Are Teenagers Becoming More Bothersome?
Join Date: 2002-11-04 Member: 6909Members

in Discussions
Would you say teenagers are becoming more bothersome compared to past years (maybe when you were younger)? Or are you a teenager and have seen other bothersome teenagers?
The reason I am asking this is that I have noticed an increase of teenage "gangs" in my area who are usually up to no good. It's almost garunteed that in a half mile walk to my friends house you will get pestered off kids calling you something for no reason.
These groups of teenagers are usually up to no good and causing trouble. Almost anywhere you go you get pestered by them. It wasn't long ago that a group of teenagers, one was my friend when I was younger, kept bothering my friend and me, asking for fights.
Most of them just do it to act big because they think it's good. Of course, being 19, I can't do anything about it. If you see them alone they just put their head down and walk by. Not that I would do anything to them anyway, provoking them is bound to get a reaction.
My friend is younger than me and he has a girlfriend who lives in, what would be, the rough area of my town. He has been attacked (no serious harm) by teenagers about three times, for doing nothing but walking by.
Now, living only a short distance from a school, I see the kind of people that go there. When I was at school they were always causing trouble and I just couldn't see how any of them would pass their exams. I have seen schoolkids hitching rides on busses by holding onto the back of them.
On various TV shows you see teenagers smashing cars/windows in, taking drugs, drinking, harassing people and all sorts of things. Sometimes on the news you hear of teenagers robbing people and stealing things.
Now, when I was young, I'm sure that there was people like this but nowhere near as many as there is now. I used to get into trouble when I was younger, but I was never in a gang, nor was anybody I know. I didn't harass people and I respected my elders, something I feel which is missing today.
Do you have any problems like this?
Have an idea what causes it?
Any solutions?
The reason I am asking this is that I have noticed an increase of teenage "gangs" in my area who are usually up to no good. It's almost garunteed that in a half mile walk to my friends house you will get pestered off kids calling you something for no reason.
These groups of teenagers are usually up to no good and causing trouble. Almost anywhere you go you get pestered by them. It wasn't long ago that a group of teenagers, one was my friend when I was younger, kept bothering my friend and me, asking for fights.
Most of them just do it to act big because they think it's good. Of course, being 19, I can't do anything about it. If you see them alone they just put their head down and walk by. Not that I would do anything to them anyway, provoking them is bound to get a reaction.
My friend is younger than me and he has a girlfriend who lives in, what would be, the rough area of my town. He has been attacked (no serious harm) by teenagers about three times, for doing nothing but walking by.
Now, living only a short distance from a school, I see the kind of people that go there. When I was at school they were always causing trouble and I just couldn't see how any of them would pass their exams. I have seen schoolkids hitching rides on busses by holding onto the back of them.
On various TV shows you see teenagers smashing cars/windows in, taking drugs, drinking, harassing people and all sorts of things. Sometimes on the news you hear of teenagers robbing people and stealing things.
Now, when I was young, I'm sure that there was people like this but nowhere near as many as there is now. I used to get into trouble when I was younger, but I was never in a gang, nor was anybody I know. I didn't harass people and I respected my elders, something I feel which is missing today.
Do you have any problems like this?
Have an idea what causes it?
Any solutions?
Yep. I just stay away from them.
<!--QuoteBegin--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><b>QUOTE</b> </td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin-->Have an idea what causes it?<!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->
Absence of parents or discipline at an early age.
Media that encourages it as "cool" behaviour.
<!--QuoteBegin--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><b>QUOTE</b> </td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin-->Any solutions?<!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->
When children are young, administer corporal punishment if they do something wrong repeatedly after being warned. Say "No" to them. Give them the impression that they live poorly. As they get older, don't give them money because you pity them, or because you aren't there to be a parent. Know their friends and their friend's parents.
[edit]yea, I'm a 16 year old with no parenting experience, but--I look at the way I was brought up, and I look at the way jackasses were brought up, and I see a big difference.[/edit]
For no reason the underclassmen are forming gangs, slashing tires in towns, etc. and this is a previously quiet and safe town.. no need for gangs.
They just seem TONS worse than my class ever was.
The problem lies in the parents. Almost all kids have the potential to be good people, but most dont get the nurtering neaded to achieve it. U kno what i mean. Many parents divorcing because they cant handle having kids, Some people r just... demented? Some people cant handle the requirements of being a parent. If i felt like restricting it for the betterment of people, becuz some cant handle themselves, let alone others.
Id say make it only legal to have children after passing a parenting competency course. And practicing with a child and stuff.
As to dealiing with the delinquints... move to another area asap. If u confront them, ull get hurt. If u call the police, they might be able to do somthing, but u prolly wouldent feel safe there any longer so u might as well leave. Thats about i all i can say on it.
The reason I am asking this is that I have noticed an increase of teenage "gangs" in my area who are usually up to no good. It's almost garunteed that in a half mile walk to my friends house you will get pestered off kids calling you something for no reason.
These groups of teenagers are usually up to no good and causing trouble. Almost anywhere you go you get pestered by them. It wasn't long ago that a group of teenagers, one was my friend when I was younger, kept bothering my friend and me, asking for fights.
Most of them just do it to act big because they think it's good. Of course, being 19, I can't do anything about it. If you see them alone they just put their head down and walk by. Not that I would do anything to them anyway, provoking them is bound to get a reaction.
My friend is younger than me and he has a girlfriend who lives in, what would be, the rough area of my town. He has been attacked (no serious harm) by teenagers about three times, for doing nothing but walking by.
Now, living only a short distance from a school, I see the kind of people that go there. When I was at school they were always causing trouble and I just couldn't see how any of them would pass their exams. I have seen schoolkids hitching rides on busses by holding onto the back of them.
On various TV shows you see teenagers smashing cars/windows in, taking drugs, drinking, harassing people and all sorts of things. Sometimes on the news you hear of teenagers robbing people and stealing things.
Now, when I was young, I'm sure that there was people like this but nowhere near as many as there is now. I used to get into trouble when I was younger, but I was never in a gang, nor was anybody I know. I didn't harass people and I respected my elders, something I feel which is missing today.
Do you have any problems like this?
Have an idea what causes it?
Any solutions? <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
Go to any midwestern highschool, Its enough to make somebody vomit. I am so glad I graduated this year. now THEY are teenangsters
As far the new influx of teenangster gun-toting hip gangster wannabes. I'm going to put my money on their parents were raised poorly as well and the few remaining normal kids were raised by responsible adults and not 40 year old kids. It's kind of hard to imagine that if someone was raised to be a jackass they would suddenly be blessed with good parenting skills when they decide to impgrenante/get impgregnated. As far as why there is more of them perhaps it's sort of like cross breeding in plants where jackassness is a dominant trait and has slowly been showing up in mix groups (jackass father normal mother).
The quote (which I had to translate out of the German, so I'd be thankful for a more correct version) is by Socrates.
The youth isn't getting worse, we're only getting less young.
Do you have any problems like this?
<!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->
All the time, they walk round with baseball bats, and they tryed shooting me and my friend on his door step, it was funny though, he was 10 meters away and he missed all 10 shots, he scrammed when we started walking towards him with objects.
<!--QuoteBegin--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><b>QUOTE</b> </td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin-->Have an idea what causes it?<!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->
Yes, it's all that black crappy rap stuff * no racism intended.* It's stuff like Eminem and rap that teaches people violence and swearing, drugs, under age sex. Plus it's parents, if their parents life is a complete mess chances are their son, daughter life will be a mess.
<!--QuoteBegin--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><b>QUOTE</b> </td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin-->Any solutions?<!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->
I just noticed how many of them wear nike ,reebok, addidas you know sporty stuff.
Freedom of choice works better if you're brought up without much of it, then realize you suddenly can chose. Like parents of today. Their kids are then brought up with the illusion they can chose. But they dont yet have the experience in what happens when things go wrong. So I blame society at large (including parents, school system and media)! All of us who should be responsible aren't.
Well I suppoe at a certain point things will reach their worst and come back down. Things have a way of swinging back and forth in terms of social behavior. In the 70's everyone was ultra-conservative with leisure suits and such, and there was a very few "hippies" who would smoke pot and not wear a tie. As the 80's rolled around punks began to immerge as a complete protest to conservatism, so when the 90's hit it was now "cool to be punk" and the number of conservative people, especially among youth, shrunk. Now it seems that the majority is punkish kids with no respect and the I do what I want attidue and respectful semi-conservative people are kinda the small rebellious minority. But I would say it's going to turn around in the next decade or two.
Maybe lower the age you can be put in prison and put them there for a week or two, so they get a feel for the route they might be heading and spread the word.
It has been suggested that parents get punished for their childs actions, you reckon that could fix things?
There are plenty of ways to judge if someone is a fit parent, and kids are taking away from unfit parents all the time, unfortunatly this happens after they already have a child and most likely after they have already tramatized it.
I am suggesting a simple screening, check for a criminal record, educational background, employment, place of residence, etc.
There are plenty of ways to judge if someone is a fit parent, and kids are taking away from unfit parents all the time, unfortunatly this happens after they already have a child and most likely after they have already tramatized it.
I am suggesting a simple screening, check for a criminal record, educational background, employment, place of residence, etc. <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd--> careful what route you take with that. China comes to mind.
Also considering China is a totalirian state I believe the methods would be employed differently in a free democracy.