[mrel] Protoss Pylon

itsmemoitsmemo Join Date: 2003-07-17 Member: 18232Members, Constellation
edited September 2003 in NS Customization
<div class="IPBDescription">.. but with broked animations..</div> starcraft pylon to replace turret factory.

model: ollj

horrible skin,skinmesh: me

horrible animations: me

the animations are broken during net games, I dont know how to fix it nor care anymore.
If you want to reanimate it, feel free, If you want to see the animations go in a lan game, ( or lag out)

i only did this to just get the basics of skinmeshing down, but I want to finish it anyway, its not too high quality so dont expect much.

crystal is transparent.

I didint want to release this, but a few people on the servers wanted it so why not, even if the animations are broken.

<a href='http://vaylestuff.homestead.com/files/pylon.rar' target='_blank'>download</a>


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