Suggestions And Ideas?
Join Date: 2003-05-20 Member: 16532Members

<div class="IPBDescription">little more than a laugh?</div> This is just a rant, but when was the last time a suggestion from the ideas page even considered to go into ns? (besides that real long post about no more hive restrictions but that was only a tiny bit of his post, and doomed to happen any way). Do you guys just use it as a good old laugh, and occasionly stop flame wars? Or do you actually read them and think about them?
All the mods would probably snap due to the n+1 "PLZ CAEN U MAEK ME BE ABEL TO WRIET IN TEH SUGGESTOINS AND IDES FORAM?!?!?!?+1+11" PMs they'd get.
Windelkron's method is to make a thread list the devs can check.
I find it offensive that you dismiss the community's input on that forum.
The simple suggestions such as a "Weld me" radio command (suggested god knows how many times) arn't even read, because the devs probably can't be bothered to wade through all the useless posts.
And I don't blame them.
Maybe a new kind of mod is needed; one who specifically works in the S&I forum, and deletes all the "silly" threads. That way, should any devs wish it, they could look through the S&I forum without having to wade through all the crap.
To give an example of how useless the current S&I forum is, here is a list of the current topics:
"Onos stomachs- so boring"
This guy is suggesting (semi-seriously) putting a minigame inside the onos's stomach. Not going to happen.
"Why Not Speed Up Marine Res Intake- This should solve inbalance"
Well, yes, worth considering. Move along.
"Why replace Pheromones- Good idea just needs some work"
This one suggests that pheromones should let you see marines through walls. So... exactly link SOF then? <!--emo&???--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='confused.gif'><!--endemo-->
"Though I am a noob- Gathering people for a NS clan"
"Visual things/improvements"
Suggesting that upgrades should be visible on the player's model, THIS HAS BEEN SUGGESTED GOD KNOWS HOW MANY TIMES!! AAARGH! The problem is, you would need 81 models for each different combination of alien. If it was just for marines it might be ok.
"I got an idea for a new blink -redo it completely"
Basically suggesting that blink should let you go through walls. So... what if you're in a spaceship and you blink outside? <!--emo&???--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='confused.gif'><!--endemo-->
"Enougth with the Pheromones replacement threads"
Self explainatory, I agree, move along.
NO! NO ONOS XENOCIDE! STUPID IDEA! GO AWAY! The onos is not meant to be a suicide lifeform, it's meant to be a siege weapon/tank.
"Belt feeding upgrade- another spontaineous idea :o"
So LMGs that dont need reloading... begone n00b! <!--emo&:)--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif'><!--endemo-->
"Suggestion that makes sense, update the manual"
Yes, needs doing. The chances of the manual writer reading this are....? I thought so.
"Radical alien upgrade ideas"
Some good ideas here, but is a dev going to read it? Probably not. And are they going to even think about implementing these ideas? Doubt it very much.
"Different alien upgrades"
Basically suggesting that you should be able to have more than one upgrade from each chamber, but each should cause the level of the upgrade to go down, i.e, you could have cara and redemption, and they would both be level 2. Is this going to be implemented? Noooooo.
"Several Pheromone replacement ideas"
This is a typical S&I thread post. Poorly thought out, a few good ideas, but mostly teh suck.
"Hehe- cool"
Another non-serious (i hope) thread suggesting marines should be able to pull off TS-esque moves, i.e, flips, shotdodge, rolls etc. If it isn't serious, put it in OFF TOPIC!
Well there you have it. Teh S&I forum is borked. <!--emo&:(--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='sad.gif'><!--endemo--> The useless posts far outnumber the good ones.
GG humanity. You really are a bunch of morons.
We aleady have 3 of those - The veterans forum, the playtesters forum, and the beta information forum.
Oh yeah, and way back when, Flayra responded in there a few times.
[CONSPIRACY]You think there's only 3 TeoH? pfft. [/CONSPIRACY]
<!--emo&:D--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='biggrin.gif'><!--endemo-->
At this point, though I *do* watch S&I and shut down overly-repeated threads, I'd prefer that they were kept nicely contained in there, rather than cluttering up the rest of the forums. I mean, would YOU want a topic in General Discussion knocked off the front page in favor of the Onocide topic?
Didn't think so.
And actually, the good idea/bad idea linkage thread has been being planned for a while. I'm pondering what ideas to add into it, and trying to avoid forgetting any of my past favorites, or prime examples of the most over-repeated 'new' ideas, such as handgrenades, medics, anti-onos cannons, onocide, scorpians(sic), sniper rifles, Auxons, expanded-clip weaponry, faster-reloading weaponry, stealth suits, power loaders, night vision goggles, railguns, donating resources between teammates, infrared goggles, desert eagles, SMGs, nukes, rocket launchers, two commanders, an alien commander, laser rifles, katana, chainsaws, gauss guns, tesla guns, selectable ammunition types, 'glue guns', renaming the shotgun to Saiga-12K, super saiyans, throwing mines, adding in dodges/flips/rolls, bullet time Skulks, how Onos shouldn't be able to Devour HA, ability to shoot/knife while Devoured, gas masks, mind-control of Marines, skulks eating dead marines to get back health, exploding corpses, flamethrowers, chainguns, NIKITA missiles, rocket-turrets, handheld sieges, buildable walls/forcefields, riot shields, mannable gunnery positions, sonic wave cannons, sonic wave shields, cattleprods, tasers, droppable cameras, settable bombs, melee combat weapons for Marines, fighting-game style moves for Marine melee combat, a third race, additional Marine weapons that do NOT fit a previously-unaddressed niche, secondary fire modes, zoomable scope on the LMG...
In short, there's a lot to wade through before a comprehensive list can be compiled; and that's just the list of bad ideas that comes *immediately* to mind.
Maybe I shouldn't spent so much time on these forums.... <!--emo&:D--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='biggrin.gif'><!--endemo-->
I don't think the devs forum, beta server ops forum, and variety of other forums are terribly concerned with suggesting gameplay changes now are they.
<!--QuoteBegin--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><b>QUOTE</b> </td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin-->
I'm scared Talesin. There wasn't a single thing you mentioned which I did not remember reading before.
<!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->
....That's because they've all been suggested at least 100+ times over :D
We aleady have 3 of those - The veterans forum, the playtesters forum, and the beta information forum. <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
Yeah but the rare occasion the populace comes up with a good idea, where does it go to? I've seen a few ideas, most very small, that would probably contribute a lot to NS, but somehow I don't see them actually getting noticed, due to the 24728372 retarded CS kiddie posts screaming MAEK ALIENZ FLYYYY!1
Right there you are like... "OMG, you got to be kidding me!"
But you read through it and after re-reading it twice to make sense of the runonsentences, bad spelin, crap grammar, and insanity about nothing, you realize that the poster just made a 5 page story about how he doesn't like the colour of the marines shoes.
Now imagine this is your job, you have to read through this crap every hour to see if someone has a good idea or is breaking the rules of the forums, flaming or just double posting things that even Hell wouldn't put in its waiting room to read.
Gets to the point where all of it is spam. Only good idea was the weld me voice command lol, I fear the intelluctual side of humanity is fallen to the idiots.
I know it is hard work for the admins to sort through all the posts, but at least it shows that the community cares about the game, and that there is a lot of people out there interested in making it even better. <!--emo&:)--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif'><!--endemo-->
A big problem with S & I, that it's billed as an ideas (anything goes) forum while it's treated as a sh*theap because it's not *their* idea or something they approve of or something they feel they are entitled to dismiss because they were privy to conversations normal posters weren't.
Do you think extended clip tech (researched upgrade) would change the game? Of course it would and it's important to keep that in mind.
A big problem with S & I, that it's billed as an ideas (anything goes) forum while it's treated as a sh*theap because it's not *their* idea or something they approve of or something they feel they are entitled to dismiss because they were privy to conversations normal posters weren't.
Do you think extended clip tech (researched upgrade) would change the game? Of course it would and it's important to keep that in mind. <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
The point is, it disrupts balance. The only thing wrong with a lot of weapons currently is clip size and reload time. If you take that away...
Imagine this. 300 something rounds of HMG into a hive. Straight on, no reloading, nothing. Or Shotgunning a hive, 48 rounds pumped in there, nonstop, no need to slowly 'click click click click click *CHOMP*'.
Think how overpowered that is, and then think of how crappy it is. Your view should change.
NIKITAs were made famous in MGS. They're wire-controlled, infantry launched missiles. Fire and THEN fly them. It was a while back, when we were still getting rocket launcher ideas two or three times a week.
Can we get this stickied in the S&I forums? Or better than that when you enter the S&I forums make a page, like the page you use to enter the forums and have something like, "I will always use search and will not post about the following things". To enter the page you must press i agree. Although it wont get read much it may stop some noobs joining the forums, and posting the same thread as on the next page because he got a wonderful idea.
1)Alien evolution available at all hives
2)Sensory Chambers cloaking stuff around it...well sorta, Voogru did it originally
3)The new Onos redemption fix
those are the ones that stick to memory, maybe a few other ones I'm not claiming to be perfect. <!--emo&;)--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='wink.gif'><!--endemo-->
However the main problem with the S&I forum is that for the most part nobody thinks everything through, or bothers to use the search function, or even reads the goddamned stickies at the top.
I think the original purpose was to avoid clutter in the general forum, but lord knows that doesnt work <!--emo&:angry:--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='mad.gif'><!--endemo-->
I can only wish I got a quarter everytime hand grenades, laser guns, pheromones, flame throwers, and everything else that wont happen was suggested, because then I could retire before I'm 30.
1.) The FAQ already says it's not going in.
2.) It's been suggested before.
The sheer number of unoriginal, potentially game breaking suggestions that are in that forum is more then enough to make me understand why a closed beta would be a good idea. There are good suggestions, but I'd say they make up less then 5% of the threads.
And yes, extended magazines is a bad idea. Not quite so bad as being able to knife an Onos while digesting, suicide bomber marines or portable sieges, but it's still in there.