it and say it was theirs? What made them do it? I will make them answer this. But how? The memories I need are gone. Then how do I know they stole my tale? My mind is weary, sleep, yes, sleep will be good. What, who, how are these thoughts betraying me?

I find a spot in my mind and I anchor myself. I look (look?). My mind all around me is going black I have no control. Wait! this is false, I have an anchor and I will prevail. What's that noise (noise?)? I probe gently, the blackness recedes, I pull back the blackness follows. Hmm, something controls my mind. I WILL PREVAIL, I probe outward, the blackness recedes, I look at my feet, What no feet? I panic and I am drawn into my anchor.

I wait, as I wait I sense a light. I seek the light, I turn but the light eludes me. I wait, the sense that I am the light fills be with delight, now I will prevail. But how? This thought bewilders me for a moment. Then a lucid moment, if I am inside my mind how then can I be reduced to this miniscule speck.

Like a flood bursting the banks of a hastily built sand wall, my mind opens out before me, I see the shackles that have bound me, but I am cautious, a powerful force was needed to do this. I approach the shackles slowly, I move slowly around these shackles and I observe them.

I see the shackles are an aberration to my mind, they have come from elsewhere. I study them and slowly begin to understand them. I can see they are made of a foreign substance, they are placed at the foci of my mind. I see a black object that is also foriegn to my mind, wait it pulses do I need to flee, has it sensed me. I wait. I watch.

Relieved, I know it to be a machine, a nanite. What is it's function? I know it has closed my mind to my conrol, but how? I approach, it does nothing new. I am patient I cannot afford mistakes. I observe for eons, I watch its' every pulse, knowledge accrues. I can defeat this.

I see the chemicals it pours into my mind and know this is how I was defeated. I need to know these chemicals, this nanite, to regain my mind. I watch the chemicals as they attach to different sections of my mind. A different substance to different places, hmm I now know how to defeat this.

Slowly so as to keep the enemy from knowing, I mege with the first blockage I study it and it's makeup, I enter the core and change it's basic pattern. I make the change in the interior, I leave the skin the same, this will not trigger any counter attack before I am ready.

I retake possession of my mind, this leaves the nanite, the major enemy. I surround the nanite slowly, checking to be sure it isn't communicating to outside. Relieved that it is a stand alone I examine the machine. The probing of the nanite is easy, the makers were arrogant and presumed they were invincible in their knowledge and technology.

They gave it no protection from counter-attack, no that's wrong, they thought the machine was invincible, I will show them the error of their ways. But why did they think so? Wary I checked and triple checked all my efforts. It's then I notice a small part of the machine I had missed before in my eagerness to prevail.

I watched this part and it seemed to be inert. Why? It hit me like an onos? battering at a door. I was lucky that caution caused me to leave the chemical blocks skin intact, I had instinctively left the skin as it had been made, it was inert because all the signals suggested that my mind was under its' control.

Why did it not sense me then? Revelation had me quivering with excitement, because I was pure energy of mind, unknown to the deadly little saboteur. The urge to violently and swiftly attack this evil was only curbed by caution and a desire to prevail.

With caution I slowly probed this abomination, molecule by molecule, layer by layer, a daunting task, but so rewarding when I saw the simplicity of this so deadly assassin. It was a masterpiece of deception. I quivered with dread at the knowledge of how close I had been to total disaster.

The inert portion of this diabolical machine was a destroyer, it replicated itself to replicate itself, to an infinite number, the reason it was so small and simple. It made unlimited copies of it self by eating the brain, the body or structure until there was no evidence left. It was made and tuned for the body it was injected into.

Having analysed this nasty piece of work I patiently set about changing it. I changed each layer, each molecule, I took my time hoping the perfidious thing would let me finish, my mind was at stake. With the patience of (don't know HELP) I won. I immediately changed the skin of all the blocks so they would now perform my tasks.

Their new task was to speed up the delivery of memories and impulses. The result my mind became faster and vastly more powerful. I begin the re-integration of all my mind. It was done in nanoseconds. I let my perception expand to include my whole mind and was satisfied. I slowly probed my surroundings, I had new respect for these beings who could fashion such diabolical objects.

I looked out with my new born mind, I found that I was inside a natural cave, I was attached to the ceiling at one end. I observed my 'home' and saw that a glass wall airlock had been made to contain me.No other security measures had been made. Where they so arrogant as to think me defeated? it dawned on me that the nanite would have been the downfall of most. I was lucky.

I patiently probed their facility and discovered turrets and flamethrowers were set at the elevator doors. The inclusion of grenade launchers in the ceiling were indicative of their paranoia and ideas on security. I then had a nasty thought. With slow patient probing I adjusted the turrets, grenade launchers and flamethrowers. I changed the identification circuits to recognise the humans as enemies.

I turned them all off as well.

I checked the rest of the base and found computers which I was now able to access. I drained all the information from them into my mind, and then shortcircuited them. I read all the journals, notes and memos, I probed the whole base until I knew it, I gained mastery of its every function. I was pleased to note nano-sludge making equipment was available.

Looking through the base I was surprised to note a mark 4 maintenance robot in a store gathering dust. I looked into my memories for entries about this. The search told me the machine had been superceded by a mark 8 bot. I scanned the base and found this bot gathering dust, this was most disconcerting. I was perplexed until the following memo sprang to mind.

All bots will be deactivated until after the inspection by general Hill. He has an abnormal fear of bots from the childhood memory of being attacked by a rampaging household bot.

I quickly dismissed this idea. I didn't want them to descend and walk around this base. I turned on a flamethrower as I perceived the lift descending, I turned all bar one of the lights out as well. I left the emergency one near the lift.The lift arrived and the flamethrower roared, the screams were music to my ears. A voice called the occupants, then said raise the lift.

I allowed the lift to ascend. The people on the surface had no idea what happened. I followed the lifts progress and was gratified to see the look of horror on their faces. One unaffected face caught my attention, so when she moved, I followed her. I watched as she set in motion the lockdown measures. I also saw her hit the button that would have been my demise.

My hatred for this being flared, I probed her mind so quickly she was mine before she knew she was under attack, I had her reset the lockdown to forty five minutes. I had her give the order to send all data and equipment to the lift to be sent down to the lockdown. This surprised one of her staff who I took over as well. I turned off the flamethrower and had the woman and her secretary descend into my domain.

I had the woman open and enter my enclosure. The secretary I had send the lift to the surface. The lift was a giant cargo lift so was capable of holding all the equipment from the surface. It duly arrived and I watched as the staff turned all power off. The reactor for power I had the maintenance bot restore to working order.

The self destruct in this womans office I set for two seconds, it went off initiating a small chain reaction in two other buildings. I had allowed a small amount of awareness into the woman and her secretary, so they could witness the demise of her little empire. She was aware that I was alive and in control. It was even more gratifying to see that the control nanite was this womans secretarys idea and so would die with them.

I had the bots set up the equipment and I drained them of all knowledge. I found a reference to a merging process and set it in progress, I made a fade and had it stab the woman in both shoulders, I allowed her no outlet for her pain, she could not scream, and she collapse from it. I had the secretary carry her into my bacterium that I had grow. It had increased rapidly. I directed the bacterium into the womans injuries.

The process even amazed me, she was compatable, our dna with my help mixed and mutated her, she was human but with alien skin. I had made the fade sentient and gave it my plan it approved. I had the fade and the women enter a chamber inside myself, I placed the secretary in a closet with the mark 8 bot holding it shut. I shut down the man.

I merged the woman and the fade with infinite care, I kept the womans organs intact and added the fades also. I made two gorges and had them make two more hives, I ordered them to make three of every structure then to keep making more so as to have many multiples of each.

I ordered the bot mk 8 to release the man. I walked him into my room, I released the womade and had her sleep. I locked down her brain to make sure she didn't win free while I remade her secretary.

I made another fade and gave him sentience, I explained the plan, the fade chuckled it liked the idea. I had given the man some small control of his brain, I was astonished when he asked to speak. I gave him control of his brain and was gobsmacked when he asked to voluntarily join the fade, he had caught my plan and he explained new wrinkles and twists to it. I asked him why.

He said scan my mind, I had pity for him when I saw what this female creature had done to him. She had killed his entire family except his daughter, who she kept alive in a compound, knowing that for love of his daughter this man would be loyal, to keep her safe.

I probed the womans mind deeply and found multiple times she had done this. I offered the man his freedom and to have his daughter set free. He refused saying that he could never face his daughter without guilt and it would destroy them.

I scanned his mind and saw the truth of this. I asked if he still wished to continue with my/our plan, he said yes but only if he was fully aware. I knew he was loyal one hundred ten percent so agreed. I awoke the woman and had her send the messages making the childrens futures secure. I put her asleep again.

I had the man and the fade enter my chamber and help them merge. As the man was willing and helped they were merged with even greater abilities than hoped, the man promptly asked to be made subservient to me, I refused saying he was my son and I trusted him with my life. He knew the truth and became my son in total. We awoke the womade and gave her a small measure of awareness, she knew what we were doing and knew she was powerless to stop it.

I stepped up the womades urge and need to reproduce and had my son mate her, the mating was a fierce and violent affair. My son had been constantly made to turn this womade on without any fulfillment over the years, he emptied his frustration in that first mating. My son then ran off into the darkness, he was fully formed and had the full use of every ability to level three. The womade had been given a heightened sense of pheromones, adrenaline heightened so the urge was greater and redemption as a precaution.

I watched my son play cat and mouse with the womade and occasionally get 'caught' . He exacted his revenge for a very long time.


  • zoobyzooby Join Date: 2003-08-26 Member: 20236Members
    one nitpick: the beginning of the story doesn't fit at all with the rest of it.

    Other than that, it was awesome. womanade, lol, sounds like a drink. (Hmmm...)
  • noobynooby Join Date: 2003-04-21 Member: 15717Members
    I reread it and I see you missed the point I tried to make, as the title says I went weird writing it. The mind has been twisted by the process of being controlled, I got the whole story at once and so wrote it in a hurry to get it down before I lost it.

    The mind has thoughts not it's own in the first paragraph, as it's own thoughts are being controlled/disrupted the mind is showing the first signs of esp and has aligned itself to anothers mind, but then awakens a little to know the thoughts are wrong and so gets a focus to fix itself.

    HAHA thanks I hadn't seen the joining of woman and fade would do that. OMG that cracked me up, well done, zooby.
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