A Successful Kharaa Expansion Counter

DebonairDebonair Join Date: 2002-12-02 Member: 10399Members
edited August 2003 in Frontiersmen Strategy
<div class="IPBDescription">Tell me what ya think</div> I. Problem: Kharaa fast expansion, or consistant expansion while Marines slowly expand. Now, lets label the problem for marines. Obviously it first comes from a lack of organization, second is that our turrets and turret factories cost to much to deploy at every held res node, hence we often go for the double. Well, lets be honest here, that is desirable but too expansive. Now let me show you a way to counter the fast kharaa expansion in a long game not including Shotty rush, meanwhile securing long game domance.

A. Find Hive.
1. Listen for it if applicable.
2. Scan it, (later game)
3. Notice where the greatest influx of kharaa forces are coming from and pin-point it.

B. Find Corresponding multiple entry hallways and attempt to hold them.
1. Why: Because by doing this you prevent onos, gorges, and fades from having easy transportation.
2. How: First off, have your marines hold the designated positions via (on bast, Main Aft and Feedwater for a Engine Hive.
3. How Step 2: Have one marine go through the viable vent by-passes and place mines within them. That will prevent skulks from running and changing to gorges, as well as lerks from by-passing the choke points. (Hence they work <!--emo&:p--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/tounge.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='tounge.gif'><!--endemo--> )
4. Build up a TF, probably 4 turrets, a Phase gate, and ideally an observatory at the ground choke points.
5. Begin building up Res towers all along the way. The point is to keep the fights away from the RES nodes, and if necessary just electrify the Res Towers.

In terms of build order, I figure 1 IP, 1 Armory, maybe 2 sets of mines. Then send out squads to choke points, have one guy place mines in vents, build an RT or two, start up a TF and get going.

Please recognize that this only one of many strategies, but given how the kharaa are typically going for the fast expansion the marines need a viable solution in preventation, rather than hoping to hold res nodes and tech up, all the while the Kharaa get Onos from the high amount of Res.

Thoughts, questions, criticisms are welcome, but again recognize that this modification is about strategy and counter strat, and there is no solve all via JP/HMG anymore.

*** If there is anything to pick up, note the effectiveness of taking a choke point over individual Res bases for each separate node.


  • Kid-AKid-A Join Date: 2002-12-17 Member: 10908Members
    Its a solid strat if res points are at the key locations, if not its very hard to have the res to carry it off. Maps like hera and caged are nightmares for this sort of thing.

    Not to mention that ALL khaara teams seem to have a resident lamer who thinks his duty is to sit in a hive and wait for onos (I wouldn't mind if this strat didn't work but for the time being it does!). They <b>will</b> get onos about 5 mins into the game almost regardless of what you do, unless you can keep the khaara at less that two RP's (next to impossible). After which you need to double (at least) the 4 turrets at each outpost and hand out shotties/mines.
  • NecrosisNecrosis The Loquacious Sage Join Date: 2003-08-03 Member: 18828Members, Constellation
    A good choke point is invaluable. Anyone who doubts this should look at the tales of 20 minute endgames.

    Marines in a good position, with ammo to spare, can hold against all comers.
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