Observatories in the front lines shouldn't just be a good idea, they should be the FRIGGING LAW. Observatories kill cloaking, negating a major alien advantage- especially with Sensory First being so popular.
The aliens being able to sneak up right quick, all unseen like- that's a major advantage. Deny it at every opurtunity.
Also, a turret factory + turrets is far less useful if the aliens build a Sensory chamber just around the corner. The Obs lets your guns target the aliens at range.
Observatories in the front lines shouldn't just be a good idea, they should be the FRIGGING LAW. Observatories kill cloaking, negating a major alien advantage- especially with Sensory First being so popular.
The aliens being able to sneak up right quick, all unseen like- that's a major advantage. Deny it at every opurtunity.
Also, a turret factory + turrets is far less useful if the aliens build a Sensory chamber just around the corner. The Obs lets your guns target the aliens at range.