General Commanding Strategy

StarludeStarlude Join Date: 2003-09-05 Member: 20576Members
<div class="IPBDescription">Offensive of Defensive?</div> Just as a general poll and response, I want to know if most commanders like to be offesnive or defensive.

I've seen a lot of different strats, but most of them boil down to taking a location, or defending a location sucessfully. (taking a hive, or defending chokepoints, resnode destruction, etc.).

Do you personally like to go on the offensive, or on the defensive?

From what I can see, these are the advantages and disadvantages for each method:

Offensive: you force the majority of the alien team to respond to YOU. You however, have lesser/no marines defending those key locations you need to hold. However you are hoping to occupy the alien team and force THEM to lose resources (through killing OCs, res towers, advancing into their territory). The only major problem with this is that you may be giving the aliens a lot of RES if your marines are not good enough, and die constantly. (this is why I believe hit and run esp. on res towers ia very good tactic: they usually aren't as highly defended as a hive, and it does really force the alien team to scramble to their next res tower and predict where the marines are coming to come). This may leave parts of your base(s) open to assault, but it puts you "in charge" of the game, by forcing the aliens to respond to your next move.

Defensive: Your team is behind their sentries and near their PGs. Their chances of getting killed are CONSIDERABLY lower, and their chances of killing things are CONSIDERABLY higher (gaining you res). However, you are forced to respond to the attacks of the ALIENS, meaning that you are basically in a response position, and the aliens are in an aggresive position. However, I believe it is much safter to give out equipment when people are on the defensive, as it is less likely they will lose it (someone else can pick it up if they die, and don't forget they arder harder to kill when that onos has to jump over 2 sentries and a TF to get to you). You can build up res and move out from here, usually the "heavy train" moves out from a defensive position, and then simply takes down their targets.


  • NiteowlNiteowl Join Date: 2002-09-04 Member: 1274Members, NS1 Playtester, Contributor
    usually depends on numerous factors. i'm a fairly impatient comm, and want to win fast (yes, i fear the onos). as well, most aliens go for a boom strat (early investment in a huge economy). soo, everyone knows that a rush should beat a boom, so that's what i do.

    drop rts, kill alien rts, pg up, hit hives. upgrade upgrade upgrade.

    i find the defensive position to be good, but hard to micro and very very stressful to lose a heavy train to a skilled onos or somesuch.
  • The_Red_MenaceThe_Red_Menace Join Date: 2003-09-01 Member: 20439Members
    I'm more and more convinced that offensive strats are the way to go. Let's play a conservatively as we can in a defensive for a minute and see if we can get away with it: Let's say we have the base, with its RT, and two other RTs, let's say one is in a hive. You'll lock down the hive, sure. The other RT maybe you'll electrify. Now youre 10 marines are split between 3 locations. Probably you'll have a bunch of aliens hit that hive. "OMG PHASE TO HIVE". Everyone's there. Meanwhile, a gorge is setting up OCs outside of your other RT to kill it. By the time you realize it, 2 are up, the gorge has friends arriving now that the assault on the hive is over, and the RT is gone. You had only 2 objectives outside of base and you couldn't hold them. Happens all the time on pub servers.

    The crux of the matter is, if you're defensive, you give the aliens nothing to do but attack and freely cap res. If you're offensive, you're denying them res, and fewer aliens can be spared to attack your stuff because they're trying to defend theirs/rebuild their lost infrastructure. ALWAYS go offensive if you can, because ultimately a fight on their turf will hurt them more while keeping the heat off your precious resources.

    Use about half your team to attack, 1 or 2 to build, and the remaining ones should sweep your RTs and other holdings to make sure they're clean. If your attackers suck and keep dying, of course, there's nothing you can do. Just have them stay together and try again, and don't let them get split off if you can help it. Being a nazi comm helps there. STICK TOGETHER STICK TOGETHER.

    Defense is just asking for your stuff to get attacked, and they will meet with SOME success in most cases. Enough to set you back, while their RTs slurp away happily.
  • SpazmaticSpazmatic Join Date: 2003-05-10 Member: 16184Members
    Personally, while in any given game I'll lean one way or another, I prefer doing both. Nothing's more fun than letting aliens have the double res, and then rushing in before they can really build it up, putting up a base of your own and taking it all down... The net gain is greater than either defensive or offensive: essentially four res nodes (2 down, 2 up).

    That said, this is an ideal. Doesn't happen often. More likely, I end up being very offensive early on, with mixed squads of lmgs + shotties (those squads keep the shotties alive a remarkably long time!), and then switch to defensive as I move to finish with heavies/jps.
  • NecrosisNecrosis The Loquacious Sage Join Date: 2003-08-03 Member: 18828Members, Constellation
    IMHO Spaz has the right idea - you need to proactively switch your roles as the situation dictates.

    Examples of tactics going wrong -

    Marines shotty rush hive. ONE skulk takes down the one IP in their base. Shotty rush is stalled and wiped out piecemeal as ammo/armour deteriorate. Thats an attack with no defence.

    Marines turtling in base and at 2 rts, hoping for the res to start the HA train. They do get the res, and HA appear, but at the same time so do 2 Onos, one of whom has regen and continually rushes the pg with several skulk friends. Marines are pushed back to base and despite a 30 minute endgame their tfarm is wiped out. Thats a defence with no attack.

    Combine these events and you'll see positive results.
  • LitoLito Join Date: 2003-09-04 Member: 20560Members
    In every strategy game, the strategy that works best for me is "Offence is the best defence"

    If you have a strong enough offence, they cannot divert attention to your weak spots.


    You've got the whole team suited in HA/SGs, taking down a hive (not the last one).

    The aliens figure the hive is lost and decimate the marine start. No problem, i relocate to the newly killed hive, and we move onto the next hive.

    Is that a fair exchange? a petty marine base for a hive?

    now, had they met the attacking force, they would be occupied with defence, rather than attack.

    either way, its good for you, new hive, or defence with you in command of the game.
  • StarludeStarlude Join Date: 2003-09-05 Member: 20576Members
    yes I just find it tough in offensive situations to hand out weapons/armor/JPs to people (and sometimes you really need it against that onos/fade or 2) when all they are going to do is go out there and die, when a 2 guys behind a chokepoint of sentries + hiding behind a TF can stall that same onos and fade (and likely get them stuck between something) as they try to kill the two guys at the back. I find that coorindated defense works well also. Example: mineshaft: Aliens started at sewers, I told tram and refinery, I held all three positions with 3 marines each, entrenced with 2 eletrified RTs, welders, weapons, and finally HA. They died a LOT less, and when they DID die, they were able to recover those weapons. We moved the HA train out to Uturn, sieged Drill, and cleaned up sewer the old fasioned way. We were coorindated and good enough I suppose to hold out against a coordinated alien attack. It's true that we did suffer a movements of close calls there, but in the end we pulled through.

    Obviously the big disadvantage of defensive is metioned here: You must respond to your enemy, not the other way around.

    Another statement that's true though is if a large offensive assault fails miserabily (you lose 2 onos and 5 fades, or you lose your heavy train), usually the enemies "defensive" position suddenly turns into a grand offensive, and you find yourself losing RTs, ground, buildings, the works. If a defensive can not just successfully REPEL an attack, but ANNHILATE it, then the defenders are suddenly at a supurb advantage. (this is assuming res nodes are about equal, not the 1v9 we see at marine endgames, where onos dying can come back in a matter of minutes). But even if they DO try to come back in a matter of minutes, they are still slowed by having to gestate, allowing you to gain grond, secure new res and chokepoints, hunker down again, rinse and repeat.
  • AshkajioniAshkajioni Ashkajioni Join Date: 2003-02-25 Member: 13995Members
    There was a post awhile back.. i think it was posted by... error303 .. anyways

    They talked about it for about 5 pages.. and the end result everyone basicaly agree'd on was


    Pretty short huh?

    No 1 strat will win every game. You have to react to each game differently.

    If your marines are failing to take a hive because of lack of skill.. or lack of upgrades from the early turret farm.. Siege! If your afraid of onos slaughtering your HA's, Kill the enemys ResTowers early!
    etc etc.

    'Good defence is a good offence' <b><span style='color:red'>and </span></b> 'good offence is a good defence'
  • SpazmaticSpazmatic Join Date: 2003-05-10 Member: 16184Members
    <!--QuoteBegin--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><b>QUOTE</b> </td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin-->either way, its good for you, new hive, or defence with you in command of the game. <!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->

    While it happens, and I've done it, I consider desperate late game relocations to a hive a risky trick indeed... You've lost your proto and upgraded armory, which means what you have is ALL you're going to have for a good 3 minutes.

    In fact, I love nothing more than organizing a squad of skulks to rush marine start when there's minimum defense... Often it's not enough to take out the tfac and thus base, but it is enough to take out the upgraded armory, driving marine tech to a standstill.

    Yes, I've won after such a last minute relocation, but no, it's not easy, and I was forced into this situation by a dual onos rush on base (this example being from yesterday afternoon). I'd avoid it at all costs (this being an example where a good defense will support your offense, in addition to an offense being the best defense).
  • tankefugltankefugl One Script To Rule Them All... Trondheim, Norway Join Date: 2002-11-14 Member: 8641Members, Retired Developer, NS1 Playtester, Constellation, NS2 Playtester, Squad Five Blue
    The best defense is a good offense? I believe so, anyway.
  • ElvenThiefElvenThief aka Elven Thief (ex. NS Programmer) Join Date: 2002-11-15 Member: 8754Members, Retired Developer, NS1 Playtester, Constellation
    I have to say that dynamic is the best answer, but for the start of the game, marines have to be very offensive or they end up unsuccessful.
  • AmelekAmelek Join Date: 2003-05-13 Member: 16265Members
    Ultimately I would say that I am offensively minded, but I usually try to counter the alien strategy instead of just being offensive. However, as it was already pointed out, the only way for marines to win when aliens all gorge and drop RT's is to immediately become as offensive as possible. As this is the main alien strat in pubs ... offensive marines are the key to victory. However, a key to being a good commander is to know when to attack, expand or defend.
  • tjosantjosan Join Date: 2003-05-16 Member: 16374Members, Constellation
    edited September 2003
    It has been known since the dawn of strategic thinking that the most basic thing is to keep the initiative and never put yourself in a position where YOU react to your ENEMY. The models used when planning a battle in real life are built around this fact.

    I rest my case.
  • AshkajioniAshkajioni Ashkajioni Join Date: 2003-02-25 Member: 13995Members
    Key targets for aliens will be as follows..

    Armory - Taking out an advanced armory mid game or late game will be devistating. Though you can still drop shot guns, you wont be able to drop some key items like HMG, GL's , And im pretty sure protos will become null.

    Observatory - Obs have very little life, and once destroyed all siege ping strats will stop dead in there tracks, if you plan on sieging <!--emo&::siege::--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='siege.gif'><!--endemo--> Always have atleast 2 obs in ceperate locations.

    Prototype lab - Proto has moderate life, but once taken out all jetpacks/HA's will be un placeable. Can be very devistating mid game.

    Turret Factory - Once a TF is down, all turrets will stop functioning (obvious) but if its advanced for sieges, it takes alot of res and time to rebuild. Can give the aliens that minute they need to finish off a phase gate to stop a siege expantion.

    Phase Gate - Taking out a phase is one of the most annoying and deadly things that can happen to any expantion. Without the phase your troops wont be as organised, and will be forced to WALK there. This loss of time/area can give the aliens that few extra seconds they need to finish off your entire expantion. Waisting valuable res. Its always a good idea to backup a phase with a circle of turrets(3-6). This will keep skulks/fades from standing ON the phase while destroying it.

    Arms lab - Once this structure is down, you loose ALL UPGRADES (note: you only loose them untill the arms lab is rebuilt) Loosing all your wepon/armor upgrades can be very annoying, especialy near the early/mid game.

    Each building is important.. but none are as important as..

    Resource Tower - Loosing to many resource towers will surely cause you to loose. If your rebuilding RT's faster then your making resource off them, Game over man.. Game over!

    Hope this helps.. most of this is common knowledge, but its worth mentioning to any beginners that my read this thread. <!--emo&::nerdy::--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='nerd.gif'><!--endemo-->
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